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1 Excel for statistics Module 1, Session 4. 2 Learning Objectives participants should be able to: Explain how an Excel add-in can provide the equivalent.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Excel for statistics Module 1, Session 4. 2 Learning Objectives participants should be able to: Explain how an Excel add-in can provide the equivalent."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Excel for statistics Module 1, Session 4

2 2 Learning Objectives participants should be able to: Explain how an Excel add-in can provide the equivalent of a simple statistics package Explain what a statistics package contains Use the SSC-Stat add-in to analyse a single column of data Distinguish between the use of a package and learning how to use it Know how to find instructions to install an add-in for Excel

3 3 Contents Introduction of the ideas Practical work using the statistics add-in, called SSC-Stat Practical work using SSC-Stat for data analysis Discussion and review (The SSC-Stat software may have to be installed)

4 4 So far with Excel You can organise data so it is ready for analysis You can do some statistics Tables and graphs Sort, Filter, Tables, Charts and more charts

5 5 A statistical add-in Now we add to Excel’s statistical capabilities We use an add-in called SSC-Stat It provides an additional menu in Excel: An additional menu with more facilities for organising, charting and analysing data

6 6 What is an add-in? Excel is a very powerful spreadsheet package But no package can have everything So Excel also provides facilities: For users to add extra components to Excel These are called add-ins And are provided by 3 rd party suppliers They are not part of Excel when it arrives There are many add-ins for statistics They enhance Excel’s statistical capabilities We are providing one called SSC-Stat Is SSC-Stat already installed in your Excel? If so, you will see the extra menu shown earlier

7 7 Installing SSC-Stat? If SSC-Stat is not installed in your Excel You need to install it Installing SSC-Stat is a 2-stage process There is a demonstration on the DVD/network First install the software on your computer Find it on a DVD, your network, or the SSC website Then go into Excel And use the Tools => Add-ins menu To tell Excel you would like this add-in to appear Once SSC-Stat is installed into Excel It will appear each time you use Excel So you only need to install it once

8 8 How to learn about new software A good way to learn it to start using it! SSC-Stat has a tutorial And we also provide 2 demonstrations This way of learning can also give you confidence That you can learn about new software Without always needing a training course After the practical work We discuss the role of SSC-Stat

9 9 Practical work It is mainly to learn the software Not statistics If you also learn some statistics, then that is a bonus But don’t let it distract you from learning how to use the software Now it is time for the demonstrations and practical work

10 10 What is SSC-Stat? A tiny statistics package Designed to support good statistics with Excel Three main menus Manipulate – to organise the data for analysis Visualise - to draw graphs Analyse - to do statistics Dialogues to let you choose which columns to process Statistics packages are “column calculators Simple statistics use single columns

11 11 What is good statistics with Excel? SSC-Stat encourages good statistics in Excel what is that? Keep data to be in “list” format Use reliable algorithms/calculations So the summary statistics are correct Up to Excel 2003 some simple statistics were not reliable They are, in SSC-Stat Produce good tables Produce good, clear graphs

12 12 Other statistics packages Excel is sufficient as your statistics package for this module But you could also use a statistics package if you wish They are easy to learn Especially if you found SSC-Stat easy to learn Did you – at least so far? And they are easy to use And they exchange data easily with Excel If your Excel data are in a list Which they need to be for SSC-Stat

13 13 SSC-Stat menus and SPSS menus

14 14 SSC-Stat dialogue and Genstat dialogue

15 15 Learning objectives: Are you now able to Explain how an Excel add-in can provide the equivalent of a very simple statistics package Explain what a statistics package contains Use the SSC-Stat add-in to analyse a single column of data Distinguish between the use of a package and learning how to use it

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