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Published byGillian Johnson Modified over 9 years ago
Johann M. Heuser GSI Helmholtz Center for Heavy Ion Research GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany 3 rd International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics, Kolymbari, Crete, Greece, July 2014 Status of the CBM experiment
Outline Compressed Baryonic Matter Meeting the experimental challenges The CBM experiment Development of CBM components Examples of performance studies Time-line ICNFP2014J. Heuser - Status of the CBM experiment at FAIR2
The CBM Physics Program comprehensive program to explore the phase diagram of strongly interacting matter at highest net baryon densities and moderate temperatures: “Compressed Baryonic Matter” using heavy-ion collisions from 2 – 45 GeV/nucleon ( s NN = 1.9 – 9 GeV) and proton-nucleus collisions at FAIR observables: excitation functions of yields and phase space distributions of strangeness, di-leptons, charm, strange matter few or no data at FAIR energies yet ICNFP2014J. Heuser - Status of the CBM experiment at FAIR3 Courtesy of K. Fukushima & T. Hatsuda
Experimental challenges: Rare probes ICNFP2014J. Heuser - Status of the CBM experiment at FAIR4 min. bias Au+Au collisions at 25 AGeV (from HSD and thermal model) SPS Pb+Pb 30 A GeV STAR Au+Au s NN =7.7 GeV motivating CBM experimental requirements in precision and rates particle multiplicity branching ratio
CBM Detector – Design constraints High interaction rates 10 5 – 10 7 Au+Au collisions/sec. Fast and radiation hard detectors Free streaming read-out time-stamped detector data high speed data acquisition On-line event reconstruction powerful computing farm 4-dimensional tracking software triggers ICNFP2014J. Heuser - Status of the CBM experiment at FAIR5 Central Au+Au collision at 25AGeV UrQMD + GEANT + CbmRoot tracks in the Silicon Tracking System
CBM experiment set-up ICNFP2014J. Heuser - Status of the CBM experiment at FAIR6 CBM (FAIR MSV Module 1) Cave fully designed
CBM experiment set-up ICNFP2014J. Heuser - Status of the CBM experiment at FAIR7 HADES SiliconTrackingSystem Micro Vertex Detector Dipolemagnet Ring Imaging CherenkovDetectorTransitionRadiationDetector Resistive Plate Chambers (TOF) Electro-magneticCalorimeter (parking position) ProjectileSpectatorDetector Muon Detection System (parking position) beam dump beam Target
Super-conducting dipole magnet ICNFP2014J. Heuser - Status of the CBM experiment at FAIR8 aperture: 140 cm vertical, 280 cm horizontal weight 140 tons field integral 1 Tm self protecting coil: Cu/SC = 9
Silicon Tracking in CBM ICNFP2014J. Heuser - Status of the CBM experiment at FAIR9 p+C, 30 GeV few charged particles STS task: track identification + momentum determination from few charged particles in p+A collisions at SIS100 to hundreds of charged tracks in A+A collisions at SIS100 and SIS300 at 10 5 to 10 7 /s collisions per second identification of decay topologies within its aperture links to further detectors: MVD (upstream) and MUCH/RICH (downstream) central Au+Au, 8 AGeV ~350 charged particles central Au+Au, 25 AGeV ~700 charged particles UrQMD + GEANT + CbmRoot
System concept ICNFP2014J. Heuser - Status of the CBM experiment at FAIR10 Aim: a large-aperture, highly granular, low-mass detector capable of high data rates 8 tracking stations in dipole magnet: between 0.3 m and 1 m from target. Aperture: 2.5° < < 25° (38°). Double-sided micro-strip sensors arranged in modules on low-mass carbon-fiber supported ladders. Readout electronics at periphery Target chamber/MVD/beam pipe. Thermal enclosure, sensors at -5 ◦ C. STS 2.5° 25° beam target
STS integration concept ICNFP2014J. Heuser - Status of the CBM experiment at FAIR11 8 stations, volume 2 m 3, area 4 m 2 896 detector modules 1220 double-sided microstrip sensors ~ 1.8 million read-out channels ~ 16 000 r/o STS-XYTER ASICs ~ 58 000 ultra-thin r/o cables 106 detector ladders with 4-5 modules power dissipation: 42 kW (CO 2 cooling) building block: 4-5 modules per ladder front-end board: 8 self-triggering r/o ASICs sensor 8 tracking stations laddermech. unit material budget in physics aperture [%X 0 ] ultra-thin r/o cables 1 m
Development of detector components ICNFP2014J. Heuser - Status of the CBM experiment at FAIR12 Silicon microstrip sensors Module assembly 300 µm thick, n-type silicon double-sided segmentation 1024 strips of 58 µm pitch strip length 6.2/4.2/2.2 cm angle front/back: 7.5 deg rad. tol. up to 10 14 n eq /cm 2 Micro cables Front-end electronics STS-XYTER ASICFront-end board 64 Al lines 116 µm pitch, 10 µm thick 14 µm polyimide, up to 55 cm long
ICNFP2014J. Heuser - Status of the CBM experiment at FAIR13 ROB FEB STS Engineering: stations/cabling/cooling FEB stack 200 W bi-phase CO 2 cooling system STS electronics total: 42 kW
Micro Vertex Detector ICNFP2014J. Heuser - Status of the CBM experiment at FAIR14 Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS) Pixel size: ~ 20 × 20 μm 2 Position resolution: σ = 4 μm ⇒ Vertex res.: 50-100 μm (beam axis) Radiation hardness: 10 13 n eq /cm 2 (non-ion.), 3Mrad (ion.) Readout time: few 10 μs/frame System integration 2-4 stations (5, 10, 15,20 cm) operation in vacuum thickness per station: <0.5% X 0 current prototype MIMOSA-26: 600 k Pixels 10 4 frames/s 50 μm thick
RICH Detector ICNFP2014J. Heuser - Status of the CBM experiment at FAIR15 Electron identification Radiator box filled with CO 2 2 mirror arrays photon detectors: MAPMTs (H8500, H10966, R11265) MCP-PMTs (XP85012) e-π-Separation MAPMT test array full-size prototype test at CERN PS
TRD Detector ICNFP2014J. Heuser - Status of the CBM experiment at FAIR16 Electron identification π-suppression by factor 100 (10) at SIS300 (SIS100) Achievable with different radiator types Different readout chamber types tested with and w/o (fast) drift region SIS100: 4 layers SIS300: 10 layers Test beam at CERN-PS TRD read-out chain SPADIC 1.0 readout chip Extraction of different signal features in readout chain
MUCH Detector ICNFP2014J. Heuser - Status of the CBM experiment at FAIR17 MUCH MUon CHamber system Muon identification and tracking hadron absorbers tracking stations GEM PSD Straw tubes Full set-up for SIS-300: 60 cm C+Pb + (20+20+30+100) cm Fe 4 GEM stations + 2 straw tube stations (+ TOF) Reduced set-up for SIS-100: 60 cm C+Pb + (20+20+20) cm Fe 3 GEM stations GEM test COSY 2013 + TOF
TOF Detector ICNFP2014J. Heuser - Status of the CBM experiment at FAIR18 Test beams at GSI, ELBE/HZDR, CERN-PS, COSY Particle identification Time resolution ≈ 60ps Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC) TOF wall: active area ~ 120 m 2 Setup distance to target: 10m (SIS300), 6 m (SIS100) Hit rates: 10 – 25 kHz/cm 2 (2 – 10 kHz/cm 2 ) for inner (outer) section 10 GeV
Calorimeter Detectors ICNFP2014J. Heuser - Status of the CBM experiment at FAIR19 PSD Participant Spectator Detector determination of collision centrality and orientation of an event plane ECAL Electro-magnetic CALorimeter detection of photons and neutral mesons (π 0, η) decaying into photons “shashlik” type calorimeter modules of 140 layers of 1 mm lead and 1 mm scintillator cell sizes 3 by 3 cm, 6 by 6 cm and 12 by 12 cm. modules arranged in wall or in a tower geometry with variable distances from the target. full compensating modular lead-scintillator calorimeter with high and uniform energy resolution. 44 individual modules, with 60 lead/scintillator layers, surface of 20×20 cm 2. Read-out via wavelength shifting fibers by MAPDs
DAQ and on-line event selection ICNFP2014J. Heuser - Status of the CBM experiment at FAIR20 Free streaming DAQ Time stamped message streams (no trigger!) Total input data rate: 1 TByte/s; ~1000 input nodes FLES: High-throughput event building and data analysis by application of massive parallelization to recons- truction algorithms and tasks. Data reduction by up to a factor of 1000 before storage. “GreenIT cube” FAIR Tier-0 data center (planned) 6 MW cooling, expandable to 16 MW FLES prototypes: LOEWE CIC, Frankfurt Mini Cube, GSI
Steps of event reconstruction ICNFP2014J. Heuser - Status of the CBM experiment at FAIR21 1.Time-slice sorting of detector hits: First step in “pre-event” definition. 2.Track finding – Cellular Automaton: Which hits in the detector layers belong to the same track? large combinatorial problem well to be parallelized applicable to many-core CPU/GPU systems 3.Track fitting – Kalman Filter: Optimization of the track parameters. recursive least squares method, fast 4.Event determination Which tracks belong to same interaction? 5.Particle finding: Identify decay topologies and other signatures. 1 2 3 4 t hits
Performance of hyperon measurement ICNFP2014J. Heuser - Status of the CBM experiment at FAIR22 5·10 6 central Au+Au collisions, 25 AGeV 5·10 6 central Au+Au collisions, 10 AGeV
Di-lepton invariant mass spectra ICNFP2014J. Heuser - Status of the CBM experiment at FAIR23 e+e-e+e- μ+μ-μ+μ- ω φ J/ψ φ ω central Au+Au collisions at 25 A GeV
Open charm measurement ICNFP2014J. Heuser - Status of the CBM experiment at FAIR24 D 0 Kπππ D Kππ D 0 Kπππ D Kππ D0 KπD0 Kπ p+C collisions, 30 GeV (SIS100) Au+Au collisions, 25 AGeV (SIS300) 10 12 centr.
Technical Design Reports ICNFP2014J. Heuser - Status of the CBM experiment at FAIR25 #ProjectTDR Status 1Magnetapproved 2STSapproved 3RICHapproved 4TOFevaluation 5MuChevaluation 6PSDevaluation 7MVDsubmission 2014 8DAQ/FLESsubmission 2014 9TRDsubmission 2014
Time-line ICNFP2014J. Heuser - Status of the CBM experiment at FAIR26 2013201420152016 20172018201920202021202220232024 construction Installation commissioning expts. at SIS100? expts. at SIS300 cave ready SIS100 ready CBM (FAIR MSV Module 1) series productionprototypes
CBM as experimental facility ICNFP2014J. Heuser - Status of the CBM experiment at FAIR27 electron-hadron configuration muon configuration operation right after FAIR start-up, at SIS-100, at SIS-300 energies example: three possible muon configurations: “day-1” SIS-100 SIS-300
The CBM Collaboration ICNFP2014J. Heuser - Status of the CBM experiment at FAIR28 12 countries, 56 institutions, 516 members Split Univ.China: CCNU Wuhan Tsinghua Univ. Czech Republic: USTC Hefei Czech Republic: CAS, Rez Techn. Univ.Prague France: IPHC Strasbourg Hungary: KFKI Budapest Budapest Univ.Germany: Darmstadt TU FAIR Frankfurt Univ. IKF Frankfurt Univ. FIAS GSI Darmstadt Giessen Univ. Heidelberg Univ. P.I. Heidelberg Univ. ZITI HZ Dresden-Rossendorf Münster Univ. Tübingen Univ. Wuppertal Univ.India: Aligarh Muslim Univ. Bose Inst. Kolkata B.H. Univ. Varanasi Gauhati Univ. IOP Bhubaneswar IIT Indore IIT Kharagpur Panjab Univ. Rajasthan Univ. Univ. of Jammu Univ. of Kashmir Univ. of Calcutta VECC Kolkata Russia: IHEP Protvino INR Troitzk ITEP Moscow KRI, St. Petersburg Kurchatov Inst., Moscow LHEP, JINR Dubna LIT, JINR Dubna MEPHI Moscow Obninsk State Univ. PNPI Gatchina SINP MSU, Moscow St. Petersburg P. Univ.Ukraine: T. Shevchenko Univ. Kiev Kiev Inst. Nucl. Research Korea: Pusan Nat. Univ.Romania: NIPNE Bucharest Univ. Bucharest Poland: Poland: AGH Krakow Jag. Univ. Krakow Silesia Univ. Katowice Warsaw Univ. Warsaw TU 23 rd CBM Collaboration Meeting, GSI, April 2014
ICNFP2014J. Heuser - Status of the CBM experiment at FAIR29 Back-up slides
Detector acceptance ICNFP2014J. Heuser - Status of the CBM experiment at FAIR30 Au+Au 25 AGeV Au+Au 6 AGeVy beam = 1.28 y beam = 1.98
Track reconstruction performance in STS ICNFP2014J. Heuser - Status of the CBM experiment at FAIR31 track reconstruction efficiencymomentum resolution realistic detector geometry, material budget and response functions cellular automaton and kalman filter algorithms
ICNFP2014J. Heuser - Status of the CBM experiment at FAIR32 In-beam test of a prototype STS low-mass STS module silicon microstrip sensors double-sided, 300 µm thick 1024 strips of 58 µm pitch front/back side strips, 7.5 deg angle radiation tolerant up to 10 14 n/cm 2 micro r/o cables (partial read-out) self-triggering electronics proton beam, COSY, Jülich Results signal amplitudes cluster sizes spatial resolution
ICNFP2014J. Heuser - Status of the CBM experiment at FAIR33 CBM online data flow First-level Event Selector copper ca. 0.5 m optical some 10 m optical 100s m
STS-XYTER ASIC ICNFP2014J. Heuser - Status of the CBM experiment at FAIR34 STS-XYTER ASIC purely data driven read-out time-stamped data elements channels128, polarity +/- noise900 e - at 30 pF load ADC range16 fC, 5 bit clock250 MHz power< 10 mW/channel timestamp< 5 ns resolution out interface4(5) × 500 Mbit/s LVDS v1.0 produced (v2.0 under design) UMC 180 nm CMOS every channel is divided into two sub-channels: fast branch: time-stamp slow branch: signal digitization noise minimization in self-triggering system: effective two-level discrimination trigger to the timestamp latch is vetoed if ADC-LSB generated no signal no transmission of data then CBM- NET (v1.0 ) GBT (V2.0) LSB veto t s = 30 ns t s = 80 ns r/o logic
STS Read-out electronics ICNFP2014J. Heuser - Status of the CBM experiment at FAIR35 STS-XYTER ASIC GBTx chip-set (CERN): 3 GBTx, 1 VTRx, 1 VTTx, 1 SCA 42 E-links à 320 Mb/s 3 GBT optical uplinks à 4.48 Gb/s Front-end BoardRead-Out Board Data Processing Board time-slicing FLES farm online event computing purely data driven read-out time-stamped data elements 8 STS-XYTER chips 1/2/5 LVDS links out separate power boards channels128, polarity +/- noise900 e - at 30 pF load ADC range16 fC, 5 bit clock250 MHz power< 10 mW/channel timestamp< 5 ns resolution out interface4(5) × 500 Mbit/s LVDS v1.0 produced (v2.0 under design) UMC 180 nm CMOS data combining time-stamped data
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