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EARTHQUAKE Learning Objectives To know where in the world Haiti is To understand the tectonic processes that caused the earthquake To begin to understand.

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Presentation on theme: "EARTHQUAKE Learning Objectives To know where in the world Haiti is To understand the tectonic processes that caused the earthquake To begin to understand."— Presentation transcript:

1 EARTHQUAKE Learning Objectives To know where in the world Haiti is To understand the tectonic processes that caused the earthquake To begin to understand the impact on the people of Haiti To be able to use development indicators explain why the earthquake affected people in Haiti so badly

2 What I KNOW about the Haiti earthquake What I WOULD LIKE to know about the Haiti earthquake What I have LEARNT about the Haiti earthquake Complete the first two columns of your KWL grid.

3 “It accelerated with extreme violence. The entire building was shaking violently and I was hanging onto furniture just to stop myself from being thrown around the room and praying that the big concrete pillar in the middle of my office would not break and bring the whole building down on me. When it subsided, access to outside from my office had been blocked off so all the people like me had to get out of my window and go down three storeys on a ladder, a rather rickety ladder. When I reached the bottom, I just looked around me and saw...... FINISH THE STORY. WHAT DID YOU SEE? “It accelerated with extreme violence. The entire building was shaking violently and I was hanging onto furniture just to stop myself from being thrown around the room and praying that the big concrete pillar in the middle of my office would not break and bring the whole building down on me. When it subsided, access to outside from my office had been blocked off so all the people like me had to get out of my window and go down three storeys on a ladder, a rather rickety ladder. When I reached the bottom, I just looked around me and saw...... FINISH THE STORY. WHAT DID YOU SEE?

4 What do you think happened two hours BEFORE this photo was taken? What do you think happened two hours AFTER this photo was taken?


6 PAIR WORK You are about to see a map of Haiti for 30 seconds. You need to remember as much as you can of the map. You will then have two minutes to draw as much of the map as you can remember on your A4 paper! You will repeat the process three times until you have built up a complete map. PAIR WORK You are about to see a map of Haiti for 30 seconds. You need to remember as much as you can of the map. You will then have two minutes to draw as much of the map as you can remember on your A4 paper! You will repeat the process three times until you have built up a complete map.


8 Outline of the countries? Names of places?


10 Al Jazeera explains science behind Haiti’s earthquake Watch the clip once all the way through. Watch it a second time and; Person A – Look out for the tectonic plates, where they are and what they are called and draw them onto your map. Person B – Write down a description of what caused the earthquake. Using your sketch map that you made in pairs to help you, draw a neat version of the map of Haiti in your books. Explain how the earthquake happened.



13 Tuesday 12 th January Wednesday 13 th January Thursday 14 th January Friday 15 th January Saturday 16 th January CBS News The Week in Haiti Draw the timeline and write down one thing that happened each day after the quake struck alongside the correct day.

14 COMPARING HAITI AND THE USA USAHAITI POPULATION308 MILLION10 MILLION SIZE OF LAND 9372,610 km2 27,000KM 2 ECONOMICSEconomically developed Less developed WEALTHVery rich ($47,000 per person) poorest countries in world ($790per person) GOVERNMENTStable and powerful Weak and unstable, corrupt


16 Development indicators task…. Match the development indicators with explanations on the Haiti development cards activity sheet. Rank indicators according to their importance in measuring development and poverty. There are no right answers. Design a symbol for each indicator and use these to fill in the Important! activity sheet. Add a key to explain symbols.


18 What impact would the earthquake have had? Read at least one of the survivor’s stories. Note how you think the earthquake has affected people’s life expectancy, the number of households with TVs etc Add your conclusions, in words and pictures, to the Important! grid and share with the class.

19 What I KNOW about the Haiti earthquake What I WOULD LIKE to know about the Haiti earthquake What I have LEARNT about the Haiti earthquake Add 3-5 things you have LEARNT today about the Haiti earthquake.

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