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The Archaic Period 620 to 490/80 BCE. Temple Architecture – use book 1.stylobate 2.fluting 4.volute 5.Doric order 6.Ionic order 7.pediment 8.frieze.

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Presentation on theme: "The Archaic Period 620 to 490/80 BCE. Temple Architecture – use book 1.stylobate 2.fluting 4.volute 5.Doric order 6.Ionic order 7.pediment 8.frieze."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Archaic Period 620 to 490/80 BCE

2 Temple Architecture – use book 1.stylobate 2.fluting 4.volute 5.Doric order 6.Ionic order 7.pediment 8.frieze 9.peripteral 10.naos/cella


4 Temple of Hera I, Paestum, Italy 550 BCE

5 Architectural Sculpture High relief: 3-D image or design whose flat background surface is carved away to a high depth. Caryatids: columns carved in the form of draped women.



8 Dying Warrior, Doric Temple of Aphaia at Aegina 480 BCE, Marble Cleverly designed to hit in the corner of the pediment.

9 WEST PEDIMENT 500-490 500 BCE 480 BCE

10 Freestanding Sculpture Lifesize or larger, these sculptures would be standing or in stride with one foot in front of the other. Brightly painted (even though we can’t see it anymore) Kore: female statue Kouros: male statue

11 Standing Kouros 580 BCE, Marble Echoes Egypt Hair is patterned with consistent knots. STYLIZED Archaic smile Rigid Striding Idealized

12 Kroisos Kouros Cemetery at Anavysos, Athens 530 BCE, Marble Powerful, round body A continual interest in artist’s rendering the human body with more detail Stride, arms, fists, hair, and archaic smile

13 Peplos Kore Acropolis, Athens 530 BCE, Marble peplos: garment, draped rectangular cloth Motionless, vertical, stylized hair fluting

14 Kore (from Chios?) 520 BCE, Marble Rich drapery, softer features, and life- like anatomy Chiton: like a peplos, but fuller of ornate detail

15 Calf Bearer Acropolis, Athens 560 BCE Archaic smile, tufted hair, wide- open eyes “X” composition

16 Archaic Vase Painting During the Archaic period, Athens = center for manufacture and trade for pottery. Athens adopted the Corinthian black- figure style.

17 Hierarchal sizing, exquisite contour detailing and composition Sgraffito linework (incision) EXEKIASEXEKIAS, Achilles and Ajax playing a dice game (detail from an Attic black- figure amphora), from Vulci, Italy, ca. 540- 530 BCE

18 Suicide of Ajax, 540 BCE black-figure on amphora, Painter Exekias Considered the finest of Athenian vase painters, took subjects from Greek history

19 Euphronios interested in depicting human figure as it is seen taking up real space, very different from what we have seen thus far. Twisted composition helps with struggle and motion of figures EUPHRONIOS, Herakles wrestling Antaios (detail of an Attic red- figure calyx krater), from Cerveteri, Italy, ca. 510 BCE

20 Death of Sarpedon, red-figure on calyx krater, painted by Euphronios. Balance Balance between vertical and horizontal lines.


22 P______ K____ (530 BCE) references a c________ with rigidity and linearity. P_________ is a temple that a single row of columns around it’s perimeter. Columns rest on a s__________, aka the top step of a temple. The n______, or c______, is the central room in a Greek temple. A p________ is the triangular top section on the e______ and w______ side of a temple. E________ painted both A_______ and A_____ Playing a D_____ G______ AND the S________ of Ajax. Both are examples of Greek b_______ f_______ p________ vases. Peplos Kore column Peripteral stylobate naos cella pediment east west Exekias Achilles Ajax Dice Game Suicide blackfigure painting

23 K______ is a standing nude male statue K_____ is a draped female statue E__________ is a red–figure vessel painter who was the student of E_______. The C_____-B_______ is depicted with the iconic A_______ s_____ A ch______ is a flowing, draped female clothe. kouros kore Euphronios Exekias CalfBearer Archaicsmile chiton

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