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Purpose of this meeting is to create a uniform policy for both districts that will be administered to all students.

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Presentation on theme: "Purpose of this meeting is to create a uniform policy for both districts that will be administered to all students."— Presentation transcript:

1 Purpose of this meeting is to create a uniform policy for both districts that will be administered to all students

2 PV Policy (currently being used per WGS Agreement) PV—1 st offense, option 3 weeks and 10 hours community service, with a minimum of 1 contest or 6 weeks, with a minimum of 2 contests PV—2nd offense, 6 weeks with minimum of 2 contests, plus 10 hours community service PV—3 rd offense, 1 calendar year from date of infraction PV—4 th offense, remainder of HS career

3 Southeast Webster-Grand Policy 1 st offense, 8 point suspension, with maximum one calendar year from date of offense 2 nd offense, 16 point, with maximum of two calendar years from date of offense 3 rd offense, 25 point suspension, with maximum of three years from date of offense 4 th offense, remainder of HS career

4 SWG Policy con’t 2 points off for self reporting, 1 st offense only, within 24 hours 2 points off for entry into drug/alcohol program, 1 st offense only Points assigned based on Varsity/JV/Playoffs/Post season

5 History of Good Conduct Rule Bunger v. IHSAA (early 70s) Court ruling was that a school can hold students in extra-curricular activities to a higher standard General Guidelines Recommendations—Do’s & Don’ts Proactive effort by school Role models

6 “Stand Out Student” What’s expected of a “normal” student? Dances? Prom? Public Representation of District Stand Out Student

7 Due Process Guarantees Students guaranteed due process during the investigation Process must be followed by administration HS Principal makes determination, decision may be appealed Written documentation best practice No “right” to extra curricular activities, this is not a FAPE situation

8 Consequences Consequences must be reasonable, no 90 day suspension for 1 st offense i.e Increasing penalties for each violation is not unreasonable Reductions allowed if adopted Cannot have an academic penalty

9 Common Mistakes Not following p0licy Policy determines eligibility, does not “kick” someone off Be consistent as possible with enforcement Don’t pile on Banning attendance must be related to the infraction

10 Our Task Create a uniform Good Conduct Policy that will be applied for all extra curricular activities Both districts will adopt as Board Policy Examples/Instructions Introductory comments won’t change much Looking for consequences/penalties and such things as honesty clause Rehab clause? Questions?


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