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Open Method of Coordination Viveca Arrhenius Ministerial adviser Helsinki, 5 May 2009.

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1 Open Method of Coordination Viveca Arrhenius Ministerial adviser Helsinki, 5 May 2009

2 Decision-making in the EU  The Council of the European Union (the Council of Ministers) is the EU’s legislative body and its principal decision-making institution.  The Commission can present legislative proposals and handles administration and implementation.  The European Parliament participates in the decision-making processes with the Council within the co-decision procedure.

3 Background to the OMC  The EC Treaty, articles 136 and 137.  The Council’s conclusions regarding the implementation of the Open Method of Coordination in the social arena in 2000 (new launch).  The Commission communication of 2 July 2008 entitled ‘A renewed commitment to social Europe: Reinforcing the Open Method of Coordination for Social Protection and Social Inclusion’ COM(2008)418 final.

4 Objectives  An instrument for political cooperation between the EU (the Council) and the member states in a situation where the EC has no legal authority.  Based on voluntary cooperation between the member states.

5 The Undertaking  To set common guidelines, objectives and time-frames.  To establish quantitative and qualitative indicators and reference markers which are to be adjusted to the needs of member states.  European guidelines are to be transferred to national and regional policies.  Regular overseeing and evaluation through a process by which we learn from one another.

6 The Process (a three-year cycle) 1.Query to member states about national points of view and problems. 2.Discussions and decisions on common objectives and indicators. 3.National Action Plans are worked out. 4.The Council approves a joint report and joint key messages.

7 Application in Social Affairs Policy  From 2006 onwards, one National Strategic Report on Social Protection and Social Inclusion 2008–2011 to cover:  pensions  social inclusion  healthcare, medical care and long-term care  need for new themes?

8 Benefits of the OMC - Creates a forum where new questions can be raised and prioritised. - Enables us to chart and analyse the situation in the entire EU and make a joint stand. - Strengthens the social dimension and adds political visibility to the area: brings the EU closer to the citizens. - Gives member states the opportunity to learn about different models. - At present OMC is the only and best method for cooperation in the social sphere of the EU.

9 Drawbacks of the OMC - It creates unrealistic political expectations. - It is labour-intensive, inefficient and bureaucratic. - There is overlap. - It lacks national political support. - It’s a method for a small group of civil servants.

10 The Commission’s development suggestions  Better and more strategic integration of available EU instruments.  Better support in other areas of policy.  More efficient analysis and setting of qualitative objectives and indicators.  Better and more systematic spreading of the results.  Member states must take more political responsibility for the implementation of guidelines and objectives.

11 National Preparation Processes  Cooperation within government (ministries, the cabinet office, standing committees)  Support in Parliament (statements regarding so-called U-matters and E- matters)  Co-influence from various interest groups  Finland’s point of view

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