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Software Testing Łukasz Wojcieszek s2690 Tomasz Wyrzuc s2675.

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Presentation on theme: "Software Testing Łukasz Wojcieszek s2690 Tomasz Wyrzuc s2675."— Presentation transcript:

1 Software Testing Łukasz Wojcieszek s2690 Tomasz Wyrzuc s2675

2 Agenda What is testing? Types of Testing System test Tools Common mistakes

3 What is testing ? „Testing is the process of executing a program with the intent of finding errors” Dr Glen Myers

4 Major Terms Verification Validation

5 Main Testing Goals Detection and deletion of errors in applications Evaluation of software reliability

6 Audit Review and evaluation of software done by independent organization, testers (whatever)

7 Inspection This form of testing is specialized in detailed evaluation of source code, whole project or a component. It is done by special group of people (not authors).

8 Types of Testing Error detection Dynamic test Static test – based on source code analyzes Static test – based on detection of common mistakes

9 Types of Testing 2 Functional Tests – black box Structural Tests – white box

10 What also should be tested? System efficiency Used Hardware Resources System Protection System Interface

11 What also should be tested? Portability Software maintainability Software security Susceptibility for modifications

12 What also should be tested ? Documentation quality Efficiency during heavy system load User satisfaction

13 Heavy load test Stress test Robustness test

14 White Box testing … our goal is to ensure that all statements and conditions have been executed at least once …

15 Black Box testing

16 Reliability measurements Probability of wrong executions Frequency of errors Time between errors Accessibility

17 Typical Errors Uninitiated variables Index out of table bounds Errors in conditional instructions Never-ending loops Improper use of brackets Wrong operations on pointers

18 System tests Upward testing Downward testing

19 Loop testing Recommendations of choosing entrance data: Minimal number of iterations Maximum number of iterations Average number of iterations

20 Testing tools Debuggers Coverage analysers Comparators

21 Debuggers Useful for inner testing and testing by people not connected with project. Rules of white-box testing Debugger properties

22 Coverage analysers Summing data from few testing processes Projecting steering graphs Shows information about coverage Operating in environment of software development

23 Comparators Allow to compare two programs, files, to show similarities and differences Often used to compare testing results with expected results

24 Best Practices Basic Practices Foundational Incremental

25 Common mistakes The Role of Testing Planning the Testing Effort Personnel Issues The Tester at Work Technology Rampant

26 Main testing results Improved code, project, model and requirements specification Testing processes report Estimation of software reliability and costs of maintenance

27 Software testing - related links

28 The End


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