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Hank’s Activities Longhorn/XD AHM Austin, TX December 20, 2010 Volume rendering of 4608^3 combustion data set Image credit: Mark Howison Volume rendering.

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Presentation on theme: "Hank’s Activities Longhorn/XD AHM Austin, TX December 20, 2010 Volume rendering of 4608^3 combustion data set Image credit: Mark Howison Volume rendering."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hank’s Activities Longhorn/XD AHM Austin, TX December 20, 2010 Volume rendering of 4608^3 combustion data set Image credit: Mark Howison Volume rendering of flame data set using VisIt + IceT on Longhorn. Image credit: Tom Fogal


3 My perception of my role in Longhorn/XD  Help users succeed via:  Direct support  Ensuring necessary algorithms/functionality are in place  Research most effective way to utilize Longhorn  Also help test machine through aggressive usage  Collaborate with / facilitate for other project members  Provide visibility for center externally (outreach, etc)

4 Outline  Researching how to best use Longhorn  HW-accelerated volume rendering on Longhorn  SW-ray casting on Longhorn  Collaborations  Manta/VisIt  VDF/VisIt  User support  Analysis of 4K^3 turbulent data Connected components algorithms  Other user support  Outreach

5 HW-accelerated volume rendering on longhorn  “Large Data Visualization on Distributed Memory Multi-GPU Clusters”, HPG2010  Authors: Fogal, Childs, Shankar, Krueger, Bergeron, and Hatcher  Ran VisIt + IceT on Longhorn, varying data size and number of GPUs.  Stage data on CPU, transfer to GPU (high transfer time, but can look at bigger data sets) Volume rendering of flame data set using VisIt + IceT on Longhorn. Image credit: Tom Fogal

6 HW-accelerated volume rendering on longhorn  Observation about CPU volume rendering: Number of coresLargeSmall Ray evaluationFastSlow CompositingSlowFast Paper purpose: study the performance characteristics of GPU volume rendering at high concurrency on big data.  Idea: GPU volume rendering has the computational horsepower to do ray evaluation quickly, but will have many fewer MPI participants.

7 Big data Lots of GPUs Fast-ish on small data

8 Software ray-casting  Previous work (not XD-related):  “MPI-Hybrid Parallelism for Volume Rendering on Large Multi-Core Systems”, EGPGV 2010  Authors: Howison, Bethel, and Childs  Strong scaling study up 216,000 cores on ORNL Jaguar machine looking at 4608^3 data.  Study outcome: hybrid parallelism benefits this algorithm, primarily during the compositing phase, since there are less participants in MPI communication.  One of two EGPGV best paper winners, invited for follow on article to TVCG. Volume rendering of combustion data set Image credit: Mark Howison

9 Software ray-casting  TVCG article (unpublished research):  Add weak scaling study (up to 22K^3) on Jaguar GPU scaling study on Longhorn  GPU scaling study:  Went up to 448 GPUs  Purpose: similar to Fogal work, but with a different spin … show that hybrid parallelism is beneficial. Instead of pthreads or OpenMP on the CPU, we are now using CUDA on the GPU.

10 Scaling results on GPU 2308^3 data 2308^3- 4608^3 data 2308^3- 4608^3 data

11 Software ray-casting on Longhorn Two caveats: (1)We didn’t optimize for CUDA. So we could have had favorable numbers to an even higher concurrency level. (2)But Jaguar @ 46K processors has more memory and can look at way bigger data sets. Two caveats: (1)We didn’t optimize for CUDA. So we could have had favorable numbers to an even higher concurrency level. (2)But Jaguar @ 46K processors has more memory and can look at way bigger data sets. Takeaway: for this algorithm and this data size, longhorn is as powerful as 46K processors of jaguar.

12 Manta/VisIt  Carson Brownlee delivers integration of VisIt and Manta via vtkManta objects.  Hank does some small work:  Updates work from VisIt 2.0 to VisIt 2.2 & makes a branch for Hank and Carson to put fixes on.  Testing  Carson and Hank create a list of issues and are in the process of tracking them down. Rendering of isosurface by VisIt using Manta

13 Visualizing and Analyzing Large-Scale Turbulent Flow  Detect, track, classify, and visualize features in large-scale turbulent flow.  Analysis effort by Kelly Gaither (TACC), Hank Childs (LBNL), & Cyrus Harrison (LLNL).  Stresses two algorithms that are difficult in a distributed memory parallel setting: 1. Can we identify connected components? 2. Can we characterize their shape? VisIt calculated connected components on a 4K^3 turbulence data in parallel using TACC's Longhorn machine. 2 million components were initially identified and then the map expression was used to select only the components that had total volume greater than 15. Data courtesy of P.K. Yeung & and Diego Donzis

14 Identifying connected components in parallel is difficult.  Hard to do efficiently  Tremendous bookkeeping problem.  4 stage algorithm that finds local connectivity and then merges globally. Participating in 2011 EGPGV submission describing this algorithm and its performance. Authors: Harrison, Childs, Gaither

15 We used shape characterization to assist our feature tracking. 15  Shape characterization metric: chord length distribution  Difficult to perform efficiently in a distributed memory setting P0 P1 P3 P2 Line Scan Filter 1) Choose Lines 2) Calculate Intersections 3) Segment redistribution 4) Analyze lines 5) Collect results Line Scan Analysis Sink It is our hope that chord length distributions, a characteristic function, can assist in tracking component behavior over time.

16 My role in this effort  Easily summarized: “use VisIt to get results to Kelly”  Several iterations:  Started with just statistics of components  Looked at how variation in isovalue affected statistics  Added in chord length distributions as a characteristic function  Took still images of each component for visual inspection  (recently) extracted each component as its own surface for combined inspection.

17 VDF/VisIt  John Clyne and Dan Lagreca add VDF reader to VisIt.  Hank performs some testing and debugging.  Still lots to do:  Formal commit to VisIt repo. Also add in new VisIt multi-res hooks.  Study how well large features are preserved across refinement level.  Use coarsest versions in conjunction with analysis code from Janine Bennett.

18 Other user support  Small amount of effort helping Saju Varghese and Kentaro Nagmine of UNLV  Fixed VisIt bug with ray-casting + point meshes  Helped them format their data into BOV format

19 Outreach & Service  VisIt tutorials:  SC10 (beginning and advanced), Nov 2010, NOLA  Users at US ARL, Sep 2010, Abderdeen, MD  SciDAC 2010, July 2010, Chattanooga, TN  Speaker at NSF Extreme Scale I/O and Data Analysis Workshop, March 2010, Austin, TX  Participant in NSF Workshop on SW Development Environments, Sep 2010, Washington DC  Given ~10 additional talks at various venues this year

20 Proposed Future Plans  Continue collaboration with Kelly on analyzing turbulent flow  Formally integrate VDF  Multi-res study with John & Kelly  Would like to do 1T cell runs on Longhorn  Continued user support  Esp. CIG  Connected components @ EGPGV  VisIt + GPU Two trillion cell data set, rendered in VisIt by David Pugmire on ORNL Jaguar machine

21 Summary  Researching how to best use Longhorn  HW-accelerated volume rendering on Longhorn  SW-ray casting on Longhorn  Collaborating with other Longhorn/XD members  Manta/VisIt  VDF/VisIt  Doing user support  Helping Kelly analyze 4K^3 turbulent data Working to make sure connected components algorithms is up to snuff  Some user support and more to come…  Performing outreach activities

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