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Study of Scanning Electron Microscope images The relationship between the structure of insects and their mode of living Group A.

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Presentation on theme: "Study of Scanning Electron Microscope images The relationship between the structure of insects and their mode of living Group A."— Presentation transcript:

1 Study of Scanning Electron Microscope images The relationship between the structure of insects and their mode of living Group A

2 What is an insect? Class: Invertebrates Phylum: Arthropods Three part body: head thorax abdomen Three pairs of joined legs, compound eyes and a pair of antenna Most diversed animals

3 Comparison of differences in structure(legs, eyes and mouth) Asian Tiger Mosquito Aphid

4 Asian tiger mosquito Order: Diptera Order: Diptera Blood sucking( female only) Blood sucking( female only) Transmission of disease Transmission of disease Larvae in polluted water Larvae in polluted water

5 Aphid Family: Apidoidea Family: Apidoidea Sap-sucking Sap-sucking Live on leaves on trees and shrubs Live on leaves on trees and shrubs Most destructive insects pests Most destructive insects pests

6 Legs( magnified by 1.5k) (Asian tiger mosquito) Hooked claws for clinging to skin Hooked claws for clinging to skin Hairy pads for sticking to smooth surface Hairy pads for sticking to smooth surface Water repelling for standing on water surface Water repelling for standing on water surface

7 Legs(Magnified by 800) (Asian Tiger Mosquito) Feathery scales for walking on water Feathery scales for walking on water

8 Legs(Magnified by 1.2k) (Aphid) Long and thin for penetrating the stem Long and thin for penetrating the stem

9 Legs(manified by 6k) (Aphid) Two-jointed, two-clawed tarsi for clinging on to the stem Two-jointed, two-clawed tarsi for clinging on to the stem

10 Comparison of legs CLAWS FEATHERY SCALE HAIRY PADS WATER REPELLEN CE SHAPE ASIAN TIGER MOSQUITO Facing the same direction YesYesYes Long and thin APHIDC-shapedNoNoNo

11 Mouth(magnified by 1k) (Asian tiger mosquito) Elongated( in female) Elongated( in female) Two sensory palps( shorter in male) Two sensory palps( shorter in male)

12 Mouth(Magnified by 1.5k) (Aphid) Stylets enclosed in rostrum Stylets enclosed in rostrum Long and needle like Long and needle like

13 Comparison of mouth SHAPE PRESENCE OF PALPS ENCLOSURE OF ROSTRUM ASIAN TIGER MOSQUITO ElongatedYesNo APHID Long and needle like NoYes

14 Eyes(magnified by 600) (Asian Tiger mosquito) Compound eyes distinctly separated Compound eyes distinctly separated Semi circular rows of ommatidia Semi circular rows of ommatidia Ability to detect fast movement Ability to detect fast movement

15 Eyes(magnified by 8k) (Asian tiger mosquito) Hexagonal Hexagonal

16 Eyes(magnified by 2.5k) (Aphid) Two compound eye Two compound eye Circle in shape Circle in shape


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