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UNESCO Institute for Statistics CARICOM: a unique education ecosystem CARICOM: a unique education ecosystem Hendrik van der Pol Director/UIS.

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Presentation on theme: "UNESCO Institute for Statistics CARICOM: a unique education ecosystem CARICOM: a unique education ecosystem Hendrik van der Pol Director/UIS."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNESCO Institute for Statistics CARICOM: a unique education ecosystem CARICOM: a unique education ecosystem Hendrik van der Pol Director/UIS

2 UNESCO Institute for Statistics 1. High mobility of students 2. Completing primary and universal secondary education becoming a reality 3. Regional integration of qualifications and examinations 2

3 UNESCO Institute for Statistics High mobility of students in the region Children move with their families  Impacts the size of the school population every year  Shows strength of education systems to deal with uneven cohorts and irregular flows of students through grades Tertiary students cross border to pursue education  Within the region (Barbados, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago)  Inbound (excluding regional students, mainly USA)  Outbound (mainly to UK, USA, Canada)  Horizontal and vertical expansion of the tertiary sector 3

4 UNESCO Institute for Statistics Universal primary education and above  Many countries already honour the Universal Primary Education commitment of EFA.  Amongst the first regions to aim for universal secondary education.  Enrolment is gender balanced, although slight advantage for girls and women. 4

5 UNESCO Institute for Statistics Completing primary and attending secondary in time

6 UNESCO Institute for Statistics Completing primary and attending secondary in time

7 UNESCO Institute for Statistics Completing primary and attending secondary in time

8 UNESCO Institute for Statistics Regional integration  Examinations Caribbean examination council (CXC)  Qualification Technical and vocational framework of qualifications  What are the next steps? Working together reaps greater results than the sum of seeds sowed 8

9 UNESCO Institute for Statistics Why UIS data and analysis?  To look at education in a comparable way Population Enrolment Classification Standards  To look at education in regional and international contexts Identify the emergence of ecosystems Monitor international goals and commitments Keep track of the past for preparing future 9

10 UNESCO Institute for Statistics Thank you!

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