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Plant-virus interactions INRA Bordeaux-Aquitaine IBVM, INRA Bordeaux-Aquitaine.

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Presentation on theme: "Plant-virus interactions INRA Bordeaux-Aquitaine IBVM, INRA Bordeaux-Aquitaine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plant-virus interactions INRA Bordeaux-Aquitaine IBVM, INRA Bordeaux-Aquitaine

2 History of the group Fruit tree viruses: started in the 60’sFruit tree viruses: started in the 60’s In the 90’s: 3 focusesIn the 90’s: 3 focuses –Virus identification, detection and populations –Virus resistance using transgenic plants –Natural virus resistance: host-virus interactions This last item was re-focusedThis last item was re-focused –Nepoviruses decreased –Lettuce mosaic virus started and took over in 1999

3 Plant-potyvirus interactions Identify virus determinantsIdentify virus determinants –Necrosis in the lettuce cultivar « Trocadéro »: HcPro –Ability to overcome mo1: central region of LMV genome mo1 encodes eIF4Emo1 encodes eIF4E –2 alleles in 2 types of genotypes in crop lettuce –1 more haplotype in crop lettuce –1 more haplotype in weed lettuce How does it work?How does it work? –Quality / structural aspects of the interactions Yeast two-hybrid, ELISA, spectrofluorescence –Other partners? LMV HcPro inhibits the proteasome’s RNaseLMV HcPro inhibits the proteasome’s RNase

4 Plant-potyvirus interactions: genetics Genetic approach implemented in 2 hosts:Genetic approach implemented in 2 hosts: –Apricot –Arabidopsis In Arabidopsis:In Arabidopsis: –Screen ecotype collections with virus collections (PPV, LMV) –Identify many sources of resistance Local – Systemic – Symptoms Monogenic – Oligogenic Dominant – Recessive –Begin to clone some of these resistance sources: rlm1 rpv1  Next needs: genetic ressources to go back to crop species

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