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Developing the Letter of Intent Senior Projects – 2013-14.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing the Letter of Intent Senior Projects – 2013-14."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing the Letter of Intent Senior Projects – 2013-14

2 Your Idea: What Will Your Project Be About? “I want to live the life of a Gold Rush prospector.” “I want to build a flying robot”

3 Possible Project: What Will You Do? Spend one weekend in a shack on the American River, with only the clothes and tools a Gold Rush prospector would have. Spend the days panning for gold

4 Possible Question for Your Paper “Does the use of flying robot drones by law enforcement pose a threat to civil liberties?”

5 Mentor: Who Will Guide You?

6 Possible Interview Subjects

7 Possible Visitation Site

8 What do you already know about the subject? Have you taken a class? Are members of your family involved? Is this something you do for fun? (WARNING!) Have you read a book on the subject? Are you passionately interested in the subject?

9 What academic subjects are related to this idea? American history Geography Geology Mineralogy Psychology Business

10 How will this project challenge you? Will it be physically demanding? Will it require creativity? Leadership? Patience? Have you done anything like this before? What problems do you anticipate? What if you fail to achieve your goals?

11 How is this project connected to what you plan to study in college? “As an aspiring Web designer/CEO, I believe I can learn a lot about launching a startup from learning what it was like to stake, work and defend a claim during the California Gold Rush.”

12 How is this project connected with a life or work experience you hope to have? “Building a robot drone will be the first phase in my progress toward eventual world domination… BWAH- HA-HA-HA!”* *Maniacal laughter not recommended.

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