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CBP 2009Comp 3014 The Nature of Computing 1 Choices in Designing an ISA Uniformity. Should each instruction –Be the same length (in bits or bytes?) –Take.

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Presentation on theme: "CBP 2009Comp 3014 The Nature of Computing 1 Choices in Designing an ISA Uniformity. Should each instruction –Be the same length (in bits or bytes?) –Take."— Presentation transcript:

1 CBP 2009Comp 3014 The Nature of Computing 1 Choices in Designing an ISA Uniformity. Should each instruction –Be the same length (in bits or bytes?) –Take the same time to execute? Complexity. –How many different instructions? –How closely linked to High Level languages? Tradeoffs – Complex Instructions –Take up less code memory to store them –Need a rather complex CPU design

2 CBP 2009Comp 3014 The Nature of Computing 2 Instruction Encoding Example addrdrsrtunused rd <- rs + rt e.g. add r3, r1, r2 means r3 = r1 + r2 010110000110001000001unused All Sam’s instructions take up 32 bits. Sam’s instructions start with the opcode then the destination reg- ister then the source register opcode destination Source regs First 6 bits for the opcode. 321

3 CBP 2009Comp 3014 The Nature of Computing 3 Intel 80x86 ISA The most popular of all 1971: Intel invents microprocessor 4004/8008, 8080, 8085 1975: Major design effort for new 32-bit ISA, (iAPX432) but … 1978: 8086 dedicated registers, segmented address, 16-bit 8088; 8-bit version of 8086 added as after thought 1980: IBM selects 8088 as basis for IBM PC 1980: Intel 432 finally ready but… 1980: 8087 floating point coprocessor: 1982: 80286 24-bit address, protection, memory mapping 1985: 80386 32-bit address, 32-bit GP registers, paging 1989: 80486 1992 Pentium 1995 Pentium Pro 1997 Pentium Pro with MMX multimedia acceleration

4 CBP 2009Comp 3014 The Nature of Computing 4 Some x86 instructions mov ax, [bx + c] mov [ax], bx add ax, bx add [bx], ax These look rather like Sam’s RISC ops But this is not. Here the contents of ax is being added straight into memory ! The x86 is a register – memory ISA and Sam is a register – register ISA ldi r1, a ldi r2, b add r3,r1,r2 st r3, b mov ax, a add b,ax Let’s compare the RR and RM ISA’s. Clearly RR needs more memory while the RM uses stronger operations Sam Intel x86

5 CBP 2009Comp 3014 The Nature of Computing 5 Variable Length Instructions 0%10%20%30% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Expresso Gcc Spice Nasa All Sam’s instructions had the same length, 32 bits. This is also true for other RISC ISA’s such as SPARC and MIPS. Compare this with the x86 instruction vary from 1 to 17 bytes. Here’s some stats. Instruction Length (bytes) Frequency of use Clearly long complex instructions are used infrequently But the use does depend on the app.

6 CBP 2009Comp 3014 The Nature of Computing 6 Variable Time Instructions Here’s a timing diagram for an Intel add T1T2T3T4T5 Fetch Decode, Reg Op ALU Mem Access Reg Write T1T2T3T4T5 Fetch Decode, Reg Op ALU Mem Access Reg Write add ax, [bx + c] [bx + c] ax = ax + mem[..] We need two adds. The first to get the address summed up … … and the second to actually add memory to register ax

7 CBP 2009Comp 3014 The Nature of Computing 7 strcmp(str, Greenspan); Potent x86 Instructions mov x,2Immediate to memory6 xlat xTranslate al via table1 imul xMultiply memory with ax4 inc xIncrement memory by 14 Repne scasbScan string for match !various Greenspan 1.Application 2.High-Level Language (‘C’ ) 3.Intel ISA code

8 CBP 2009Comp 3014 The Nature of Computing 8 Top 10 Intel x86 Instructions RankInstructionUsage 1load22% 2conditional branch20% 3 arithmetic / logic19% 4compare16% 5store12 % 6move reg - reg4% 7call - return2% We see that most instructions are Simple load, store, calculate, branch. None of Intel’s potent stuff figures here. So why did Intel design instructions no-one uses ?

9 CBP 2009Comp 3014 The Nature of Computing 9 Semantic Gap Twixt HLL and ML In the 1970’s Hardware costs decreased. So we got faster CPUs but Memory was expensive. – Bigger programs means more expensive programs –Shortage of Good Programmers – Unreliable Software – Response : Reduce programming Costs – Develop powerful HLL easy to learn so no mistakes –But is Semantic Gap between HLL and ML – Software runs inefficiently - Poor Performance – Compilers become Complex – So Close the Semantic Gap – Machine executes HLL constructs in hardware – Lots of addressing Modes Add the column of sales figures ld r1,B ld r2,0 ld r3,[r1 + r2] add r4,r4,r3 addi r2,r2,1 str r4,[r2+5] … … add r4,r3,r2 But this potent stuff is not being used !

10 CBP 2009Comp 3014 The Nature of Computing 10 ISA R&D into the 80’s 1980 Berkeley Patterson RISC (SPARC) 1981 Stanford Hennessy MIPS - Easy to Decode Ops - Fast Issue Rate - Only load and Store references memory - Lots of registers Emerging Design Guidelines Let’s downshift and make things simpler … Use simple instructions, load, store, add Many of these will do one x86 potent op Need more memory, but memory is becoming cheap More CPU cycles, but can still be faster

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