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Maximizing Your Hill Visits. Session Overview Background and Overview of the Legislative Process Review Key Congressional Committees SNA’s CNR Strategy.

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Presentation on theme: "Maximizing Your Hill Visits. Session Overview Background and Overview of the Legislative Process Review Key Congressional Committees SNA’s CNR Strategy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maximizing Your Hill Visits

2 Session Overview Background and Overview of the Legislative Process Review Key Congressional Committees SNA’s CNR Strategy Preparing for Your Hill Visits

3 How a Bill Becomes a Law… if only it was this simple!

4 Game Changer: Congress’ Casualty List Appointed to Senate: 1 House (R) Elected to Other Office: 1 House (D) Running for Senate: 12 House (3D, 9R) Running for Other Office: 4 House (3D, 1R) Retiring: 21 House (10D, 11R); 6 Senate (4D, 2R) Resigning: 6 House (2D, 4R); 4 Senate (2D, 2R) Died: 1 House (R); 1 Senate (D) TOTAL: 57 Vacant Seats!

5 Our Mission: Earning the support of current members for SNA’s CNR priorities Starting from scratch with 57+ new members in 2015!

6 Who is Responsible for Child Nutrition Bills in Congress? House Education and the Workforce Committee Senate Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry Committee

7 House Education and Workforce John Kline (R-MN)George Miller (D-CA) Retiring

8 Senate Agriculture Debbie Stabenow (D-MI)Thad Cochran (R-MS )

9 House Agriculture Appropriations Robert Aderholt (R-AL)Sam Farr (D-CA)

10 Senate Agriculture Appropriations Mark Pryor (D-AR)Roy Blunt (R-MO)

11 But Who Actually Writes the Bill? Meet Wayne Stoskopf and “Mysterious Leg. Counsel”

12 Child Nutrition Programs Permanently Authorized - Funded CN Reauthorization 2015 o Discretionary o Vehicle for change

13 SNA’s Legislative Team Core Team o Washington Counsel o SNA Legislative Staff o PPL Committee o SNA PAC

14 Our Strategy: Educating key Members & staff Pushing for regulatory changes Drafting legislative language

15 YOU Can Make the Difference!

16 Getting Ready LAC agenda & conference program Know the Position Paper Be a sponge Attend sessions Take notes Ask questions Develop key messages

17 Planning the Tuesday Hill Visit State Planning Meetings o Team strategies for success Dress for Success o Comfortable shoes (Marble) Security Be punctual

18 The Visit Simple and consistent Share the moment Stay involved in the conversation Study lobbying tips Stay cool and bi-partisan Follow-up

19 How to get around D.C. Metro System Shared Taxi Congressional Guide Map of Capitol Hill


21 After your visit Complete your feedback sheet and return to PPL Committee Thank you notes: o Thank them for meeting with you o Recap the highlights of the meeting o Confirm that you will follow up on information they requested o Include your contact information Follow up

22 The Responsibilities of Democracy The power of “one” Speak for those who cannot Be a champion for change

23 Just one more thing…


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