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L OSE N OW, P AY L ATER By: Carol Farley Abby P, Mara K, Amanda J, Kathleen R.

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Presentation on theme: "L OSE N OW, P AY L ATER By: Carol Farley Abby P, Mara K, Amanda J, Kathleen R."— Presentation transcript:

1 L OSE N OW, P AY L ATER By: Carol Farley Abby P, Mara K, Amanda J, Kathleen R.

2 S UMMARY One day two girls saw a new ice cream shop that was giving out free ice cream called “swoodies”. Soon everyone in the town found out about swoodies and started eating them. Everyone started to gain weight very quickly. After swoodies had been around of some time, the two girls stumble upon a machine called a slimmer. They must pay a small fee to lose 1 pound instantly with no pain. After a while the town is aware of these machines and thrilled with the result. The narrator tells us that her little brother believes the slimmer's and swoodies are being run by aliens. He believes that the fat that is shed off of everyone’s bodies are being sent to space and used as fuel. We are left at that and never find out if this little boy is correct or not.

3 F OCUS Q UESTION Are we really making our own decisions, or are we really being influenced by others?

4 Exposition

5 I NITIAL C HARTERS Deb and Trinja

6 S ETTING Swoodies Ice Cream inside the mall

7 I NITIAL A CTION The girls decide to walk into the swoodies store.

8 Rising Action

9 Deb decided to go into the slimmer

10 Climax

11 Debs little brother has his own thoughts on the slimmers and swoodies…

12 He believes that all of the Slimmers and Swoodies are being run by aliens. He thinks that the Swoodies are here to fatten everyone up very quickly, then then everyone uses the slimmer the fat they lose is being sent from the slimmer to space ships and used as fuel.

13 Falling Action

14 Deb thought she could stop using the slimmers any time she wanted to…

15 But her and Trinja thought that the blue marks on their wrist were starting to look like tattoos and they liked them.

16 S CI -F I E LEMENTS  Non-human charters  Future setting  Life in space

17 O UR R ESPONSES Mara Amanda AbbyKathleen When Deb says “ I can stop any time I want to BUT me and Trinja think the blue marks on our wrist look cool” I realized that Deb had no control over her actions and was unable to stop. This story made me realize how much control society has over everyone. This story made me realize how hard it is to stop once you’re addicted to something, like Trinja and Deb were addicted to Swoodies and the Slimmer and just how hard people look for a way out of their addictions, and how they convince themselves to stop when they know it wont work. think that this story is really interesting because, to me, it seems to actually be mildly realistic.. I bet that if Slimmers showed up now with no information about them, most people wouldn’t care and use them in a heartbeat.

18 C ITATIONS rtoons_3/comic_alien.png.html us&biw=1366&bih=600&tbs=ic:specific,isc:teal&tbm=isch&tbnid= GWXJaPz5323ymM:&imgrefurl= wrist-tattoo-design-for- girls/&docid=X8EwJbbDN_Pv1M&imgurl= wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Black-Wrist-Tattoo-Design-For-Girls- 5.jpg&w=470&h=470&ei=lTAgT_yIO-OysAK-t- i9Dg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=304&vpy=256&dur=62&hovh=225& hovw=225&tx=171&ty=230&sig=114303905070834085800&page =3&tbnh=131&tbnw=134&start=43&ndsp=28&ved=1t:429,r:8,s:4 3131&tbnw=134&start=43&ndsp=28&ved=1t:429,r:8,s:4 3

19 C ITATIONS C ONTINUED us&biw=1366&bih=600&tbm=isch&tbnid=O0Ub- n2otYLplM:&imgrefurl= n-spaceships-to-attack-earth-in- 2011/&docid=RIwVnhbSSIwOTM&imgurl=http://weeklyworldnews.files.w QLAmum7Dg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=325&vpy=177&dur=46&hovh=180 &hovw=240&tx=198&ty=118&sig=114303905070834085800&page=1&tbn h=108&tbnw=159&start=0&ndsp=22&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0s:0 us&biw=1366&bih=600&tbm=isch&prmd=imvnsu&tbnid=wYaYfZGedPG 9lM:&imgrefurl= 10-killed-in-quad-bike- accident.html&docid=cBZZiyJmE44ZdM&imgurl= multimedia/archive/01461/archie_1461024c.jpg&w=460&h=288&ei=TTEg T765CcrjsQKirYC4Dg&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=343&sig=114303905070834 085800&page=1&tbnh=107&tbnw=139&start=0&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429,r: 1,s:0&tx=17&ty=93 Clip art

20 T HE E ND

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