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Water Shapes the Land 23.3. Objective: Explain how running water erodes the land. Water from precipitation soaks into the ground, evaporates, or flows.

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Presentation on theme: "Water Shapes the Land 23.3. Objective: Explain how running water erodes the land. Water from precipitation soaks into the ground, evaporates, or flows."— Presentation transcript:

1 Water Shapes the Land 23.3

2 Objective: Explain how running water erodes the land. Water from precipitation soaks into the ground, evaporates, or flows over the surface as runoff Water from precipitation soaks into the ground, evaporates, or flows over the surface as runoff Runoff carries sediment downhill Runoff carries sediment downhill Runoff form channels which then form gullies Runoff form channels which then form gullies Gullies form streams Gullies form streams Streams transport sediment on a large scale Streams transport sediment on a large scale

3 Objective: Identify features formed by erosion and deposition due to running water. ErosionDeposition V-Shaped Valleys Alluvial fans WaterfallsDelta Rapids Meanders Oxbow Lakes

4 V-shaped valley Streams flow fast Streams flow fast and plunge down and plunge down steep slopes steep slopes

5 Waterfalls Occurs when Occurs when streams cross rocks layers of differenthardness

6 Rapids

7 Meander Rivers that flow in curves Rivers that flow in curves San Juan River G Botswana

8 Oxbow Lake Lake that forms Lake that forms when a meander gets cut off from the river

9 Alluvial Fan Sediment Sediment deposited deposited on land DeathValley

10 Delta Sediment deposited at the mouth of a river Sediment deposited at the mouth of a river

11 Objective: Describe how caves and sinkholes are formed by groundwater erosion. Chemical weathering causes groundwater erosion that leads to the formation of caves and sinkholes. Chemical weathering causes groundwater erosion that leads to the formation of caves and sinkholes.

12 Sinkholes Sink hole in Silver City 30 ft wide 25 ft deep January 2006 Nevada Appeal In areas where underground mining was conducted, the collapse of underground workings can be a problem. In the 1990s, in Virginia City on the Comstock, fill over the 3000-foot-deep Obistan shaft collapsed one night. The Obistan shaft is near the high school. Also in Virginia City, part of the middle school parking lot collapsed into an old mine shaft. Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology

13 Lehmann Cave

14 Hidden Cave, Grimes Point

15 Lovelock Cave

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