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By: Dromonte Montgomery Do lie detectors work? Yes. If the persons pulse on the paper changes pattern and speeds up they are nervous and are probably.

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2 By: Dromonte Montgomery

3 Do lie detectors work? Yes. If the persons pulse on the paper changes pattern and speeds up they are nervous and are probably lying. If their pulse pattern stays the same and calm then they are likely telling the truth.

4 The First Murder!! The first murder happened in the Bible times when Cane killed Able. Cane killed Able because Cane was the oldest and Able got the glory as if he was the oldest.

5 Swindles and Frauds Swindles and frauds are way people who think their smart try to make “easy” money. Swindle means a act of fraud. Fraud means a act of swindle, both are dishonest.

6 Tricks Criminals had a lot of tricks. One trick is a add in a newspaper said that there was a 100% to kill roach. The trick was you get 2 wood blocks you place the roach on block b and hit block a onto block b. Freight boat drivers used to report there shipped wrecked then go somewhere and sell the product and change the boat name, so they have insurance money and product money.

7 George C Parker George Parker was one of the best con artist ever he illegally sold monuments. He sold the Statue of Liberty, Brooklyn Bridge, Madison Square Garden, and President Grant’s Tomb.

8 Bounty Hunters and Thief takers Bounty hunters and Thief Takers are people who work on their own catching crooks, murders and more for money. The average robber can be worth $25,000.

9 Famous Thief's Jonathan Wild was London criminal who sold out other criminals he was eventually hanged. Jesse James was a robber, and one of the best gang leaders. Billy the kid was a known criminal raised by Jesse James an outlaw.

10 Who stopped Billy the kid? Sheriff Garret 1881 at Pete Maxwell's house he died at 19 or 20. He lived from about 1861 to 1881. Bill the Kid actually turned himself in 3 times but didn’t get a fair trial and broke out of jail. Billy the Kid’s real name was William Henry Bonney.

11 How to avoid being arrested falsely Be careful what you do because you can be surprised. You can be arrested because you were at the crime seen when the police arrived. If you don’t you could be mistaken for a witness, accomplice, and suspect.

12 Juvenile System Just because your young doesn't mean you get off easy. You must be 18 to be tried in a real court and to go to a adult jail\prison. That not used to be but people suggested that kids should be separated and have different courts than adults. Kids used to have the same punishment as adults.

13 What was the first law recorded? The first law recorded was the code of law or the code of Hammurabi a Babylonian Emperor from 1792 to 1750 B.C. Hammurabi was the 6 th king of Babylon.

14 How do investigators find fingerprints? You take a special brush powder. You shake powder on object then it finds the oil from the finger. After you find the fingerprint you put tape over and lift then take it for further investigation. There are different finger prints.

15 When was the fist gun a made? The first record of a gun was in Europe during the Siege of Seville in 1247. Which means that the first gun had to have been made before that. The Siege of Seville was a war between the Christians and the Muslims.

16 Bibliography Lane, Brian. Crime and Detection. New York, NY: Alfred A. Knopf Publishing, Copyright Wirths G. Claudine. Coping with Confrontation and Encounters With Police. New York, NY. The Rosen Publishing Group, INC. 1998 Gilbert, Adrian

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