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Vocab Imperialism thru rough riders When is it okay to get involved in another countries problem/s? Why.

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2 Vocab Imperialism thru rough riders When is it okay to get involved in another countries problem/s? Why

3 “Threaten and use if necessary military force to maintain peace or get our way” “Invest in foreign countries. Give them money as long as they do things we like. The minute they don’t take away their money” Prove to them we are friends by treating them as equal and honoring their independent decisions even if they do not agree with us?


5 Austro- Hungarian Empire Germany Italy France Great Britain Russia Turkey Serbia

6 Devotion to the interests of ones own nation Serbia Wanted independence from the Austro Hungarian Empire

7 Germany was anxious to prove itself as a power in World affairs 1871 German states unite and become one country Germans defeat the French and Austro Hungarians

8 All were in a race for Empire Germany wanted Berlin to Baghdad railroad Great Britain needed to protect Suez Canal

9 German leader Otto Von Bismarck sees the need for alliances.

10 The Three Emperors League The Triple Alliance



13 “We will consult before we go to war”

14 Great Britain separates itself from Europe 1870 Wakes up to find it has fallen behind Treaty with Japan Naval race with Germany


16 Control over the Serbian People Prevent expansion Regain lost French land of Alsace and Lorraine Russia needed warm water ports

17 Recap Time Who was backing who?

18 Members of the Serbian nationalist group The Black Hand plot Franz Ferdinand’s death


20 Austria-Hungary, unsatisfied with Serbia's response to her ultimatum declared war on Serbia 28 July 1914. Russia, bound by treaty to Serbia,declares war on Austria Hungary Germany, allied to Austria-Hungary by treaty, viewed the Russian mobilization as an act of war France, bound by treaty to Russia, found itself at war against Germany Britain, allied to France to declares war on Germany

21 Australia, Bolivia Brazil Bulgaria Canada China Costa Rica Japan Turkey Greece Ecuador Haiti Liberia Montenegro New Zealand Panama Romania Italy

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