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Cairns House, 10 Station Road, Teddington, Middlesex TW11 9AA T: 020 8973 1100 F: 020 8973 1101 E: eHealth Mission Dave Rivett, Elaine.

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Presentation on theme: "Cairns House, 10 Station Road, Teddington, Middlesex TW11 9AA T: 020 8973 1100 F: 020 8973 1101 E: eHealth Mission Dave Rivett, Elaine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cairns House, 10 Station Road, Teddington, Middlesex TW11 9AA T: 020 8973 1100 F: 020 8973 1101 E: eHealth Mission Dave Rivett, Elaine Young CTO & Solutions Manager – Systems Integration Saturday, 04 June 2016

2 Cairns House, 10 Station Road, Teddington, Middlesex TW11 9AA T: 020 8973 1100 F: 020 8973 1101 E: Welcome

3  What we do  Key clients  System Integration specifics  Projects undertaken to date OLM Overview

4 Presentation focus  eCare – working in partnership on national Scottish government project  CAF – working in partnership on national UK government project  Omniqare – partnering experience  Omniqare pilot in Stockport  eCare – working in partnership on national Scottish government project  CAF – working in partnership on national UK government project  Omniqare – partnering experience  Omniqare pilot in Stockport

5 eCare  Working with SG to integrate with a national framework for sharing data within and across agencies in Scotland  2 main focuses – Child Protection Messaging and Single Shared Assessment  OLM’s part in the project  Future plans  Working with SG to integrate with a national framework for sharing data within and across agencies in Scotland  2 main focuses – Child Protection Messaging and Single Shared Assessment  OLM’s part in the project  Future plans

6 CAF  Working with DoH on national assessment and messaging facilities  2 OLM demonstrator sites  Outline of each site’s projects  Partners involved  Working with DoH on national assessment and messaging facilities  2 OLM demonstrator sites  Outline of each site’s projects  Partners involved

7 Partnerships Identifying new partnerships Our approach What/where are the opportunities? How do we assess the potential? To develop partnerships which look at building new opportunities to OLM’s offerings. Identify joint business opportunities Look for opportunity in the marketplace to evaluate the partnership/offering Assess most beneficial route to market for both organisations

8 INSERT CHART OR DIAGRAM Please delete this box

9 Stockport Pilot Aims  Understand the requirements, timescales and potential for a service user technology solution  Ascertain the appetite by all parts of the vlaue chain  Measure and review the end user experience  Produce model for future opportunities. Where to next…  Outcomes to date  Next steps

10 Conclusion  Other partnership working  The benefits Thank you

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