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Arduino UNO. Massimo Banzi - Interaction Design Institute Ivrea Co Creators: David Cuartielles and David Mellis.

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Presentation on theme: "Arduino UNO. Massimo Banzi - Interaction Design Institute Ivrea Co Creators: David Cuartielles and David Mellis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Arduino UNO

2 Massimo Banzi - Interaction Design Institute Ivrea Co Creators: David Cuartielles and David Mellis

3 Arduino MEGA

4 Arduino NANO

5 Arduino LilyPad


7 Freeduino

8 Seeeduino

9 FEZ Panda

10 Beagle Board

11 Panda Board


13 MAKE Controller

14 PIC Peripheral Interface Controller

15 Basic Stamp

16 Parallax BS2 Developtment Board

17 Parallax Propeller

18 LEGO Mindstorm

19 Lego Mindstorm Programming Module

20 Lego Mindstorm

21 setup() – a function run once at the start of a program that can initialize

22 loop() – a function called repeatedly until the board powers off

23 #define LED_PIN 13 void setup () { pinMode (LED_PIN, OUTPUT); // enable pin 13 for digital output } void loop () { digitalWrite (LED_PIN, HIGH); // turn on the LED delay (1000); // wait one second (1000 milliseconds) digitalWrite (LED_PIN, LOW); // turn off the LED delay (1000); // wait one second


25 Shields

26 Joystick Sparkfun

27 Brick Seeed

28 Xbee Seeed

29 Relay Seeed

30 SD Card Sparkfun

31 Solar Seeed

32 Ardumoto Sparkfun

33 Color LCD Sparkfun

34 El Escudo Sparkfun

35 Electroluminesent Tape

36 Voice Box Sparkfun

37 Power Driver Sparkfun

38 Cellular Sparkfun


40 Passive Infrared

41 Touch/Capacitance

42 Light

43 Audio

44 Compass

45 Temperature

46 Bend Sensor

47 Force

48 Gyro

49 Tilt

50 Acceleration

51 Servo


53 Motor

54 LED

55 Solienoid

56 Solienoid Valve

57 Pneumatic/Hydraulic Cylinder


59 Predator Drone


61 Chris Anderson MOV Arduino Powered DIY Drone

62 Tilt Pan Camera

63 Dimension SST1200 3D Printer


65 Segway

66 Arduino (mini) SegwayMOV

67 Taps

68 TapsMOV

69 PIC Project

70 Pic Project

71 Super Nature Design

72 CUBE Multiplexing MOV



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