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Tusp, Barrow Hill, Maidstone Road, Ashford, England, TN24 8TY – – Tel: 01233 640 257 The Planning Lock Process Richard D Smith.

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Presentation on theme: "Tusp, Barrow Hill, Maidstone Road, Ashford, England, TN24 8TY – – Tel: 01233 640 257 The Planning Lock Process Richard D Smith."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tusp, Barrow Hill, Maidstone Road, Ashford, England, TN24 8TY – – Tel: 01233 640 257 The Planning Lock Process Richard D Smith

2 Tusp, Barrow Hill, Maidstone Road, Ashford, England, TN24 8TY – – Tel: 01233 640 257 Introduction into the Lock Process The planning process within the Railway Environment has been developed over many years, it has recently been improved to include the DWWP process. The DWWP process, depending on how its implemented is often seen as an additional activity in the planning process. The Lock Process has been developed to link the normal Railway planning activities with the DWWP process and with the Last Planner process. It’s a simple system that defines when certain deliverables are required and more importantly what needs to be updated and re-briefed should any changes occur.

3 Tusp, Barrow Hill, Maidstone Road, Ashford, England, TN24 8TY – – Tel: 01233 640 257 Lock 6Lock 5 T-40 Review Lock 4Lock 3 T-16 ReviewT-12 Review Lock 2Lock 1 T-4 Review T-2 Review (GO-NO-GO) T-8 Review Requirements (Scope) Planning Scheduling Execution T+1 PDR (weekly) Start Planning Weekly Updates Engineering integration meetings (weekly) Last plan session (1 st ) Last plan session (2 nd ) White Board (weekly) Last plan session (3rd) T-6 Review The lock process is flexible and can be used for any size or shape of project, upon initiation the lock deliverables should be reviewed and the Project Manager will agree which deliverables are relevant Introduction into the Lock Process

4 Tusp, Barrow Hill, Maidstone Road, Ashford, England, TN24 8TY – – Tel: 01233 640 257 Lock 6 Requirements (Scope) Start Planning Weekly Updates Engineering integration meetings (weekly) Last plan session (1 st ) The scope requirements are agreed, together with the proposed delivery method Engineering integration sessions are conducted that review design and construction interfaces Last planners sessions are conducted with site delivery resources to ensure that the correct staging of the works are undertaken together with adequate possession durations being requested. Work exits the lock 6 with :- 1.Work scope confirmed 2.Staging complete 3.Disruptive possessions 4.Haulage requirements Project Possession Strategy Box plan SNE Possession Strategy Box plan Route Master Plan Local de-conflictionProgramme de- confliction Route de-confliction and lock down T-40 Lock Process (lock 6)

5 Tusp, Barrow Hill, Maidstone Road, Ashford, England, TN24 8TY – – Tel: 01233 640 257 Lock 5 T-40 Review Lock 4 T-16 Review Planning Weekly Updates Engineering integration meetings (weekly) Last plan session (2 nd ) 2 nd Last planner session with site delivery resources to ensure to review the staging of the works and the detailed delivery programme (input in the hour x hour programme) DWWP 1 st deliverability review, to ensure that the works are RAG’d correctly Work exits the lock5 with :- 1.Lock6 deliverables 2.Signal box opening arrangements 3.Wheels free requirements 4.Critical resource requirements 5.TSR requirements 6.Site access requirements 7.Haulage requirements 8.OTM / Tamper requirements 9.Rotr possession requirements 10.Environmental implications Work exits the lock4 with :- 1.Lock6&5 deliverables 2.Hour by hour programme 3.QSRA Exit the lock with a full review of deliverables T-12 Lock Process (lock 5&4)

6 Tusp, Barrow Hill, Maidstone Road, Ashford, England, TN24 8TY – – Tel: 01233 640 257 Lock 3Lock 2Lock 1 Scheduling Weekly Updates Last plan session (3rd) T-12 Review DWWP 2 nd deliverability review, to review the overall readiness for the works Final Last planner session with site delivery resources to update the programme based on any changes T-4 Review T-8 Review T-6 Review T-2 DWWP 3 rd deliverability review, to review the overall readiness for the works to commence Work exits the lock3 with :- 1.Lock6,5 & 4 deliverables 2.Lockdown of the OTM resources 3.Lockdown of haulage 4.ES & COSS confirmed 5.Signal box openings confirmed 6.Crossing attendant confirmed Work exits the lock2 with :- 1.Lock6,5, 4 & 3 deliverables 2.Hour by Hour programme locked 3.DWWP actions closed 4.On call arrangements 5.Severe weather plan 6.PICOP confirmed Work exits the lock1 with :- 1.Lock6, 5, 4, 3 & 2 deliverables 2.Contingency / mitigation plan 3.Hold points 4.Final DWWP actions closed 5.Task briefing sheet produced 6. Go / No Go decision Lock Process (lock 3, 2, &1)

7 Tusp, Barrow Hill, Maidstone Road, Ashford, England, TN24 8TY – – Tel: 01233 640 257 Execution T+1 PDR (weekly) Weekly Updates White Board (weekly) T-2 Review (GO-NO-GO) DWWP Go / No Go decision given to the project to proceed PDR session to understand lessons from the executed works White board briefing session to brief the team on the works and the delivery method and outputs Changes during the lock process :- Any changes that are introduced need to be reviewed against the lock deliverables to ensure robust communication is undertaken. Changes post lock 1 are only allowed following the authorisation of the Senior Project Manager Works are executed both prep works, core works and any follow up activity Briefing products 1.Task briefing sheet 2.Activity charts 3.Hour by hour programme 4.Contingency / mitigation plan 5.Train movements 6.On call arrangements Execution

8 Tusp, Barrow Hill, Maidstone Road, Ashford, England, TN24 8TY – – Tel: 01233 640 257 Lock 6Lock 5 T-40 Review Lock 4Lock 3 T-16 Review T-12 Review Lock 2Lock 1 T-4 Review T-2 Review (GO-NO-GO) T-8 Review Requirements (Scope) Planning Scheduling Execution T+1 PDR (weekly) Start Planning Weekly Updates Engineering integration meetings (weekly) Last plan session (1 st ) Last plan session (2 nd ) White Board (weekly) Last plan session (3rd) T-6 Review The lock process is flexible and can be used for any size or shape of project, upon initiation the lock deliverables should be reviewed and the Project Manager will agree which deliverables are relevant Lock Planning Process

9 Tusp, Barrow Hill, Maidstone Road, Ashford, England, TN24 8TY – – Tel: 01233 640 257 Lock Process

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