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GEOG3025 Introduction to online resources. GEOG3025 Introduction to online resources Lecture overview: Objectives of lecture Introductory questions Registration.

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Presentation on theme: "GEOG3025 Introduction to online resources. GEOG3025 Introduction to online resources Lecture overview: Objectives of lecture Introductory questions Registration."— Presentation transcript:

1 GEOG3025 Introduction to online resources

2 GEOG3025 Introduction to online resources Lecture overview: Objectives of lecture Introductory questions Registration Blackboard Athens/Census data Lecture summary

3 GEOG3025 Objectives Provide an overview of Blackboard virtual learning environment (VLE) Explain how to enrol for GEOG3025 on Blackboard Introduce online data resources, including ESRC/JISC 2001 Census programme

4 GEOG3025 Online resources Learning resources –Blackboard –Collection of Historical and Contemporary Censuses Data resources –ESRC/JISC Census Programme –Neighbourhood Statistics Service

5 GEOG3025 Introductory questions… Why use a virtual learning environment? What difference will it make to how this course is conducted?

6 GEOG3025

7 GEOG3025 Enrol for GEOG3025 Login Find course GEOG3025 Enrol Access code required!

8 GEOG3025 GEOG3025 Home page

9 GEOG3025 Blackboard menu (1) Announcements –Whole-class messages from tutor Course information –Learning objectives, programme Staff information –How to contact tutor Course documents –All lecture PowerPoints and handouts

10 Blackboard menu (2) Assignments –All assignments, including coursework Communication –Announcements, email, discussion boards (Discussion board) Reference list –Reference lists by lecture topic External links –Learning resources and data resources

11 GEOG3025 Census questions… When was the last census held? How do we get hold of the data from the census? What questions did it ask?

12 GEOG3025 Online census questionnaire Version of 2001 England and Wales household form To gain experience of completion of census questionnaire To gain understanding of question structure and coding To provide data for analysis later in course

13 GEOG3025 Confidentiality No name or address information will be saved to the database Database for teaching (and research?) Participation requested but not mandatory If noone fills it in, we won’t have any data later on!

14 GEOG3025 Online census questionnaire

15 GEOG3025 Neighbourhood Statistics Service

16 GEOG3025 ESRC/JISC 2001 Census Programme

17 GEOG3025 2001 Census Programme Continuation of previous ESRC/JISC Census programme –Data purchase –User licensing and registration –Data support units 2001 datasets and all previous holdings – including census-related datasets

18 Census Access Pre-2001 datasets2001 datasets Census organizationsOther data suppliers ESRC/JISC Other Census Access partners Data support units Registration service Academic census users integrated dataset services Users

19 GEOG3025 Census registration service

20 GEOG3025 CHCC online tutorials

21 GEOG3025 First assignment Enrol for GEOG3025 on Blackboard Complete online census questionnaire Post observations to discussion board within Blackboard Register with Census Registration Service (obtaining ATHENs ID if needed)

22 GEOG3025 Lecture summary Blackboard environment and registration Census registration service via Athens CHCC resources Census data Neighbourhood Statistics Service First assignment

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