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Global Climate Change – Lesson 22. Who would like a Warmer Climate? What are some positive and negative effects of this?

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Presentation on theme: "Global Climate Change – Lesson 22. Who would like a Warmer Climate? What are some positive and negative effects of this?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Climate Change – Lesson 22

2 Who would like a Warmer Climate? What are some positive and negative effects of this?

3 What is Climate? Definition: Climate The weather conditions of a place averaged over a long period of time


5 What is Global Warming? Definition: Global Warming The overall rise of world temperatures. What problems will this cause?

6 What were the 10 hottest years on record?

7 10 Hottest Years on Record 2010 2005 2009 2007 2006 1998 2002 2003 2012 2001

8 World Temperature Graph What trends can you examine from the Graph on the next slide?


10 World Temperature Graph 1. Average 5-year temperature rising since 1880 2. Extreme swings in annual temperature (both positive and negative)

11 Climate Change Throughout history, the earth has had fluctuations in it’s climate and temperature levels. These are referred to as natural changes: Examples of this are: 1. Ice Ages 2. Meteor strikes 3. Volcanic eruptions

12 Historic Climate Change 1. Colder Times: 10,000 years ago Ice sheets covered much of Canada Average temperature was 4 degrees Celsius This was near the end of the last ice age


14 Historic Climate Change 2. Hotter Times: 1000 AD Vikings create villages Greenland and Newfoundland This was due to warmer than normal temperatures


16 What causes the Earth’s Temperature to Rise? Definition: Greenhouse Effect The absorption of heat by greenhouse gases and irradiation into the atmosphere Without these gases, the earth’s temperature would drop by 33 degrees celsus Earth would be cold and lifeless, like on planet Mars


18 What are Greenhouse Gases? Definition: Greenhouse Gases Gases such as: 1) Carbon Dioxide 2) Methane These gases contribute to Global Warming

19 Recent Climate Change Until the 1800’s, these Greenhouse Gases were created naturally in the earth’s atmosphere Since the 1800’s, human activity has resulted in large unnatural increases in greenhouse gases

20 Why increased Human Activity? 1888-2013: 1. World’s Population grew 4 times larger 1.6 billion to 7 billion 2. People’s Lifestyles have changed! Car ownership, home ownership, electricity, think Eco- Footprint!

21 Human Increase in Greenhouse Gases


23 Human activity that increases Greenhouse Gases? 1. Power Generation (Coal, Oil, Natural gas) 2. Industry (ex. Factories, Manufacturing) 3. Transportation (Cars, Trucks) 4. Agriculture (Ranching) 5. Fossil Fuels (exploration, production)


25 Making Connections What is similar between these two graphs?

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