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Consultants: Michelle Ernst, Orlando Patterson, Jillian Petrella, Joshua Strenger, Amanda Townsend D owntown D evelopment I nitiative.

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Presentation on theme: "Consultants: Michelle Ernst, Orlando Patterson, Jillian Petrella, Joshua Strenger, Amanda Townsend D owntown D evelopment I nitiative."— Presentation transcript:

1 Consultants: Michelle Ernst, Orlando Patterson, Jillian Petrella, Joshua Strenger, Amanda Townsend D owntown D evelopment I nitiative

2 City of Geneva, New York Department of Planning and Economic Development D owntown D evelopment I nitiative

3  What demands do HWS students have that are not being met by downtown Geneva?  What would students spend money on if the market were downtown?  Do HWS students have a  disposable income? D owntown D evelopment I nitiative


5  Local Spending by Traditional College Students: A Descriptive Case Study Christopher A. Bailey et al.  The American College Town Blake Gumprecht   Sitler, D., Rudden, M., Holzman, R., AICP, and George Homsy (2006). "Town-Gown Partnerships for Success." American Planning Association. (May/June 2006)  Steinacker, A. (2004). "The Economic Effect of Urban Colleges on their Surrounding Communities." Urban Studies. 42 (7). June 2005. pp. 1161-1175. D owntown D evelopment I nitiative

6  300 total students  75 First Years  75 Sophomores  75 Juniors  75 Seniors  Stratified for class, college, and race  Oversampled for race D owntown D evelopment I nitiative

7  159 Returned Surveys 53.0% Response Rate  125 Paper Surveys 78.6%  34 Online Surveys 21.4%  64 Hobart (40.3 %) 95 William Smith (59.7 %)  29 First Years 18.2 % 11 Hobart ( 37.9%) 18 William Smith (62.1%)  46 Sophomores 28.9% 18 Hobart (39.1%) 28 William Smith (60.9%)  39 Juniors 24.5 % 17 Hobart (43.6%) 22 William Smith (56.4%)  45 Seniors 28.3 % 18 Hobart (40.0%) 27 William Smith (60.0%)  124 White (78.0 %) 35 Non-White (22.0 %) Downtown Development Initiative

8  Did Downtown Geneva have a positive effect on your decision to attend HWS?  37.7 % (60 people) Downtown Geneva had no influence  10.7%(17 people) Downtown Geneva had a positive influence  50.3%(70 people) Downtown Geneva had a negative influence Downtown Development Initiative

9  Do HWS students feel safe Downtown?  35.2 % (56 people) feel safe in Downtown Geneva  30.8% (49 people) do not feel safe in Downtown Geneva  32.1% (51 people) did not feel either way Downtown Development Initiative



12 HWS Students’ Monthly Spending While at School Mean $226.84. Median $177.00 Standard Deviation $204.47 D owntown D evelopment I nitiative

13 Do not know if this exists… Students would use this…  Natural foods store 48.4%  Hobby Shop 35.8%  Bicycle Shop 27.4%  Shoe Repair Shop 60.4%  Art and Framing Shop 40.2%  Clothing Store 25.1%  Hair and Beauty Salon 9.4%  Post Office 14.9%  Tattoo Parlor 10.0%  Natural foods store 47.2%  Hobby Shop 22.6%  Bicycle Shop 25.2%  Shoe Repair Shop 21.8%  Art and Framing Shop 20.7%  Clothing Store 44.2%  Hair and Beauty Salon 49.6%  Post Office 61.4%  Tattoo Parlor 29.0% D owntown D evelopment I nitiative

14  More food choices: 24.5%  Dance club (18+): 23.3%  Specialty shops: 13.8%  More bars: 11.9%  Entertainment/Amusement centers: 11.9%  Clothing Stores: 8.2%  Don’t know/don’t care: 4.4%  Other: 10.7% D owntown D evelopment I nitiative

15  Does not appeal: 24.5%  Distance/transportation: 14.5%  Money reasons: 8.8%  Stay on campus: 7.5%  Don’t know the businesses exist: 4.5%  No time: 3.8%  Safety: 3.8% D owntown D evelopment I nitiative

16  Marks: 15%  Halsey’s: Less than 5%  Parker’s: 15%  Earthly Possessions: 50%  DiDuro’s:.5%  Geneva Bicycle Center: 2% students  The Coffee House: 5% students  Mother Earth Natural Foods: 5% faculty/students combined  Extreme Graphix: 75%  Water St Café: 30%  The Frame Shop: less than 5% students/35% HWS institution  Four Corners Custom Picture Framing: less than 5% students/ 25% HWS institution D owntown D evelopment I nitiative

17  Coordination between downtown businesses and the Colleges  Student spending is limited to certain activities  Although it is possible students may use other businesses downtown, the demand is not consistent  Repeat study with FLCC students and Geneva residents between 18 to 25 years old D owntown D evelopment I nitiative

18  Survey is reliable, but the validity may be weak  Only four off campus responses  Time, money, pain  data input was not double checked D owntown D evelopment I nitiative

19 ?


21 1. Class Year: First Year Sophomore Junior Senior 2. School: Hobart William Smith 3. Age: ­­­_________ 4. I live… (please circle one): on campusoff campus 5. How do you classify yourself (please circle one): WhiteNon-white 6. Do you receive financial aid at HWS? Yes No 6a. If yes, what type of financial aid do you receive (please circle all that apply)? HWS Merit Based Aid HWS Need Based Aid Federal Aid State Aid 7. Do you have a job while at school? Yes No 7a. If yes, does any portion of your paycheck go directly towards your tuition? Yes No D owntown D evelopment I nitiative

22 8. Do you have a car on campus? Yes No 9. What is your family’s annual income (estimate if necessary)? a. $0-49,999 d. $150,000-199, 999 g. $300,000-349, 999 b. $50,000-99, 999 e. $200,000-249, 999 h. $350,000-399, 999 c. $100,000-149,999 f. $250,000-299, 999 i. $400,000+ 10. How would you describe the town in which your family currently lives? RuralSuburban Urban 11. What is your favorite city/ place to visit? ­­­­_________________ D owntown D evelopment I nitiative

23 12. For the following statements, please circle the number that best corresponds with your attitude: 13. Please fill out this chart based on your spending patterns WHILE YOU ARE AT SCHOOL, WHETHER THE SPENDING OCCURS DOWNTOWN OR NOT. D owntown D evelopment I nitiative

24 14. On average, how many times do you go downtown per month? 0-34-78-1112+ 15. What is your favorite place to visit downtown? ­­­ ____________________________________ 16. For each type of business listed below, please indicate if you think it is available by circling yes or no. D owntown D evelopment I nitiative

25 17. What, if anything, would you like to see in downtown Geneva that is currently not available?_____________________________________________________________________________ 18. If there are businesses that meet your needs downtown and you do not use them, why don’t you use them?_____________________________________________________________________________ D owntown D evelopment I nitiative

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