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Ch. 1/Sec. 1. The study of how human beings behave. –How they act together –Where they came from –What makes each group different from the other Archaeology.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch. 1/Sec. 1. The study of how human beings behave. –How they act together –Where they came from –What makes each group different from the other Archaeology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch. 1/Sec. 1

2 The study of how human beings behave. –How they act together –Where they came from –What makes each group different from the other Archaeology is a particular group of anthropologists. –Study of human life in the past by examining the things that people left behind

3 Writing emerged about 5,000 years ago –Makes studying humans difficult –Time before written records= prehistory –To learn about the earliest humans archaeologists focus on fossils Fossils are hardened remains of living things. –Could include feathers, bones, plants, footprints, teeth. –Fossilized bones of early humans are rare –Complete skeleton even rarer

4 –Lower layers of rock or soil are usually older –Comparing objects with a similar fossil or artifact whose age is already known –Radioactive dating: measuring the amount of radioactive material left over –DNA: used to compare human remains from the past with people today

5 To learn more about a group of people archaeologists must excavate or dig up a site. –During this process they look for artifacts Artifacts are made and used by humans –Tools, pottery, or weapons –Sometimes it is difficult to determine what the artifact was used for

6 Thank you, Mary Leakey –Proved that human life had first originated in Africa “I Love Lucy…” –November 30, 1974, fossil hunter Donald Johanson made a discovery –Uncovered hundreds of pieces of bone: 3.5 foot tall woman –40% of Lucy’s skeleton was found –The bones suggest: she walked upright on two legs and lived 3.2 million years ago –Since this discovery even older fossils have been found in Africa –In 1992, Ardi was discovered who was a more than a million years older than Lucy– Ardi was taller and heavier

7 Findings suggest that humankind began in East Africa about 4.5 million years ago. However, Michael Brunet found a 7 million year old humanlike skull in Chad. –This discovery has raised many questions: Did humankind begin in Central Africa rather than the East? Is humankind older than scientists once thought?


9 When and Where did life begin???Scientists disagree: When and Where did life begin??? –40,000 years ago –2 million years ago –Originated in Africa Stone Age:Stone Age: period where there was use of stone tools, weapons, cave paintings, fire


11 Border Cave: Border Cave: Tip of South Africa – lined cave floor with grass for bedding – Campfires to cook/light dark cave Hunters/Gatherers Hunters/Gatherers – Arrowhead-like blades made out of stone to hunt for food – Knew a lot about plants (food, medicine, and poisonous) – Lived in clans--nomadic

12 How old is the Earth? – About 4.5 billion years (maybe older; older rocks are destroyed as new land forms) – Early atmosphere was toxic – Hostile environment How long ago did dinosaurs exist? – Between 230 million years ago an 65 million years ago – Not all species existed at the same time – Species were constantly evolving and going extinct

13 Neanderthals –Appeared in Europe about 200,000 years ago –Their name is from a valley in Germany where fossils were found. –First known group to bury their dead –Believed in an after life. Modern Human Appeared about 100,000 years ago Scientific name= Homo sapiens; means “wise people” Taller and less muscular than the Neanderthals Created complex language.

14 They did not possess the ability to form words. –sounded like frogs croaking/burp noises –Lack of ability to communicate led to their demise Homo sapiens could form words, so their communities could be more organized. Scientists believe two different theories: 1.The Neanderthals fought the homo sapiens and lost. 2.The Neanderthals mixed together with the homo sapiens.

15 Small baby found in cave Small baby found in cave – buried with a seashell bead Suggests baby was deeply cared for Suggests baby was deeply cared for – belief in life after death Suggests early people valued beauty Suggests early people valued beauty

16 Old Stone Age vs. New Stone Age AgricultureAgriculture Old Stone Age or Paleolithic Era –used mainly stone. Around 10,000 years ago agriculture developed. This skill ended the Old Stone Age (or Paleolithic Era) –NEW Stone Age (or Neolithic) began.

17 Stone Age Graveyard Found in 2000 by Paul Sereno Location: Sahara Desert/ Africa – Specific area called: Gobero Graveyard remains (human) – 10,000 years old Over 200 untouched graves Also found: – large fish – extinct crocodiles (Super Croc) – Nigersaurus (110 million years ago)

18 Gobero Graveyard Woman & 2 Kids Teeth intact!!!

19 Super Croc!!! 110 Million Years Old 110 Million Years Old 40 feet long 40 feet long weighed 8 tons weighed 8 tons

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