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Promoting TALD through the Thematic Program CSO-LA The rules of the Game Marina JUAN OLIVA – DevCO B2.

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Presentation on theme: "Promoting TALD through the Thematic Program CSO-LA The rules of the Game Marina JUAN OLIVA – DevCO B2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Promoting TALD through the Thematic Program CSO-LA The rules of the Game Marina JUAN OLIVA – DevCO B2

2 Contents of the session I- Thematic program CSO-LA vs bi-lateral II- Grants vs other types of financing III- Smart guidelines key to successful promotion of TALD IV- Smart Support Measures beyond the portfolio

3 I- Thematic program CSO-LA vs bi-lateral 1. Specificities and interests of the TP CSO-LA Support CSOs/LAs' role in governance and development Actor-led initiative Actor-based initiative Strong focus on local capacity development (local empowerment?)

4 2. Aid and implementation modalities Project approach Centralised management Call for proposals - Direct awards Procurement of services

5 II- Grants vs other types of financing 1. A broader tool? Competitive procedures Intervention logic drafted only by CSOs-LAs Co-financing rule

6 2. A tool to use wisely Mitigate the risks Smart guidelines Smart support measures

7 III- Drafting smart guidelines: a strategic and political tool 1. Beforehand Read CSO-LA Action Documents carefully Good knowledge of country context and agenda Comprehensive vision at EUD level (bi-lateral, dialogue)

8 2. Drafting guidelines step by step 2.1 Background Standard info on CSO-LA Past & current vision for CSO-LA in the country Complementarity with other programmes

9 2.2 Objectives and priorities Based on problem analysis, stakeholder analysis, risk analysis, lessons learnt (like bilateral Action Document) Narrow down the scope by geographical area, type of LAs, sector, scope of partnerships… Coherent portfolios: more impact, synergies, exchanges of best practices, lessons learnt

10 2.3 Financial allocation Lots compulsory for CSOs and LAs ( budget lines) Lots: can establish different rules for local actors vs. European, separate levels, types of actions… Ring-fencing: same rules for all but % set aside (locals, territories…) Sub-granting/support to third parties: handle with care…

11 Focus on sub-granting "Learning by doing" approach Risks & workload with main applicants Ownership & sustainability essential

12 2.4 Eligibility criteria Offer the possibility to ensure smart combination of stakeholders Partnerships based on status and capacities Associate status to involve private sector

13 IV- Smart support measures 1. Before launching Call for Proposals Support studies on TALD related issues Consultations to identify entry points for TALD Provide training for LAs

14 2. During and after the call During the evaluation of proposals Information sessions Helpdesk for short-listed applicants (equal treatment !) After contracting selected projects Training, coaching, networking, exchanges of experience, study visits, system audits… Exchanges with government and other stakeholders

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