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Creative Budget Responses to the Fiscal Stress Leadership Academy Aug 27, 2015

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1 Creative Budget Responses to the Fiscal Stress Leadership Academy Aug 27, 2015

2 Outline for Team Presentation  Principles  Start with end in mind  What does audience want to know?  Less is more  Outline  Challenge & assignment  Summary of recommendations  Methodology  Conclusions  Recommendations  Call to Action

3 Team Project Run Through  Presentation (15-20 minutes)  Content Questions (10 minutes)  Emerging Leaders  Executive Sponsors  Presentation Suggestions (10 minutes)  Emerging Leaders  Executive Sponsor

4 Overview 1. Team project run-thru #1 2. Myers-Briggs leadership assessment 3. Guest speaker--“Finance for Non-Finance People” 4. Team project run-thru #2 5. Themes from budget messages

5 Overview (con’t) 6. Themes from budget messages 7. Traditional cutback measures & impacts 8. Exercise—redesigning services 9. Resources, reactions & homework 10.Team meetings


7 First Goal for Today  Recognize and Appreciate Your Natural Preferences & Those Different from Yours  What is a Preference…?

8 It’s about How We See Differences  Natural  Beneficial  Necessary  Crucial

9 Difference / Diversity  Genetics  Biodiversity  Agriculture  Finances  Global Business  Teams  Your Team

10 Only ONE Lens to Self-Awareness YES  Innate Preferences  Core Motivations  Internal Compass NO  Not boxes for us all  All those of one type are the same  Skills/Aptitude

11 Katherine Briggs & Isabel Myers

12 Carl Jung - Swiss Psychiatrist 1875 –1961


14 4 Preferences - Each on a Spectrum Introversion Sensing Thinking Judging Extroversion Intuiting Feeling Perceiving Clear Moderate Slight Slight Moderate Clear

15 Background Pairs of Preferences Carl Jung 1875-1961 Theory / Model E or I S or N T or F J or P Myers-Briggs 1940s A or B? MBTI SurveyInstrument 16 Myers- Briggs Types Keirsey/Bates 4 Temperaments 1984 16 Portraits

16 INTROVERT or EXTRAVERT Where do we get our energy?

17 Extravert

18 Introvert

19 Where do we get our energy? Introversion  Reflection  Inward  Privacy  Concentration  Few  Quiet  Think-Do-Think Extraversion  Action  Outward  People  Interaction  Many  Expressive  Do-Think-Do

20 What is your self estimate? Humorous dialogue

21 SENSING or INTUITIVE How do we take in Information?

22 How do we take in information? Sensing  Facts  Realistic  Specific  Present  Keep  Practical  What is Intuiting  Ideas  Imaginative  General  Future  Change  Theoretical  What could be

23 What is your self estimate? Humorous dialogue

24 THINKING or FEELING How do we evaluate information and make decisions?

25 How we make decisions Thinking  Head  Detached  Things  Objective  Critique  Analyze  Firm but fair Feeling  Heart  Personal  People  Subjective  Appreciate  Understand  Merciful

26 What is your self estimate? Humorous dialogue

27 JUDGING or PERCEIVING How do we deal with the external world, deadlines and closure?

28 How we deal with external world deadlines, closure Judging  Organized  Decision  Control  Now  Closure  Deliberate  Plan Perceiving  Flexible  Information  Experience  Later  Options  Spontaneous  Wait

29 What is your self estimate? Humorous dialogue

30 Here is Your Reported Type

31 Background Pairs of Preferences Carl Jung 1875-1961 Theory / Model E or I S or N T or F J or P Myers-Briggs 1940s A or B? MBTI SurveyInstrument 16 Myers- Briggs Types Keirsey/Bates 4 Temperaments 1984 16 Portraits

32 The Four Temperaments Guardians - SJ Duty Seekers Rationals - NT Knowledge Seekers Idealists - NF Ideal Seekers Artisans - SP Action Seekers

33  Motivated by a need to be useful and of service  Value the traditions, customs and laws of society Guardians (SJ) Duty Seekers

34 Knowledge Seekers  Motivated by a need for knowledge and competency  Value the theoretical and the powers of the mind Rationals (NT)

35 Ideal Seekers   Motivated by a need to understand themselves and others  Value authenticity and integrity; strive for an ideal world Idealists (NF)

36 Action Seekers  Motivated by a need for freedom and need to act  Value living in the moment, the here and now Artisans (SP)

37 Your Leadership Style via Lens of Myers Briggs Three Leadership Activities  Setting Direction  Inspiring Others  Mobilizing the accomplishment of goals  Your preferences bring assets and challenges to your Leadership Style

38 Homework for Today  Read your Communication Style Report, esp. last page “Communication Tips,” & your Leadership Profile  Select one item to focus on  Reply to email from Eileen with your Tip by next Monday  Practice between now and next session  Report out next session

39 Carol Atwood  Career Journey  Presentation: “Finance for Non-Finance Staff”  What make finance people tick?  What are financial “red flags”?  How can you increase your financial IQ?  Q & A

40 Team Project Run Through  Presentation (15-20 minutes)  Content Questions (10 minutes)  Emerging Leaders  Executive Sponsors  Presentation Suggestions (10 minutes)  Emerging Leaders  Executive Sponsor

41 Themes from Articles  “Managing Through Meltdown”  “Creating a New Future for a Downsizing Organization”

42 Budget Messages  What are drivers of deficits?  What are strategies proposed?  What is journey going forward?

43 Nature of Structural Deficits  Business-related deficits  Structural deficits

44 Two Problems 1. Costs increasing faster than revenues over time 2. Out-of-whack tax system

45 Responding to Economic Meltdown Premises  An organization needs to get out in front of severe cutbacks and take action NOW  Typical cutback measures have negative and sometimes unanticipated consequences  Cutbacks at margins will not solve fiscal challenge

46 Responding to Economic Meltdown Premises (con’t)  Redesigning service delivery requires engaging employees, other departments, and outside partners  Leaders typically need to cross boundaries to redesign services  As it reduces resources, an organization needs to target investments  Service redesign is a journey

47 Typical Cutback Measures  Across the board percentage cuts  Reductions in travel, training and equipment  Deferred maintenance and capital projects  Hiring freeze  Layoffs  Increased fees  Reductions in contract services  Borrowing from reserves  Cutbacks in support staff  Protection of “sacred cows”

48 Organizational Impacts In terms of organizational climate and employee attitudes, what are some impacts on the organization?

49 The Productivity Paradox

50 Redesigning County Probation Dept Assumption: Probation Dept of future does not use probation officers who supervise individual offenders

51 Redesigning County Probation Dept Instructions:  Go to worksheet  Individually respond to questions  Discuss in small groups  Identify top ideas, including one “wacky” idea

52 Guidelines for Service Redesign  Focus on mission  Identify your customer  Manage service demand  Identify your core business & shed or off-load non-core responsibilities  Re-think service delivery and options  Seek strategic partners; provide resources and other incentives  Incorporate several approaches for addressing budget challenge

53 Resources  Career Compass column “Developing Finance IQ”  “Managing Meltdown”  “Creating a New Future for a Downsizing Organization”

54 Debrief Development Conversation  What did you like best about development conversation with your coach?  What did you uncover or find surprising as result of the conversation?  What was uncomfortable?  What do you want to bring up during your next development conversation?

55 Reaction Panel  What resonated with me?  What did not resonate with me?  What do I have to add?

56 Assignments  Select one item from your own assessment, email Eileen, & practice before next session  Conduct third coaching session before Sept 24  Do readings  Prepare for Team Project Dry-Runs

57 Team Projects  Questions from teams?  Assistance needed?  Team meetings Thank you!

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