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Sexual Health This session will focus on provision of information, research, tips and techniques to assist in working with young people experiencing sexual.

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Presentation on theme: "Sexual Health This session will focus on provision of information, research, tips and techniques to assist in working with young people experiencing sexual."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sexual Health This session will focus on provision of information, research, tips and techniques to assist in working with young people experiencing sexual health issues Presenter Tracey Fenton

2 Education – what do young people need to know Challenges – getting the message across Keeping SAFE

3 Education – what do young people need to know How much do you tell them? Should YOU be telling them?

4 In 2011, chlamydia was the most frequently reported notifiable condition in Australia, with 79,833 new notifications for persons aged 15 years and over, or 435 cases per 100,000 population. This was nearly seven times the rate of the next most frequently reported notifiable STI, gonorrhoea. This rate has more than tripled over the past decade, increasing from 130 notifications per 100,000 in 2001

5 Herpes

6 Syphilis

7 Challenges – getting the message across How do you get young people to take on your messages?

8 What do young people think they know? Truths & Myths

9 Questions to consider: Do you know if what you are saying is accurate What are my legal obligations What differs between a 13 year old and a 17 year old My personal beliefs are challenged by the questions and support my client wants / needs

10 Safety Safety Safety Safety Safety

11 Questions

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