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Document title Transforming lives through learning Inclusion 2015 Catherine Lawson Education Officer - Inclusion.

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1 Document title Transforming lives through learning Inclusion 2015 Catherine Lawson Education Officer - Inclusion

2 Document title Transforming lives through learning An initial thought… “The question is not whether inclusive education is effective, but rather why it is not done well everywhere. I believe that it begins with making the moral decision to do the right thing – to ensure that all members of your community feel welcomed and included – and you go from there.” (Dr. J Specht, CEA, 2015)

3 Document title Transforming lives through learning Question….. Is inclusion a moral decision?

4 Document title Transforming lives through learning Inclusion: the wider perspective “Inclusive education is central to the achievement of high-quality education for all learners and the development of more inclusive societies. Inclusion is still thought of in some countries as an approach to serving children with disabilities within general educational settings. Internationally, however, it is increasingly seen more broadly as a reform that supports and welcomes diversity amongst all learners.” (UNESCO, 2008, p. 5)

5 Document title Transforming lives through learning Charting a way towards Equity and Excellence Building an equitable, excellent and inclusive system Creating learning environments that address the needs of all children Achieving equity in increasingly devolved education systems Developing high-quality teachers for the schools with the greatest needs

6 Document title Transforming lives through learning European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education ‘The appropriate training of mainstream teachers is crucial if they are to be confident and competent in teaching children with diverse needs. The principles of inclusion should be built into teacher training programmes, which should be about attitudes and values, not just knowledge and skills’. (World Health Organisation/World Bank, 2011) But it is not just about individual capability, but the whole system´s capability

7 Document title Transforming lives through learning System Priorities -focus on developing the ‘inclusive capability’ of the education system as a whole and encourage strong links, collaboration and support between and amongst all stakeholders and to recognise that: -inclusion is about continuous work to increase professionals (teachers, support staff and leaders) capability to see, understand and adapt school and teaching to the needs of all pupils

8 Document title Transforming lives through learning “A beautiful idea is not enough”

9 Document title Transforming lives through learning The thing about change… - It is easier to ”say intelligent things”, than it is to - declare ideas and decide rules, which is easier than -being a leader trying to make things happen by changing others’ minds and behaviours which is really about - changing your own mind and behavior to create great effects for others in life

10 Document title Transforming lives through learning Scotland’s Definition of Inclusive Education In Scotland inclusive learning takes place when local schools and communities create a learning environment designed to meet the needs of all learners. In inclusive environments the needs of diverse learners are provided through personalised learning and support that takes account of individual needs, choices and circumstances while relentlessly reinforcing high expectations. Effective individualised support is provided in environments that ensure all our children and young people become successful learners, responsible citizens, effective contributors and confident individuals.

11 Document title Transforming lives through learning Question What are the key drivers shaping inclusive education in Scotland?

12 Document title Transforming lives through learning Scotland’s Story “We must ensure that everyone – regardless of gender, race or background – has the opportunity to flourish; the opportunity to fulfil their potential.” Nicola Sturgeon Programme for Government, 2014

13 Document title Transforming lives through learning Scotland’s Story contd. Scotland’s National Performance Framework Our commitment to inclusion both in education and in society has been built into Scotland’s National Performance Framework. It is one of many national policies and frameworks which lead our vision for inclusion and support us as we move from ‘moral decision’ to implementation. Some of the key outcomes include: Our young people are successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors and responsible citizens We take pride in a strong, fair and inclusive national identity We have tackled the significant inequalities in Scottish society.

14 Document title Transforming lives through learning Scotland’s Story contd Key system drivers include: UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Equality Act 2010 Additional Support for Learning Act 2004 GIRFEC Curriculum for Excellence Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce GTCS: Professional Standards for Registration

15 Document title Transforming lives through learning Equalities “Equal opportunities can be seen in terms of legislative duties, but legislation has come about because in effect a support need has been identified. It has been acknowledged that a person’s race, national or ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, religion or disability has the potential to put them at a disadvantage. All of these need to be given consideration from a support perspective, to ensure that there is a level playing field when accessing the curriculum.” BTC 3

16 Document title Transforming lives through learning What does inclusive education look like in Scotland? Within our education system, inclusive approaches to education can be seen as those which involve: creating an ethos of achievement for all pupils within a climate of high expectation; valuing a broad range of talents, abilities and achievements; promoting success and self-esteem by taking action to remove barriers to learning; countering conscious and unconscious discrimination that may prevent individuals, or pupils from any particular groups, from thriving in the school; and actively promoting understanding and a positive appreciation of the diversity of individuals and groups within society. Count Us In, HMIE (2002)

17 Document title Transforming lives through learning Clearing a path? How good are we at identifying inclusive approaches which meet the needs of all learners?

18 Document title Transforming lives through learning Are we clearing a path? In 2009, HM Inspectorate of Education reported the key priorities as being: identifying and tackling barriers to learning before they become entrenched, finding new ways to meet the needs of the increasingly diverse population of learners and personalising learning and support to take account of individual needs, choices and circumstances while relentlessly reinforcing high expectations. In 2012, while reporting on progress in many areas Education Scotland noted that much work still needs to be done to close the gap of inequalities in opportunities and achievement for children and young people across Scotland.

19 Document title Transforming lives through learning In Scotland most children and young people in schools perform well, BUT we are below average in reducing social inequalities in achievement; inequality begins early in children’s lives; comparatively high proportions of children and young people do not have positive post-school destinations; most inequalities are within schools; and insufficient match between curriculum, learning approaches and children’s and young people’s needs.

20 Document title Transforming lives through learning However… What else does inspection tell us about inclusion across Scotland? Where approaches are effective: The school has excellent systems for identifying children’s and young people’s strengths and the difficulties they face. Teaching staff work very effectively with care staff and the allied health team to plan how best to support children and their families Staff have excellent relationships with children and young people. They use nurturing approaches skillfully to help children and young people feel secure, cared for and to enable them to maximise their potential

21 Document title Transforming lives through learning Good news cont. Children and young people benefit from very good learning experiences that are linked to their individual interests and needs. Resources are well matched to learners’ needs Home visits to each family allow key workers to gather information on children’s individual needs. Staff continue to build on this information once children have settled into the centre Strong partnerships with other educational establishments and community organisations are helping to improve and increase appropriate choices and challenges for children and young people

22 Document title Transforming lives through learning Education Scotland Inclusion Team update Young Ambassadors for Inclusion – Luxembourg Programme of training, events and conversation days between now and December accessed through the Education Scotland learning blog: learning-and-engagement-calendar/ learning-and-engagement-calendar/ National and local training in relation to rights, support and wellbeing for all children and young people Downloadable resources and emerging guidance to support inclusive education and through GLOW Online professional learning community – GLOW Twitter @ESInclusionTeam

23 Document title Transforming lives through learning A final thought… “The question is not whether inclusive education is effective, but rather why it is not done well everywhere….” Does the answer lie in our culture, in our systems or in our practices?

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