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Published byEric Skinner Modified over 8 years ago
Norwich Business School Tidal Energy 1 NBSLM03E (2010) Low Carbon Technologies and Solutions: Section 17 N.K. Tovey ( 杜伟贤 ) M.A, PhD, CEng, MICE, CEnv
Norwich Business School 2 Tides arise from the rotational motion of the earth > differential gravitational field set up by the Earth, Moon, and Sun. Several different tidal cycles:- a semi-diurnal cycle - period 12 hrs 25 mins a semi-monthly cycle - (i.e. Spring - Neap Tides) corresponding with the position of the moon. Sun, Earth and Moon in approximate alignment >> Spring Tides, a semi-annual cycle - period about 178 days which is associated with the inclination of the Moon's orbit. Causes highest Spring Tides to occur in March and September. Other long term cycles - eg a nineteen year cycle of the Moon. Spring Tides have a range about twice that of neap tides, while the other cycles can cause further variations of up to 15%. Tidal Power
Norwich Business School 3 Tidal Resource kW/m 2 <0.01 0.01 2.90 Resource is measured in terms of kW/m 2 of vertical column of water Tidal Power: The Resource
Norwich Business School 4 Output from 40 x 5m diameter turbines in Churchill Barrier – over whole of 2002 Tidal Power: The Resource
Norwich Business School 5 The Tidal range is amplified in estuaries, and in some situations, the shape of the estuary is such that near resonance occurs – e.g Severn Estuary. Other good locations for tidal energy – between islands – Race of Aldernay – Pentland Firth – Eynhallow Sound in Orkney – Fall of Warness, Orkney Tide Mill at Woodbridge in Suffolk worked for several hundred years until finally closed in 1960s Tidal Power
Norwich Business School 6 A barrage placed across such an estuary can affect the resonance conditions, and either enhance further the potential range or suppress it. Careful modelling is therefore needed in the evaluation of any scheme. Potential power is proportional to area impounded and the square of the tidal range. Thus about 4 times as much power can be generated at spring tides as at neap tides. Tidal Power
Norwich Business School 7 Barrage Schemes – a barrier is constructed across an estuary Tidal Stream (under water turbines) Tidal Fence (a variant of Barrage and tidal stream) Tidal lagoons (a variant of barrages) La Rance – only sizeable plant in world – 240 MW Constructed in 1966 Unlike barrage does not provide for a road link. Tidal Power: Barrage Schemes
Norwich Business School 8 Ebb Generation Flow: Basin fills as tide rises through Sluice Gates Sluice Gates closed at High Tide and basin level held until tide falls to provide sufficient head difference. Generation ceases when head difference falls below critical level Generation is restricted to ~ 6 hours in any tidal cycle Predictable but since tides are on 12.5 hour cycle generation may not coincide when needed most. Mean basin level higher than natural situation – issue for wading birds Tidal Power: Barrage Schemes
Norwich Business School 9 Flood Generation Flow: Basin is empty at low tide Sluice Gates closed and no generation until tide level rises to provide sufficient head Generation occurs as water flows into basin ceases after high tide when head difference falls below critical level. Sluice gates opened to drain basin at low tide Generation is restricted to ~ 6 hours in any tidal cycle Generally less generation than on Flood mode. Mean basin level lower than natural situation – problems for shipping Tidal Power: Barrage Schemes
Norwich Business School 10 Example shows possible power from a Severn Barrage Scheme Less Power than EBB scheme, but better distribution through day -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 +4 +2 0 -2 -4 Water Level (m) 8642086420 Power Output (GW) Tidal Power: Barrage Schemes- Two Way Generation
Norwich Business School 11 Single Basin Opportunity to build this at time of Second Severn Crossing was missed – part of cost could have been from provision of new road link. Location would be further downstream, but benefit from additional road link is limited. Tidal Power: Severn Barrage Schemes
Norwich Business School 12 Upper Basin filled at High Tide Lower Basin emptied at low tide Could provide power on demand Could incorporate pumped storage – not costed in design Would provide better access for shipping (higher basin level – albeit via locks) Would increase time of mud flats for wading birds (albeit slightly displaced in location Tidal Power: Severn Barrage Schemes: Double Basin
Norwich Business School 13 Large Single Barrier Tidal Power: Severn Barrage Schemes
Norwich Business School 14 Constructed in 1966 – 240 MW peak output 24 x 10 MW Turbogenerators 6 Sluice Gates Ecluse St Malo Tidal Power: Barrage de La Rance: St Malo
Norwich Business School 15 Two way generation with pumping without pumping Turbinage Generation Emptying Filling TurbinageGeneration Filling AttenteWaiting attente Pompage Pumping attente pompage avec pompage sans pompage Tidal Power: Barrage de La Rance: St Malo
Norwich Business School 16 Can use pumping at high tide to enhance output. Pumping not done if it coincides with peak demand Pumping is done over low head – generation over higher head – hence a net energy gain. Tidal Power: Barrage de La Rance: St Malo
Norwich Business School 17 24 x 10 MW Turbogenerators 6 Sluice Gates Ecluse St Malo Tidal Power: Barrage de La Rance: St Malo
Norwich Business School 18 Tidal Power: Barrage de La Rance: St Malo
Norwich Business School 19 Vortices created during generation at La Rance The Sluice Gates Tidal Power: Barrage de La Rance: St Malo
Norwich Business School 20 Under water Turbines Can be mounted on sea bed and be entirely submerged or penetrate surface Tidal Power: Tidal Stream
Norwich Business School 21 Floating Device In Survival Mode Tidal Power: Tidal Stream
Norwich Business School 22 A derivative of barrage Create a lagoon surrounded by a barrier Allow water to flood into lagoon and then generate through turbines. Could have two lagoons – as double barrier scheme. Claimed it could have higher load factor and less Environmental Issues Would require a lagoon of 115 sq km and a barrier length of 60+km Would require 200 million tonnes of rock fill – about 10 times that of basic barrier scheme. Would generate no power until complete (all or nothing) Tidal Power: Lagoons
Norwich Business School 23 Barrier Schemes rely on potential energy Energy available = mgh x volume flowing But kinetic energy = potential energy i.e. mgh = 0.5 m V 2 (v = velocity) or V = √2gh Mass flowing = density x volume m = density x cross section area x velocity m = R 2 V (R is radius of turbine) So energy available = 0.5. R 2 V. V 2 = 0.5 R 2 V 3 Allowing for efficiency act, actual available energy = 0.5 act R 2 V 3 Tidal Stream – rely on kinetic energy Formula is same as for Wind Turbines i.e. Energy Output = 0.5 act betz R 2 V 3 betz is the Betz Efficiency = 59.26% Tidal Power: Basic Theory
Norwich Business School 24 The height (h) of the water level above mean sea level in the Rance Estuary in Northern France may be approximately found from the relationship:- where t is the time in hours after high tide, d is the range (maximum-minimum) of the tide = 9m, and p is the period between high tides (12.5 hours in this case). Generation of electricity takes place whenever there is a head difference of 2.089m or more, and continues until the level of water in the basin falls to 0.779m below mean sea level. The turbines have an efficiency of 60%. Estimate how long generation can continue during each tidal cycle. Estimate also the mean output from the power station if a total of 108.73 million cubic metres of water pass through the turbines during generation. Tidal Barrage: La Rance - example
Norwich Business School 25 HOURHEIGHT (m) HOURHEIGHT (m) 04.5007-4.184 13.9438-2.868 22.4119-0.843 30.283101.391 4-1.916113.280 5-3.641124.359 6-4.465134.359 Use equation to work out height at each hour and then plot graph 2.089m below high tide 0.779 below mean tide Tidal Barrage: La Rance - example
Norwich Business School 26 Generation ceases when the level is 0.779m below mean tide, but the head of 2.089 must still be maintained. So the level of the tide when generation ceases will be:- -0.779 - 2.089 = - 2.868 i.e. exactly the height after 8 hours. So generation will occur for 8 - 2 = 6 hours Basin held at high tide level until height difference is 2.089m Start of generation coincides exactly with the 2 hour point. This can be checked as at two hours the difference from high tide is 4.5 - 2.411 = 2.089m). 2.089m Plot graph and measure off difference between basin and sea over generation period – e.g. example shows point at 6 hours. Tidal Barrage: La Rance - example
Norwich Business School 27 1 HOURTide HeightBASINEffective Head 04.500 no generation 13.9434.500no generation 22.4112.089 30.2833.6203.337 4-1.9162.7404.656 5-3.6411.8615.502 6-4.4650.9815.446 7-4.1840.1014.285 8-2.868-0.7792.089 9-0.843no generation 101.391no generation 113.280no generation 124.359no generation 134.359no generation The energy generated at any one instant is...... m.g.h For MEAN OUTPUT find the mean head over the period. There is a small catch here:- For the shaded area we can take the approximation that the head is that for 6 hours, similarly for 4 hours and 5 hours etc. But for both 2 hours and 8 hours, the generation is for only half the time, so the mean height is given by:- 0.5 x 2.089 + 3.337 + 4.656 + 5.502 + 5.446 + 4.285 + 0.5 x 2.089 = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ = 4.219 m 6 Tidal Barrage: La Rance - example
Norwich Business School 28 The time interval is 6 x 3600 seconds volume density of water | | So mean output = 108.73 x 10 6 x 1000 x 9.81 x 4.219 -------------------------------------------------- 6 x 3600 = 125 MW ======= Tidal Barrage: La Rance - example
Norwich Business School 29 A man made causeway is built joining two islands. The high tide on the east is 3 hours before high tide on the west. – see table and graph. Estimate the daily electricity production and the mean power produced for 4047 mm diameter turbine inserted into the causeway. Power can be extracted if height difference exceeds 0.9m. Density of sea water is 1070 kg m-3, the efficiency of the turbines is 80%. Time (East Side) hrs Height east (m) Height west (m) 01.80 11.560.9 2 1.56 301.8 4-0.91.56 5-1.560.9 6-1.80 7-1.56-0.9 8 -1.56 90-1.8 100.9-1.56 111.56-0.9 121.80 Tidal Barrage (e.g.Churchill Barriers): Example
Norwich Business School 30 Time Height East (m) Height West (m) Effective Height (m) Power per m 2 (kW) 01.80 1.8017.66 11.560.9 0.00 20.91.56 0.00 301.8 -1.80-17.66 4-0.91.56 -2.46-24.13 5-1.560.9 -2.46-24.13 6-1.80 -1.80-17.66 7-1.56-0.9 0.00 8-0.9-1.56 0.00 90-1.8 1.8017.66 100.9-1.56 2.4624.13 111.56-0.9 2.4624.13 121.80 1.8017.66 131.560.9 0.00 For simplicity a tidal cycle of 12 hours has been assumed – normally tidal cycle is ~ 12.5 hours First work out the effective height difference in column 5. -when height is less than critical 0.9m there is no generation available. -Data are symmetric and many values are the same value (or same value but opposite sign) Values in final column are for information only – not needed in actual calculation -2.5 -2.0 -1.5 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 0 Height (m) 12 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 Output power per m 2 (kW) East West 246810 Tidal Barrage (e.g.Churchill Barriers): Example
Norwich Business School 31 Time (East Side) hrs Height East (m) Height West (m) Effective Height (m) Velocity (m/s) Velocity (cubed) (m/s) 3 01.80 1.805.94209.9 11.560.9 0.00 0.0 20.91.56 0.00 0.0 301.8 -1.805.94209.9 4-0.91.56 -2.466.95335.3 5-1.560.9 -2.466.95335.3 6-1.80 -1.805.94209.9 7-1.56-0.9 0.00 0.0 8-0.9-1.56 0.00 0.0 90-1.8 1.805.94209.9 100.9-1.56 2.466.95335.3 111.56-0.9 2.466.95335.3 121.80 1.805.94209.9 potential energy of head difference = kinetic energy flowing through turbines i.e. mgh = 0.5 m V 2 or V = sqrt( 2 g h) g is = 9.81 m s -2 Enter the values of velocity in column 5. Disregard the –ve - density of sea water = 1070 kg m -3 - efficiency of turbo-generators ~ 80% R- diameter of turbine = 4047mm Continuity mass passing per second = density x volume = density x velocity x cross section area = V R 2 Energy available = 0.5 m V 2 = 0.5 V R 2 V 2 = 0.5 R 2 V 3 substituting values for , , and R energy at any instant = 5505.1 V 3 Care! Only 50% of hours 0 and 12! Tidal Barrage (e.g.Churchill Barriers): Example
Norwich Business School 32 Energy available over tidal cycle = 5505.1 x V 3 But V 3 = 2179.8 – [watch summation – do not count 0 (12) hours twice!!] total energy over day ( two tidal cycles) will be 2 * 5505.1 *2179.8 /1000/1000 MWh per day. = 24.00 MWh per day rated output of the turbine = 24.00/24 = 1MW Time relative to east Effective Height Velocity (cubed) (hrs)(m) (m/s) 3 01.8209.87 100 200 3-1.8209.87 4-2.46335.08 5-2.46335.08 6-1.8209.87 700 800 91.8209.87 102.46335.08 112.46335.08 121.8209.87 ***** care!! 2179.8 Tidal Barrage (e.g.Churchill Barriers): Example
Norwich Business School 33 Cardiff Newport Bristol Weston Minehead Beachley Barrage Shoots Barrage Cardiff – Weston Barrage Cardiff - Hinkley Barrage Minehead – Aberthaw Barrage Tidal Barrage: 2009 Proposed Schemes for Severn
Norwich Business School 34 Cardiff Newport Bristol Weston Minehead Beachley Barrage Shoots Barrage Cardiff – Weston Barrage Cardiff - Hinkley Barrage Minehead – Aberthaw Barrage Tidal Barrage: 2009 Proposed Schemes for Severn
Norwich Business School 35 Cardiff Newport Bristol Weston Minehead Tidal Barrage: 2009 Proposed Schemes for Severn
Norwich Business School 36 Cardiff Newport Bristol Weston Minehead Tidal Barrage: 2009 Proposed Schemes for Severn
Norwich Business School Cardiff Newport Bristol Weston Minehead 37 Tidal Barrage: 2009 Proposed Schemes for Severn
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