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The winterised NB82-Shelter of SHA. The emergency shelter NB 82 of SHA Better than a tent, but without the definitive character of a barack. Polivalent.

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Presentation on theme: "The winterised NB82-Shelter of SHA. The emergency shelter NB 82 of SHA Better than a tent, but without the definitive character of a barack. Polivalent."— Presentation transcript:

1 The winterised NB82-Shelter of SHA

2 The emergency shelter NB 82 of SHA Better than a tent, but without the definitive character of a barack. Polivalent usable, as well as in difficult terrain. Insulated and with stove. Wooden flexible floor. Created in 1980 for SHA and since then used in 8 missions (1983-94 + 2005), (ca. 230 pcs.)

3 e.g. Installation of med. Dispensaries after a devastating earthquake Difficult access to the villages, moderate climate Total 5 Dispensaries established and equipped, each with 5 NB 82 incl. shadow-roof, water tank and fencing. In cooperation with MoH and only with limited support by the beneficiaries. Built by 5 members of SHA shelter team. North Yemen 1983

4 NB 82 North-Yemen 1983

5 e.g. Provision of winter proof shelters after an earthquake in Eastern Anatolya Difficult access to the villages, very cold Total 30 NB 82 in 2 villages established for a safe survival of the harsch winter time (-35° C), for 180 inhabitants. In cooperation with local authorities, established by a Shelter- team of 13 members of SHA, actively supported by the local population. Turkey 1983

6 NB 82 Turkey1983, Eastern Anatolya

7 NB 82 Turkey 1983, Eastern-Anatolya

8 NB 82 Turkey 1983 Eastern-Anatolya

9 NB 82 Turkey1983, Eastern-Anatolya

10 NB 82 Turkey 1985 (after 2 Years in use) Eastern-Anatolya

11 e.g. Installation of 8 Medical Checkpoints for Afghan Refugees at remote border points in Iran: Very remote areas in different type of desert‘s. Difficult access to some sites. Climat: moderate until very hot. In total 24 NB 82 implemented and equipped, incl. a shadow area for waiting clients. Difficult cooperation with local authorities. Constructions made by 2 member of SHA, actively supported by Afghan Mujahedins. Iran 1986

12 NB 82 Iran 1986


14 e.g. Establishment of temporary rooms for schools and homework in the town of Kalamata after a severe earthquake. Capital of the Region. Very good access to the sites moderate temperature. In total 50 NB 82 und 10 connecting-elements installed and equipped at 14 sites. Very good cooperation with local authorities and MoE. Construction made by 7 members of SHA Shelter–team and some assistance by local employees (MoE), supported by school-kids. Greece 1986

15 NB 82 Greece 1986


17 e.g. Establishment of winter proof private shelters after a devastating earthquake: (some of the shelters have been in use for 5 years!) Difficult access to some of the villages, very cold, deep snow In total 30 NB 82 erected in 6 villages, for a survival of the harsch winter (-35° C) for about 150 inhabitants. In cooperation with local authorities. Built by a team of 9 members of SHA Shelter-team and some support from the beneficiaries. Armenia 1989

18 NB 82 Armenia 1989


20 NB 82 Armenia 1992 (after more than 3 years)

21 e.g. Establishment of med. Dispensaries and temporary rooms for schools after a severe earthquake: In some places quite difficult access to the sites. Climate: cold, short before the winter starts In total 48 NB 82 erected, facilitating the running of schools and helping to establish a basic PHC (primary health care) during the winter. In cooperation with local authorities, established by 7 members of the SHA Shelter team. Pakistan 2005

22 NB 82 Pakistan: Support for Field Hospital

23 Results of the missions with NB 82 Some of the installed NB 82 have been in use for several years on site, either for same or for new purpose. Some of the NB 82 have been dislocated professionally by locals later on. What was ok with the NB 82?? Solid, simple construction on a floor- construction above soil. The difference between soil and floor acts as a „dirt-lock. What kind of problems did occur? Some small technical details (have been improoved after each mission)

24 The NB 82 is extremely good qualified for a use during cold winter periods or for moderate climate. The NB 82 is not useful for hot climate or for areas with periodical strong storms! The NB 82 is polivalent usable, even in difficult area and terrain. The shelter is insulated and heatable. A solid adabtable floor helps to keep the shelter clean. Too expensive for a mass shelter (15‘000.-sfr./unit) Too heavy for an airlift operation (1 unit = ca.1000 kg) FAZIT

25 Facts 1 1.Most of the missions with the NB 82 were made after natural disasters and supported public services. (Schools, Healtpost etc.) 2.The most sustainable missions with NB 82 were realized in cold areas in the Northern Hemisphere. In tropical and hot climate an insulated shelter is not needed. Adequate materials are on the market or even locally available. 3.After a disaster, emergency shelters for a mass of affected people should preferabely made with local means and local materials. ( imported tents only, if there is really no other solution) 4.Public infrastructure and services have to be supported for a short- or mid-term period even with imported means until local solutions are in place. After a disaster these services lack often time, money and manpower because everybody is looking first for covering the needs of his own family.

26 Facts 2 1.For cold climate there are today nearly no useful winterized tents for families available at reasonable prize. The question is still open, if such tents have to be developped 2.Public services after natural disasters in cold climates are quite often stressed to find rapid enough useful rooms at resonable cost. 3.There is a need for a coordination and an info-exchange among the relevant stakeholders in the International Shelter „Community“ in developing a common policy and such prefab solutions.

27 Questions 1.Is the use of a shelter like NB 82 still relevant? 2.How and for what kind of use should a similar shelter today be designed? (mass housing shelter should be organised locally!) 3.How can prize and weight be reduced? (new design? Purchase in low cost countries?) 4.What has to be improved? (new design?)

28 There are other organisations also loking for solutions ( wintershelter in Pakistan)

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