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One kind word can warm three winter months. ~Japanese Proverb.

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1 One kind word can warm three winter months. ~Japanese Proverb

2 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton canonized in 1975.



5 St. John Neumann 4 th Bishop of Philadelphia

6 St. John Neumann

7 Neumann Shrine 5 th and Girard Ave.

8 Morality Human Dignity-Hope Diamond Spiritual Nature Personality Types Freedom and Free Will Making Moral Decisions Discernment Tactics of the Evil Spirit Character and Virtue

9 Chapter 4 Jesus as Moral Guide Jesus, our moral norm. The Sermon on the Mount. The Beatitudes. Grace and Holiness. Discipleship.

10 WHO IS JESUS? Do you know about him or do you know him? Which one is of greater importance? In your notebook, number 1-13. Skip two lines between each number. Consider the following pictures of Jesus. Write down the feeling each picture calls forth from you. Write down what each picture might tell you about Jesus.














24 WHO IS JESUS? On a new page write FACTS in your notebook. Below list 5 facts about the person of Jesus. Write BELIEFS. Below list 5 beliefs about the person of Jesus. Write QUESTIONS. Below list questions you would like to ask Jesus. If you already know the answer you would like from him, write that, too.

25 Questions for Jesus What is so important about us that you risked your life for everybody? Do you regret dying for us? Do you really forgive everyone no matter what they do? What is heaven like? Is there a spot for me? Are you really coming back for us? When my family all die will we be together in heaven? Do you know my mom-mom and pop-pop? Tell them “hi” for me. Is Michael Davis on his way to heaven? What were you thinking when your friends betrayed you? What am I supposed to do throughout my life?

26 ??????????????????????? Were you scared to be crucified? How did you find the strength to die? Why do you let people suffer? Why did I have a hip replacement at a young age? Will I be cured of my diabetes? Will “_____” have a good life?

27 ???????????????? What is your favorite color? What did you like doing the most? Did you ever go swimming? What was your childhood like? What happened between you and Mary Magdalene?

28 “This is my Beloved Son. Listen to Him.”

29 Scripture Accounts of the Baptism

30 “I have called you for the victory of justice. I have grasped you by the hand. I formed you and set you as a covenant, a light for the nations, to open the eyes of the blind…”

31 Jesus Fullest Expression of God’s love. Two natures: Human and Divine. Redeemed Sanctified Justified Us. Make his Life into your Life.

32 Jesus’ Teaching The Kingdom of God The Kingdom is A reign of Peace And justice. The Kingdom is Fully present in Jesus. It is our task to Make the Kingdom Real in our Time/place.

33 The Kingdom of God Requires A change of heart. Metanoia Give up what takes You away From God. People of faith Translate Jesus’ Teachings into Everyday life. The Eucharist Gives us a Way to Become like Jesus—holy.

34 The Sermon on the Mount Jesus is the New Moses. Teaching the New Law. Beatitudes Beatitudes are: Key to Happiness. Beatitudes are: Values of The Kingdom. Beatitudes are: A source of Blessing.

35 Name ____________________ 1.____________________ 2.____________________ 3.____________________ 4.____________________ 5.____________________ 6.____________________ “You have heard it said, ….., but I say to you.” 1.___________________ 2.____________________ 3.____________________ 4.____________________ 5.____________________ 6.__________________ Jesus fulfills the laws of the Old Testament.

36 Quiz on Chapter 4 Worksheet 1. Metanoia is the Greek word for _____. 2. God will judge us based on _________. 3. We believe in Jesus’ divinity as well as his _________________. 4. The fullest expression of God’s love is ___________. 5. Our willingness to repent is tied to _________. 6. The perfect norm for upright living is _____.

37 Beatitude Group Work Each group is responsible to complete two of the beatitudes and then to teach those two beatitudes to the class. Follow the questions on the graphic organizer. Use textbook. Use your own wisdom. Be finished by ___________.

38 Jesus on Good Works, Prayer and Trust. Matthew 6 Jesus assumes his followers will perform certain religious works. Work of Prayer Work of Fasting Work of Almsgiving.

39 The Golden Rule and other truths to live by. 1. “You are the salt of the earth/light of the world.” Salt: flavors and preserves. Light : gives clarity. 2. “Enter through the narrow gate.” Hold onto what is essential. Let the rest go. 3. Pray with trust in your heart. God will give us what is for our good. 4. Build your life on Christ’s words. Put your beliefs into practice.

40 Justification, Grace, Merit and Holiness. Justification: Holy Spirit’s gift of cleansing us from our sins through conversion. Grace: the gift of God’s life in us, freely given to us. Cannot be earned. Merit: we cooperate with God’s grace. Holiness: to live as beloved children of God filled with dignity.

41 Discipleship The mandate of all baptized Christians to follow Jesus and to participate in his role as priest, prophet and king. Priest: one who offers sacrifice. Prophet: one who calls us to live God’s word. King: one who lives with dignity knowing God is Lord of all.

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