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 The reason I chose this topic is that is like peeps and I thought it would be fun to learn more about them. Also I thought it was funny that I could.

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Presentation on theme: " The reason I chose this topic is that is like peeps and I thought it would be fun to learn more about them. Also I thought it was funny that I could."— Presentation transcript:


2  The reason I chose this topic is that is like peeps and I thought it would be fun to learn more about them. Also I thought it was funny that I could do my project on anything so I wanted to do it on peeps.

3  One peep contains eight teaspoons of sugar.  There are different types of peeps and here are some: Bunnies peeps, tulips peeps, eggs peeps, ghost peeps  Peeps have been the number on non- chocolate Easter brand for over twenty years!

4  Americans consume six hundred million peeps at Easter time.  4.2 million peeps are made each day.  Yellow peeps are the most famous type of peeps followed by pink, lavender, then white.  Peeps are famous for their two year shelf life and indestructibility.

5  Scientists could not dissolve peeps eyes with water, sulfuric acid or sodium hydroxide.  One peep has thirty two calories and zero grams of fat.

6  To make your own peeps war all you have to do is put two peeps in the microwave for one minute. Then watch your very own peeps war.

7  In the peep off you have thirty minutes to eat as many peeps as you can.  In the middle there is a five minute cool off time to see if anyone is going to throw up.  If you do throw up to stay in the game you have to eat the peeps that you threw up or you are disqualified.

8  Dennis Gross holds the title of eating the most peeps at a peep off.  He ate one hundred and two peeps in the peep off and no one has beaten his record yet!

9  S’more peeps: Six peeps chicks or bunnies, any color. Six skewers or toasting forks. Six graham crackers, separated into twelve halves. Six one ounce squares semisweet chocolate. If you have a fire place the peeps on skewers and toast over the fire until warm and soft. Carefully transfer the melted peeps to graham cracker halves. Top each with a square of chocolate and a second graham cracker and now you have a S’more peep!

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11   are-really-made-from/ are-really-made-from/

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