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Cosc 4750 Configuring httpd, Mysql, And Samba. defaults By default httpd demean will startup and work User directories are turned off Default directory.

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Presentation on theme: "Cosc 4750 Configuring httpd, Mysql, And Samba. defaults By default httpd demean will startup and work User directories are turned off Default directory."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cosc 4750 Configuring httpd, Mysql, And Samba

2 defaults By default httpd demean will startup and work User directories are turned off Default directory structure  /var/www/html html code  /var/www/cgi-bin for cgi code  /var/www/html/index.html is a default apache web page Apache is configured in /etc/httpd

3 httpd.conf file The main config file for httpd is /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf Separated into three section Global, 'main' server, and virtual hosts

4 Section Global Server root directory, port number, etc. User, group to use Number of servers (min/max) running All the modules to load And includes for conf.d/*.conf

5 conf.d directory Where addition pieces are configured. Examples are perl, php, ssl, python Php example, php.conf loadModule php5_module modules/ AddHandler php5-script.php AddType text/html.php DirectoryIndex index.php

6 Section Main server ServerName (because in virtual we may add more) Main directory for web pages Options Indexs FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None Order allow, deny Allow from all

7 Directory Options ExecCGI Execute.cgi scripts here and in cgi-bin directory FollowSymLinks Follow symbolic links FollowLinksIfOwnerMatch If Owner matches, follow symbolic links (security) Includes Allow includes via mod_include Indexes If no index.* display directory contents. MultiViews, IncludesNOEXEC All Everything, but MultiViews

8 AllowOverides. Allows the use of.htaccess files That allows the options to be changed per directories (and sub directories) Includes directory based autentication More AddHandlers can be added as well.

9 Section Main server (2) Config's Cgi-bin directory same html directory Icons directory (like html directory Logging levels and types Default languages and other languages  Used some with MultiView options

10 Section Main server (3) AddHandler AddType Used for media type and how the server “displays” those types of files AddOutputFilter Server processed likes Like.shtml for includes Example: addType text/html.shtml AddOutputFilter INCLUDES.shtml

11 Section Main server (4) Error page redirection Do you want one main error html document to show, or just 404 document not found And handers for the different browsers Firefox responds differently then Internet Explorer

12 Section VirtualHost Same as section Main, Except it's for the web server to respond to a “virtual host”, ie another name and/or another port number besides the “main” pages Example: … lots of stuff … DocumentRoot /var/www/stuff ServerName </VirtualHost

13 Note Configuration for both main and virtual host can also be in the conf.d/*.conf files as well.

14 Mysql Mysql is a full fledge database. Modules for php and perl allow access to it directly. Main configuration is setting the “root” password And creating user's and “databases” We did this in lab.

15 Samba Start “windows” services – File sharing – As of 3.X Active directory services as well. With Samba you can run a full windows domain without a windows server. The default configurations start up samba as a stand alone server, that authenticates based on the local linux machines accounts. – Shares printers and home directories.

16 Samba Configuration Config files are located in /etc/samba smb.conf is main configuration file – File broken up into global conf's and shares – We are going to skip turning AD services as it beyond the scope and time we have.

17 Global config Workgroup= – So for UW uwyo ( – For cosc cosclab ( Netbios name= – As needed, if netbios is dead, skip it.

18 “authentication” Standalone server – Security = user – passdb = tdbsam Domain Member options (with a windows domain) – Security = domain – Password server =

19 Working with windows Browser control options – Local master = no (yes if you want it function within the standard windows election rules) – Preferred master = no (yes, if you want to force an election on samba startup) Name Resolution – wins support = no (yes to start a WINS server) – Wins server = – Dns proxy = no (yes if samba tries to resolve NetBIOS names via DNS lookup)

20 Printing options Load the printers from the UNIX system and share them out as windows printers – Load printers = – Cups options = raw (use standard cups functions) Note there is also a separate share for printers.

21 Filesystem options Have much “DOS” filesystem support does samba provide – Map archive, map hidden, map read only, map system, store dos attributes – Must have the user_xattr on when the linux/unix filesystem is mounted, otherwise ignored. All of these can be set per each share as well.

22 shares There are 2 default shares – [homes] user home directories – [printers] all the printers. Options per share – Browsable= Can users browse to find the shares, default for homes is no. – Writable= IE read only, or not – Create mode and directory mode It uses a umask style number, 0664

23 Options per share (2) Printable= (for printer shares) Guest ok= can a non authenticated account use this share. Path= the base directory the share starts at. Not used for homes share. Valid users = – Who can authenticate to use this share.

24 Smbusers file A file used to map windows users to linux user accounts – root = administrator admin – nobody = guest pcguest smbguest – fred = george Where george's windows account will map to linux account fred, using fred's account privileges for shares and home directory.

25 Joining a windows domain. As root – Net rpc join -S DOMPDC -UAdministrator%password Where DOMPDC is the domain name or domain controller. If -S DOMPDC is left off, reads the smb.conf for the domain. – Joined domain DOM (where DOM is the domain) To join Active directory – Net ads join -Uadministrator%password Note we skipped kerberos and ADS security, so look those up.

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