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1 Loscam Limited. 2 Pallets should be stored in a clean and dry facility Secure and with adequate air circulation, free from the possibility of flooding.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Loscam Limited. 2 Pallets should be stored in a clean and dry facility Secure and with adequate air circulation, free from the possibility of flooding."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Loscam Limited

2 2 Pallets should be stored in a clean and dry facility Secure and with adequate air circulation, free from the possibility of flooding and from excessive exposure to dust or other harmful environmental contaminants Conditions similar to those under which consumer products are stored PROPER STORAGE HOW DO WE AVOID DAMAGED PALLETS ?

3 3 Loscam Limited HOW DO WE AVOID DAMAGED PALLETS ? PROPER STORAGE TBR pallets should be dehired

4 4 Loscam Limited Proper Pallet Handling

5 5 Loscam Limited Moving pallets with forklift truck The most natural and efficient way to move pallets around is by forklift trucks However, the following are conditions that forklift truck operator needs to be mindful of:

6 6 Loscam Limited Moving pallets with forklift trucks 1. Make sure products are placed securely on the pallet, and the pallet itself must be in good condition before being moved by the forklift

7 7 Loscam Limited Moving pallets with forklift trucks 2.Adjust distance between both forklift tynes to suit the slots between pallet blocks

8 8 Loscam Limited Moving pallets with forklift truck 3. When carrying pallets with products, make sure forklift tynes are raised slight off the ground, do not lift higher than 8 inches. Ensure there are no obstracles in the pallet’s way

9 9 Loscam Limited Moving pallets with forklift trucks 4. Avoid carrying high loads when operating near ramp or uneven floors. When entering or exiting ramps, make sure tynes are properly tilted upwards

10 10 Loscam Limited Moving pallets with forklift trucks 5. Avoid using forklift tynes to push, nudge or move other pallets. Not only may it damaged the pallet and products, it can also pose safety risks to anyone nearby

11 11 Loscam Limited Moving pallets with forklift trucks 6.Do not over load pallets Good condition Loscam pallets have a maximum carrying weight of 1.5 ton (dynamic load), and 4 ton (static load), block stacking

12 12 Loscam Limited Moving pallets with other means  Alternatively, pallets can be moved around using hand pallet jacks (hand-lift)  Always inspect and ensure pallets are in good condition before use

13 13 Loscam Limited Using pallets inside a warehouse Use only pallets that are in good condition, especially when pallets are stored onto racking

14 14 Loscam Limited Avoid using damaged pallets on racking Damaged pallets are NOT to be use

15 15 Loscam Limited Space forklift tynes are appropriately Ensure forklift tynes are aligned with pallets entry slot before moving the forklift truck forward Proper Pallet Handling

16 16 Loscam Limited Ensure forklift tynes are level and not tilted Pallets are to be lifted before the forklift tynes can be tilted Proper Pallet Handling

17 17 Loscam Limited Avoid using pallets this way.. Do not use forklift tynes to move or nudge pallets, especially when pallets are loaded.

18 18 Loscam Limited Do not use pallets for other purposes that will contaminate the pallets or which the pallets are not intended for Before moving pallets, make sure the pallets are stacked properly Also avoid this..

19 19 Loscam Limited Avoid using pallets this way.. Do not use forklift tynes to nudge or move pallets

20 20 Loscam Limited Avoid using pallets this way.. Do not use forklifts to lift upside-down pallets

21 21 Loscam Limited Avoid using pallets this way.. Do not handle pallets if the forklift tynes are not fully inserted into pallets

22 22 Loscam Limited Avoid using pallets this way.. Please adhere to the following: Do not drop pallets Do not use pallets for non-storage purposes Do not attach any temporary or permanent fixtures on the pallets Do not paint the pallets

23 23 Loscam Limited

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