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Jim Jones (Peoples Temple) By Jack and Robin CULTS.

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1 Jim Jones (Peoples Temple) By Jack and Robin CULTS

2 Early life Apart from that his father died when he was 16 and that Jones and another friend of his were doing some Research on Jones’s dad and he could have been part Of the KKK!

3 Jones didn’t want any member of the peoples temple to have sex he wanted them all to adopt. The Peoples Temple was made basically for the sick, homeless and jobless people. He gathered a large group of over 900 members in Indianapolis In the 1950's. information

4 Something that could of inspired him Jim Jones read a lot about father divine who was an African American spiritual leader. His real name was George baker Jr. but he also made his own name up and his self given name was reverend major jealous divine he was also known as the messenger.

5 Jim Jones’s preaches What did Jim Jones Preach about? I don’t really know what Jim Jones Preached about But he did convince exactly 914 people to commit suicide on the spot.

6 This group moved quite a lot they have been located in Ukiah in Northern California, San Francisco, Los Angeles and many more places. Locations

7 Jim Jones made a belief called Translation in which he and his followers would all die together, and would move to another planet for a life of happiness. Mass suicides were practiced in which his followers pretended to drink poison and fall to the ground. His Belief

8 Some people said that Jonestown was being run like a concentration camp and that people were being held against there will. These concerns made Leo Ryan want to visit Jonestown in 1978-NOV for a personal inspection. At first, the visit went well but Later, on NOV-18, around 16 Temple members decided that they wanted to leave Jonestown with the visitors. Jones did not like this While Ryan and the others were waiting at Port Kiatuma airfield (the local airstrip) some members of the Temple's security guards arrived and started shooting. Ryan and four others were killed three were members of the press the others were people from Jonestown who wanted to leave. 11 were wounded. Conspiracy

9 The Peoples Temple did not survive the mass suicide/murder in Guyana. Their old headquarters building in San Francisco was destroyed by the Loma Prieta earthquake in 1989. Destruction Thank you for watching

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