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Presentation on theme: "Please feel free to chat amongst yourselves until we begin at the top of the hour."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please feel free to chat amongst yourselves until we begin at the top of the hour.

2 Seminar Agenda Icebreaker – Brain Teaser Guidelines & Netiquette for Discussion Science & Culture: An Uneasy Partnership Questions & Answers

3 Any questions?

4 Ice Breaker – Brain Teaser I am everywhere. Some say I came from a box full of frights and horrors. You can make me. Sometimes I am just naturally there, But some people don't have me at all. People use me when there are times of hardships & crisis. What am I?

5 Guidelines & Netiquette 1. Respect other people's beliefs and rights 2. Avoid hurting someone's feelings and insulting others 3. Respect the privacy of other people 4. If someone offends you, stay calm and react reasonably and rationally

6 Science & Culture: An Uneasy Partnership

7 Why do we view these two groups as being polarized?

8 Science & Culture: An Uneasy Partnership “We are people of faith and of science who, for centuries, often have traveled different roads. In a time of environmental crisis, we find these roads converging. As this meeting symbolizes, our two ancient, sometimes antagonistic, traditions now reach out to one another in a common endeavor to preserve the home we share. … …We signers of this declaration--leaders in religion and science--call upon our government to change national policy so that the United States will begin to ease, not continue to increase, the burdens on our biosphere and their effect upon the planet's people. …”

9 Science & Culture: An Uneasy Partnership “…We believe that science and religion, working together, have an essential contribution to make toward any significant mitigation and resolution of the world environmental crisis. What good are the most fervent moral imperatives if we do not understand the dangers and how to avoid them? What good is all the data in the world without a steadfast moral compass? ….”

10 Science & Culture: An Uneasy Partnership “….Insofar as our peril arises from a neglect of moral values, human pride, arrogance, inattention, greed, improvidence, and a penchant for the short-term over the long, religion has an essential role to play. Insofar as our peril arises from our ignorance of the intricate interconnectedness of nature, science has an essential role to play. ….Differences of perspective remains among us. We do not have to agree on how the natural world was made to be willing to work together to preserve it.”

11 Science & Culture: An Uneasy Partnership What common ground do religious groups and science share in this appeal? 8/common-ground.jpg

12 Science & Culture: An Uneasy Partnership What are the common interests of science and religion?

13 Science & Culture: An Uneasy Partnership Many scientists are religious believers and vice versa…. How can these two ways of viewing the world work well together?

14 Science & Culture: An Uneasy Partnership “Science can purify religion from error and superstition; religion can purify science from idolatry and false absolutes. Each can draw the other into a wider world, a world in which both can flourish.... We need each other to be what we must be, what we are called to be." Pope John Paul II

15 Science & Culture: An Uneasy Partnership "Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind." Albert Einstein

16 Science & Culture: An Uneasy Partnership "Traditional religious creation stories and evolution are complementary. Science and religion together can weave a rich tapestry of new meaning for our age." Theologian Philip Hefner

17 Science & Culture: An Uneasy Partnership "Science and religion are two windows that people look through, trying to understand the big universe outside, trying to understand why we are here. The two windows give different views, but both look out at the same universe. Both views are one-sided, neither is complete. Both leave out essential features of the real world. And both are worthy of respect." Physicist Freeman Dyson

18 Science & Culture: An Uneasy Partnership Would you like to share any famous quotes or points of view about the partnership between science and religion?

19 Any questions?

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