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NSS as a Quality Enhancement Tool University of Strathclyde A case study Rowena Kochanowska and Anna Highmore.

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Presentation on theme: "NSS as a Quality Enhancement Tool University of Strathclyde A case study Rowena Kochanowska and Anna Highmore."— Presentation transcript:

1 NSS as a Quality Enhancement Tool University of Strathclyde A case study Rowena Kochanowska and Anna Highmore

2 NSS as a Quality Enhancement Tool NSS is one element of our Strategy for Obtaining and Responding to Student Views. The others are: –First Year Experience Survey –Pyramid Discussions –PTES –PRES –i-Grad –

3 NSS as a Quality Enhancement Tool All survey results are looked at together with the aim of identifying: themes recurrent across different years and cohorts issues particular to individual groups Project underway to review management of student surveys  work in progress

4 NSS as a Quality Enhancement Tool Reporting Key findings for the NSS are reported - together with other survey results - to Senior Officers, Education Strategy Committee, Senate and Court Results (including comments) for the NSS are analysed centrally and disaggregated to Faculty and Department level and circulated together with results from other surveys to Faculty Officers and Deans for wider distribution Results are distributed to relevant professional services Results also made available to Students’ Association

5 NSS as a Quality Enhancement Tool Report structure and content Introduction Summary of surveys included in report Results Key themes and points for consideration

6 NSS as a Quality Enhancement Tool At Faculty Level: Survey results are reviewed by: -Dean -Faculty Academic Committee -Faculty Resources & Planning Committee -Other Committees as appropriate

7 NSS as a Quality Enhancement Tool Actions at Institutional Level Data Informs Strategic Approach 2008 – Deputy Principal wrote to best and worst performing Departments in NSS 2009 - Data from the surveys informed meetings between the Principal and all HoDs/Deans

8 NSS as a Quality Enhancement Tool Initiatives developed in response to findings so far include: At University Level -12 Principles of Assessment -New Policy and Procedures for Assessment and Feedback -Feedback is a Dialogue -Ongoing work on Academic Counselling and Personal Development Planning

9 NSS as a Quality Enhancement Tool Various according to Faculty, includes: Assessment and Feedback contracts Feedback Coordinators

10 NSS as a Quality Enhancement Tool At Departmental Level Various according to Department, includes for example: –Setting up of sub-groups of Learning and Teaching Committees to consider the implications for practice and introduce changes –Issuing students with a schedule of feedback dates for each assignment –A pilot scheme with fourth year students to provide formal feedback sessions for compulsory modules.

11 NSS as a Quality Enhancement Tool Future developments Linking survey activity and student feedback obtained at departmental level to the wider institutional survey programme


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