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The American Revolution. Mays HIST 368 5-2 Phase I: 1775-1776.

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Presentation on theme: "The American Revolution. Mays HIST 368 5-2 Phase I: 1775-1776."— Presentation transcript:

1 The American Revolution

2 Mays HIST 368 5-2 Phase I: 1775-1776

3 5-3

4 5-4

5 5-5

6 5-6 Fort Ticonderoga

7 5-7

8 5-8

9 Mays HIST 368 5-9 Occupied Boston General Thomas Gage William Howe Henry Clinton John Burgoyne

10 5-10 General William Howe

11 5-11 General Henry Clinton

12 Mays HIST 368 5-12 General John Burgoyne

13 Mays HIST 368 5-13 The War for Independence –The First Phase: New England Bunker Hill The American Revolution The Revolution in the North, 1775-1776

14 5-14

15 Mays HIST 368 5-15 June 1775: Bunker Hill

16 5-16

17 5-17 Colonel William Prescott

18 Mays HIST 368 5-18

19 5-19

20 Mays HIST 368 5-20 The States United –Mobilizing for War Washington Takes Charge The American Revolution

21 5-21

22 Mays HIST 368 5-22 The War for Independence –The First Phase: New England Bunker Hill Invasion of Canada The American Revolution

23 5-23

24 Mays HIST 368 5-24 The States United –The Declaration for Independence Independence Declared The American Revolution “WE hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness…: - Declaration of Independence

25 Mays HIST 368 5-25 Phase I timeline: April 1775-July 1776 1775 April: Lexington and Concord May: 2 nd Continental Congress May: Fort Ticonderoga June: George Washington appointed June: Bunker Hill Nov- Dec:Canada 1776 Jan: Paine’s Common Sense published March: British evacuate Boston July: Declaration of Independence

26 5-26 America vs. Great Britain British Army Navy Hessians Loyalists African Americas Native Americas Americans?

27 Mays HIST 368 5-27 The War for Independence –The Second Phase: “The Empire Strikes Back” General William Howe Admiral Richard Howe The American Revolution The Revolution in the Middle Colonies, 1776-1778

28 5-28

29 5-29

30 Mays HIST 368 5-30 The War for Independence –The Second Phase: The Mid-Atlantic Region General William Howe Trenton and Princeton The American Revolution Battles in NY and PA, 1777-1778

31 5-31

32 Mays HIST 368 5-32 The War for Independence –The Second Phase: The Mid-Atlantic Region Patriot Victory at Saratoga General John Burgoyne General Horatio Gates The American Revolution The Battle of Saratoga

33 Mays HIST 368 5-33

34 Mays HIST 368 5-34 The War for Independence –Securing Aid from Abroad French Diplomatic Recognition The American Revolution Benjamin Franklin (Portrait Gallery)

35 5-35 Phase II Timeline July 76- Feb 78 1776 July: Brits land in NY Aug: Battle of Long Island Sep: Harlem Heights Oct: White Plains “The American Crisis” Dec: Trenton 1777 Jan: Princeton Sep: British take Philadelphia Oct: Saratoga Feb 1778: French recognize US with Treaty of Amity and Commerce

36 Soldiers of the Revolution Mays HIST 368 5-36

37 Militia Mays HIST 368 5-37

38 Mays HIST 368 5-38

39 Mays HIST 368 5-39

40 Mays HIST 368 5-40

41 Continental soldier loading musket Mays HIST 368 5-41

42 Mays HIST 368 5-42

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