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MFF is a EC co-funded programme Rome, 3-5 Aprili 2006 ASAS-TN2 Rome, 3-5 April 2006 Maurizio Zacchei, ENAV (MFF PM) Mediterranean Free Flight Programme.

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Presentation on theme: "MFF is a EC co-funded programme Rome, 3-5 Aprili 2006 ASAS-TN2 Rome, 3-5 April 2006 Maurizio Zacchei, ENAV (MFF PM) Mediterranean Free Flight Programme."— Presentation transcript:

1 MFF is a EC co-funded programme Rome, 3-5 Aprili 2006 ASAS-TN2 Rome, 3-5 April 2006 Maurizio Zacchei, ENAV (MFF PM) Mediterranean Free Flight Programme Overview: M. ZACCHEI 1/14

2 MFF FINAL WORKSHOP Rome, 3-5 April 2006 M. Zacchei 2/14  WHY MFF Where we were ! 6 years ago  Big delays  Disrupted schedules  Industry losing millions If we want an ATM system capable to safely, efficiently and cost effectively satisfy a doubling of traffic by 2020  We can’t do it with conventional thinking  We need a radical change

3 MFF FINAL WORKSHOP Rome, 3-5 April 2006 M. Zacchei 3/14  MFF Programme - Consortium  MFF is a five-year programme co-funded by the European Commission DG TREN within the TEN-T Framework  Experts from 9 countries with different cultural backgrounds participated in the programme:  ENAV (Italy – Project Management)  AENA (Spain)  DSNA (France)  HCAA (Greece)  LFV (Sweden)  MATS (Malta)  NERL (United Kingdom)  NLR (Netherlands)  EUROCONTROL

4 MFF FINAL WORKSHOP Rome, 3-5 April 2006 M. Zacchei 4/14  MFF Programme - Overview MFF is a pre-operational programme aimed at defining, testing and validating Free Route (FR) and ASAS applications and procedures within en-route scenarios in Free Flight airspace (FFAS) and Managed Airspace (MAS) as well as the transition between the two In particular, MFF simulations and trials aim to:  Demonstrate the operational capabilities and define relevant procedures for the most promising Free Route and ASAS applications;  Demonstrate and quantify the operational benefits;  Analyse the relevant Human Factors aspects;  Perform evaluations related to the CNS/ATM technologies enabling the introduction of (FR) and ASAS applications in the Mediterranean area;  Define the guidelines and requirements for the implementation of the above applications in suitable areas of the Mediterranean airspace.

5 MFF FINAL WORKSHOP Rome, 3-5 April 2006 M. Zacchei 5/14  MFF Programme - Organisation Release of end results Validation MFF operational requirements and procedures Simulation Trials - (Integrated ATM simulator prototype) Flight Trials (“Autonomous Aircraft” Platform) Operational Benefits and Safety Case Technological framework - Operational Scenario

6 MFF FINAL WORKSHOP Rome, 3-5 April 2006 M. Zacchei 6/14  MFF Programme – Operational Scenario  Mediterranean airspace is a transition area between Core Area (high density traffic and good CNS infrastructure) and North African airspace (low density and poor CNS infrastructure)  North African airspace could benefit from an early evolution towards Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast (ADS- B) and Airborne Separation Assurance System (ASAS) operations  A complete ADS-B network to support ASAS operations was provided by ADS- MEDUP programme.

7 MFF FINAL WORKSHOP Rome, 3-5 April 2006 M. Zacchei 7/14  MFF Programme – MEDUP ADS-B Network

8 MFF FINAL WORKSHOP Rome, 3-5 April 2006 M. Zacchei 8/14  MFF Programme - Co-operation  Close co-ordination with the military authorities to take onboard the military requirements and constraints while developing the programme Military experts provided support and/or took part in the main experiments performed (e.g. MBS, RTS, Flight Trials)  Participation in the definition of ASAS Package 1  Cross-fertilization from and to parallel related projects (e.g. AFAS, MA-AFAS, CoSpace, CARE_ASAS, NUP, SEAP) and standardisation fora (e.g. Requirements Focus Group) were assured

9 MFF FINAL WORKSHOP Rome, 3-5 April 2006 M. Zacchei 9/14  ATM Scenario Evolution Today Airspace User Autonomy - Degree of Delegation Future Coordinated Control (GROUND/AIR) Centralised Control (GROUND) Autonomous Aircraft (AIR) ?

10 MFF FINAL WORKSHOP Rome, 3-5 April 2006 M. Zacchei 10/14  MFF Programme – ASAS Applications  5 ASAS Applications were identified, each of which representing steps towards the implementation of ASAS Self Separation (Free Flight)  This classification allows for a progression of delegation from ground to air of separation assurance responsibility APPLICATIONAIRSPACE FLIGHT PHASE A1 Free RouteMASEn-route A2 Airborne Traffic Situation Awareness MASEn-route & Extended TMA A3 ASAS SpacingMASEn-route & Extended TMA A4 ASAS SeparationMASEn-route A5 ASAS Self Separation (Free Flight) FFASEn-route

11 MFF FINAL WORKSHOP Rome, 3-5 April 2006 M. Zacchei 11/14  MFF Programme – Results by Application FREE ROUTING ASAS SPACING ASAS SEPARATION DEGREE OF DELEGATION ASAS SELF- SEPARATION Managed Airspace FF Airspace

12 MFF FINAL WORKSHOP Rome, 3-5 April 2006 M. Zacchei 12/14  MFF Programme – Expected Benefits  Improvement of flight efficiency by allowing the use of preferred trajectories and reducing ATC delays. Analysis shows that quite significant fuel savings will be obtained  Elimination of bottlenecks by establishing new more direct, conflict free routes to\from Europe towards Africa and Middle East  Reduction of ATCOs workload  The use of the MFF programme results as guidance for the deployment of improved and more cost effective CNS/ATM infrastructure/facilities wherever beneficial or necessary, may support economic growth and mobility in the Mediterranean area

13 MFF FINAL WORKSHOP Rome, 3-5 April 2006 M. Zacchei 13/14  MFF Programme – Validation Activities  9 Model Based Simulations  9 Real Time Simulations  135 hours in aircraft simulators  240 hours of Flight Trials using the MEDUP infrastructure and properly equipped aircraft (transponders plus CDTI with ASAS functions)  Validation was performed by addressing 8 different objectives ranging from pilot and controllers acceptance, safety, military aspects, economic benefits, environmental impact and future capacity gains  VDL Mode 4 proven adequate for ADS-B & TIS-B and compliant with ADS-B requirements

14 MFF FINAL WORKSHOP Rome, 3-5 April 2006 M. Zacchei 14/14  MFF Programme – The Way Forward  MFF validated main ASAS applications whose implementation ranges from mid to long term (Free Flight)  MFF results are expected to provide significant contribution to the definition phase of the SESAR Programme with special focus on ADS-B/ASAS  The participation of several Mediterranean ANSPs in MFF paved the way to ADS-B/ASAS buy-in

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