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Jonathan B. Yuval MD General Surgery Hadassah Medical Center

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Presentation on theme: "Jonathan B. Yuval MD General Surgery Hadassah Medical Center"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jonathan B. Yuval MD General Surgery Hadassah Medical Center
Bowel Obstruction Jonathan B. Yuval MD General Surgery Hadassah Medical Center

2 1. SBO Causes Pathophysiology Clinical manifestations Physical Exam
Labs and radiology Treatment Management of specific problems

3 2. Ogilvie’s Disease and Ileus
History Clinical and radiological presentation How to differentiate from bowel obstruction Treatment

4 3. Large Bowel Obstruction
Is medical emergency!! Always necessitates an intervention Causes Treatment

5 4. Radiology Quiz

6 5. Cases from Access Surgery

7 SBO- Causes Extraluminal Intrinsic to bowel wall Intraluminal
Adhesion, hernia, carcinomatosis, abscess Intrinsic to bowel wall Primary tumors, enteritis, strictures Intraluminal Bezoar, foreign body, gallstones, intussusceptions

8 SBO - causes

9 SBO- Pathophysiology motility stasis dilatation fluid accumulation
High Pressure

10 SBO - Pathophysiology Fluid accumulation  Hypovolemia and electrolyte imbalances. Increased intraluminal pressure  Venous congestion  arterial compromise  Ischemia  Perforation (CLOSED LOOP) Increased abdominal pressure  Decreased pre-load/CO and restriction of breathing.

11 SBO – Clinical Manifestations
Colicky Pain Vomiting Distension Obstipation Diarrhea Previous surgeries?

12 SBO – Physical Exam VS Scars, Distension Active BS to no BS Tenderness
Peritonitis Hernias? PR – Mass, Blood?

13 SBO – Labs and Radiology
AXR – Dx Labs – Severity AXR, CT, Barium Studies Cr, Urea, Elec’, WBC, BG, LAC, DIA CT- (Pneumatosis, Portal gas, Fecalization)


15 Red Flags Hx PEx Labs No previous surgeries
Old surgeries wo/previous SBO PEx Abnormal VS Peritonitis Hernia Labs WBC LAC, DIA BG

The most important question in management. Conservative or Surgical Tx. Hernia? No previous surgery? Disturbed VS? Peritonitis? Disturbed labs? Large bowel obstruction?

17 SBO – Conservative Treatment
Fluid Resuscitation Catheter and urine output monitoring NGT ABX?

18 SBO-Surgical Treatment
Closed loop/Strangulation  immediate surgery Simple obstruction  watch and wait. The second most important question in SBO: How long can you wait? 12-24h, 72h, more? Exp. Laparotomy / Exp. Laparoscopy

19 2. Ogilvie’s and Ileus Functional NOT Mechanical obstruction
Ogilvie’s – Large bowel pseudo-obstruction Ileus – Small (and Large) bowel Etiology: Post op Elec’ (hypo-K, Mg, Na, uremia, high G, Ca) Drugs (opiates, psych) Abdominal inflammation Sepsis SLE, Scleroderma Parkinson

20 Oglivie’s an Ileus- Treatment
Tx of underlying condition Ogilvie’s Neostigmine Epidural Anasthesia Surgery

21 Large Bowel Obstruction
Causes: Cancer Volvulus Diverticulitis Hernia Intussusception

22 Dx Hx Physical AXR Ct – Enema Barium Enema

23 LBO LBO w/competent ileo-cecal valve will always be closed loop
Resection w/ or wo/ anastamosis Volvulus – Cecal  Resection, Sigmoid  Decompresion trial

24 Sigmoid Volvulus


26 LBO - Radiology

27 Radiology - Quiz








35 Take Home Messages Recognize “red flag” situations in SBO
LBO is a surgical emergency Conservative management of SBO has a time limit

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