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Prayer List Michele Todd – St. Mary’s #385 after surgery for a broken ankle. Imogene Taylor – St. Mary’s #380. She had surgery for a bowel obstruction.

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Presentation on theme: "Prayer List Michele Todd – St. Mary’s #385 after surgery for a broken ankle. Imogene Taylor – St. Mary’s #380. She had surgery for a bowel obstruction."— Presentation transcript:


2 Prayer List Michele Todd – St. Mary’s #385 after surgery for a broken ankle. Imogene Taylor – St. Mary’s #380. She had surgery for a bowel obstruction. Karen Scott – knee surgery December 22. David Smith – had recent successful eye surgery. Betty Spears – is cancer free! Doris Wood (Paula Tarte’s grandmother) St. Mary’s #243 after hip surgery last week. Mildred Brown (Johanna Kenner’s mother) St. Mary’s ICU after a bowel resection. Willanna Jones (Linda Lambert’s step-daughter) UAMS #616-H, after cancer surgery. Teresa Cothren (Erin Cothren’s mother-in-law) diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Bonnie Krantz came home from the hospital December 21 after back surgery. She is waiting on test results from a back biopsy.

3 Announcements Sympathy to Robert Wilcox and family in the loss of his brother, Gerald Wilcox, who passed away December 14. The funeral was in Columbus, MS. The church office is closed until Monday, December 27. Please contact one of the elders, deacons or preachers for any news to be announced Sunday, December 26. Congratulations to Corey and Tiffanie Walker! Their adoption of Caleb was finalized December 20. It’s time for Secret Sisters to let the cat out of the bag and reveal themselves to their 2010 Secret Sister. Beginning January 5, Wednesday Bible classes will meet at 6:30 PM. 2011 Communion servants are needed for February and March. Sign the list in the hallway.

4 Numbers WeekDateTopic 108 Dec10Numbers: An Introduction 215 Dec10Census and Organization: 1:1-4:49 322 Dec10Purity of the Camp: 5:1-6:27 429 Dec10Dedication of the Tabernacle: 7:1-10:10 505 Jan 11Failure of Israel: 10:11-12:16 612 Jan 11Pinnacle of Failure at Kadesh: 13:1-14:45 719 Jan 11Failure of Israel in the Wilderness: 15:1-19:22 826 Jan 11Failure of Israel enroot to Moab: 20:1-25:18 902 Feb 11Reorganization of Israel: 26:1-27:23 1009 Feb 11Regulations of Offerings and Vows: 28:1-30:16 1116 Feb 11Division of the Land: 31:1-33:49 1223 Feb 11Further Division of the Land: 33:50-36:13 1302 Mar 11Review

5 References Constable Notes - Primary Halley’s Bible Handbook JFB Bible Commentary ISBE (Encyclopedia)

6 Key Points for Today’s Lesson Israelites were to observe commands and rituals in preparation for entering the land The journey through the wilderness will become the process through which the covenant promise is connected to the covenant possession Nazarite vow is given for those that have an increase dedication of service to God God directs Moses, Aaron, and his sons in how to bless Israel

7 Last Week’s Lesson Reviewed the detailed timeline of the Book of Numbers Took a look at last week’s class which provided an overview of the Book of Numbers Reviewed Chapter 1-10 covering Israel’s preparation for entering the promised land Reviewed Chapters 1-4 covering Israel’s first census of those who were part of the exodus from Egypt and how they were organized

8 Historical Background The book opens as the Israelites were in the second month of the second year after they departed Egypt (1:1) Chapters 7:1-10:10 occurred before the timeline of the events of the book of Numbers – Events occurred as Moses finished setting up the tabernacle – Tabernacle was set up on the 1 st day of the 1 st month of the 2 nd year; Numbers started on the 1 st day, 2 nd month, 2 nd year – Read Numbers 7:1, then Numbers 7:84, then Exodus 40:17, then Numbers 1:1 to better understand the timeline

9 Historical Background Continued Scholars determined the book had been written close to Moses’ death, around 1406 BC – Exodus happened around 1446 BC (1 Ki 6:1) – Israelites were in the wilderness 40 years (Num 32:13) – Moses died shortly before they entered the Promised Land (Deut 34:5) Numbers closes out when the Israelites were in the 10 th month of the 40 th year (see Deut 1:3) – The book of Numbers covers about 39 years

10 Hebrew Calendar

11 Timeline EventYearHebrewDayMonth Departure from Egypt1446Nisan15April Quail and Manna provided1446Iyyar15May Ten Commandments in the Sinai1446Sivan?Jun Tabernacle Built1445Iyyar1April Depart from Sinai1445Iyyar20May At Kadesh-Barnea – second time1406Nisan1March At Mt. Hor – Aaron Dies1406Ab1Jul Moses Death1406Shebat1Jan Cross Jordan1405Nisan10Apr Keep Passover and Manna ceases1405Nisan14Apr

12 Geographical Background Israelites traveled from Mt. Sinai to the plains of Moab – East of Jericho and the Jordan River However, not a direct route – Proceeded from Sinai to Kadesh Barnea – On Canaan’s southern border Failed to proceed to the Promised Land from Kadesh Barnea because of unbelief – Wondered 38 more years in the wilderness God finally brings them back to Kadesh, then led them to the Plains of Moab on Canaan’s eastern border


14 Key Lessons Of Numbers Show how God dealt with the Israelites as they anticipate entrance into the Promised Land Events that led to the destruction of the older generations of Israelites in the wilderness Preparation of the new generation for entrance into the Promised Land Provided a warning to younger members of the community of Israel about the wrath of God on their parents because of their failure to obey the covenant


16 The Tribes of Israel

17 Purity of the Camp (5:1-4) At this point in Numbers, Israel’s leaders, to include Moses and Aaron, were following God’s will – However, they soon stop trusting in God God directs that ceremonially unclean people should not live in tribal camps – Must reside outside of the camp – Need to separate clean from unclean

18 Treachery Against God (5:5-10) Review of restitution and compensation for violations against a neighbor – Also found in Leviticus 5:14 through 6:7 – Sins by a person or sins against a person Additional issues are addressed – Cases where a person could not fulfill responsibility – Person and kinsman had died – Restitution and compensation to the priests (vs. 8) Sins against a neighbor were to be atoned

19 Law of Jealousy (5:11-31) Importance of purity in marriage relationships required to preserve God’s blessing on Israel Steps an Israelite man must take when he suspects an unfaithful wife – Wife was responsible to her husband – Special meal offering, in the form of barley flour – Process determined the woman’s guilt – Physical symptoms of God’s judgment resulted from her guilt (vs. 23, 27) – He incurred no guilt for the accusation

20 Nazirite Vow (6:1-21) Importance of maintaining purity in the camp continues in this section Nazirite vow – Normally voluntary and temporary vow – Two biblical examples of life-long vows Samson and Samuel, possibly John the Baptist – Male or female could take the vow Did not withdraw from society but lived an active life of service Served God more directly than did the common Israelite, similar but not the same as the priests

21 Nazirite Vow (6:1-21) Three commitments were made – Abstention from any products of the grape vine (vs. 4) Linking strong drink with neglect of God’s law (Gen 9) – Nazirite would leave his or her hair uncut (vs. 5) Represented strength (Judg 16:17, 2 Sam 14:25-26) – Avoid any physical contact with the dead Should avoid contact with sin, death was a result of sin If a Nazirite broke a vow, he had to follow the prescribed ritual for cleansing and begin the vow again (vs. 9-12)

22 Nazarite Vows (6:1-21) Expired Nazirite Vows – Had to go through a prescribed ritual – Peace offering of cut hair on the brazen altar Nazirite vows not required under Mosaic Law (see Lev 27) Paul took a Nazarite vow (Acts 18:18) – But not under the Law of Moses, but why? – Practicing Jewish custom to win Jews to Jesus Christ

23 Aaronic Blessing (6:22-27) Blessing addresses the purification of Israel – As the nation prepared to enter the Promised Land God gave this blessing to the priests to offer sanctification of the people – Priests were the mediators of the blessing from God to the Israelites Three part blessing – First blessing is His goodness poured out to them – Second blessing is God’s favor and grace in life – Third blessing called for God to manifest His power for His people, producing peace

24 Review Israelites were had to observe specific commands and rituals in preparation for entering the Promised Land The journey through the wilderness would become the process through which the covenant promise is connected to the covenant possession Nazarite vow is given for those that have an increase dedication of service to God God directed Moses, Aaron, and his sons in how to bless Israel Next week: Numbers 7-10

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