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Physics Toolkit Chapter 1 Mr. Whitney. What is Physics Physics is a branch of science that involves the study of the physical world: energy, matter, and.

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Presentation on theme: "Physics Toolkit Chapter 1 Mr. Whitney. What is Physics Physics is a branch of science that involves the study of the physical world: energy, matter, and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physics Toolkit Chapter 1 Mr. Whitney

2 What is Physics Physics is a branch of science that involves the study of the physical world: energy, matter, and how they are related. See page 3 of textbook

3 SI Units Lengthmeter Masskilogram Timesecond Temperaturekelvin Amount of a substancemole Electrical currentampere Luminous intensitycandela See page 5 in textbook

4 Prefixes in use with SI Units nano-10 -9 micro- 10 -6 milli-10 -3 kilo-10 3 mega-10 6 See page 6 in textbook

5 Significant digits All non-zero digits are significant Trailing zeros are significant, leading zeros are not Addition, and subtraction: the result is the same as the least significant number See page 7 in textbook

6 Precision verses Accuracy Precision is the exactness of the measurement, how small an interval was measured Accuracy is how well the measurement agrees with the actual value See page 12, 13

7 Linear relationship y = mx + b Graphs as a straight line Between 2 variables

8 Non-linear Example: Quadratic Relationship Between 2 variables

9 Non-linear Example: Exponential Relationship Between 2 variables

10 Inverse Relationship One variable Increases The second Variable Decreases y = a/x

11 Scientific Notation 8.2 x 10 5 ; Proper form for Scientific Notation: 10 > Coefficient ≥ 1 8.2 is the coefficient Base is 10 Exponent of 10 shows how the decimal point has been moved

12 Scientific Notation Multiply (8.2 x 10 5 ) (4.1 x 10 -2 ) = (8.2) (4.1) (10^5) (10^-2) = 33.62 x 10 3 (add exponents) For division, 1)divide the magnitude numbers 2) subtract denominator exponent from the numerator exponent.

13 Scientific Notation Add 8.2 x 10 5 + 4.1 x 10 2 (or subtraction) Change so exponent are the same 8.2 x 10 5 + 0.0041 x 10 5 Then add: 8.2041 x 10 5

14 HW page 24 Homework Grade for completeness 37, 38, 42, 43, 46, 55 Pick both to hand in 70, 72 page 26 Due Friday 9/18

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