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American Life & Colonial Society to the Eve of the Revolution AP Chapters 4 & 5.

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1 American Life & Colonial Society to the Eve of the Revolution AP Chapters 4 & 5

2 The Tobacco Economy

3 Indentured Servitude Working for “Freedom Dues” A few barrels of corn New suit of clothes Small piece of land Headright System Pay the passage of a laborer & get 50 acres Wealthy amassed huge landholdings Frustrated Freedmen Land becomes scarcer Can’t find a wife

4 Bacon’s Rebellion - 1676 1,000 Freedmen… Put down an Indian Revolt, torched Jamestown & chased Gov. William Berkeley out of town… **Wealthy planters begin to fear large numbers of landless freedmen**

5 Colonial Slavery African coastal tribes captured and sold slaves to merchants More than 20% would die on the “Middle Passage”… Harsh slave codes passed… A few slaves eventually become slaveholders themselves…



8 Slave Culture Gullah Goober Voodoo Music & Dances Banjo Bongo Drums

9 The New England Family Life expectancy – 70 years… Women marry at 20 – have babies about every 2 years…. Strong families, grandparents take a role… Divorce extremely rare Education important Towns with 50+… Old Deluder Satan Laws


11 Harvard, 1636

12 Half-Way Covenant Population grows but church membership declines… Half-Way Covenant admitted to baptism (but not communion) unconverted children of existing members Weakens strict Puritan practices

13 “Praying Towns”

14 Salem Witch Trials 1692

15 New England Poor Soil, cold climate …. Diversified agriculture and industry… “Yankee Ingenuity”… “Puritan Work Ethic”…


17 Colonial Growth 1700: 20 Englishmen per colonist… 1775: 3 Englishmen per colonist… Largest non-English colonial group was African – 20% of the population in 1775

18 Germans (Deutsch) 6% of pop in 1775 Variety of Protestant sects (mostly Lutheran)… Fled wars, religious oppression… No loyalty to British

19 Scots-Irish: 7% of population in 1775 Predominantly Presbyterian… “Pugnacious, lawless, and individualistic”… Whiskey distilling frontiersmen… Paxton Boys… Regulators in NC… No loyalty to British 12 future presidents..

20 Other Groups: 5% of population in 1775 French Huguenots Welsh Dutch Swedes Jews Irish Swiss No loyalty to British “Melting Pot”…

21 Religion in the Colonies Church of England (Anglican Church) official in: GA, SC, NC, VA, parts of NY Congregational Church (Puritanism) official in: All of New England except RI Roman Catholics were discriminated against… General feeling of Religious Toleration especially in Middle Colonies…

22 Great Awakening

23 Jonathan Edwards Preached that salvation could not be achieved by good works, only through God’s grace… “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”

24 George Whitefield Electrifying Orator Appealed to emotions Countless sinners would “holler” and express conversion at many revival meetings…

25 “Old Lights” Orthodox clergymen who were skeptical of the emotionalism of the Great Awakening “New Lights” Defended the Awakening and the revitalizing of religion Congregationalists… Began a steady decline…

26 Colonial Literature & the Press

27 Benjamin Franklin Poor Richard’s Almanack Many famous sayings: “A penny saved is a penny earned” “Honesty is the best policy”

28 Also a first rate scientist/inventor Electricity Bifocals Franklin Stove Lightening Rod

29 Zenger Trial Peter Zenger, NY newspaper editor Critical of the Royal Governor Defended by Alexander Hamilton Found Not Guilty ***Establishes the precedent of a free press

30 Comparing the Colonies Charter Colonies CT & RI Proprietary Colonies MD, PA, & DE Royal Colonies The remaining 8

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