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The Technical Assistance Center. The Original Team NASEMSD –Project Management, Regional Meetings Operational Support Greg Mears, MD (Principal Investigator)

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Presentation on theme: "The Technical Assistance Center. The Original Team NASEMSD –Project Management, Regional Meetings Operational Support Greg Mears, MD (Principal Investigator)"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Technical Assistance Center

2 The Original Team NASEMSD –Project Management, Regional Meetings Operational Support Greg Mears, MD (Principal Investigator) NEDARC –Clay Mann, PhD, Co-Investigator –Mike Dean, MD, Co-Investigator –Technical Assistance State Data Managers and Many Others

3 NEMSIS TAC The TAC picked up the work at the end of the Pilot phase of NEMSIS (Sept 2005) –University of Utah received the grant –Utah contracted with University of North Carolina to continue their efforts The Goal is to collect data from States and Territories to create the National EMS Database

4 NEMSIS TAC Simple goal, complicated objectives This means that the TAC will be offering assistance to: –States –Local EMS agencies –Software developers

5 NEMSIS TAC Resources Reference Documents Communication and Public Education Maintain Dataset and XSD Development Tools Direct Technical Assistance National Database Development Other


7 The Money NHTSA –EMS Division (Primary) HRSA –EMS-C, Trauma, and EMS CDC

8 Federal Level Provided money to establish a NEMSIS Technical Assistance Center –$600k Year One –Possibly $1 million for Year Two –Talk about providing more money NHTSA has established a funding source for states who are making a NEMSIS system

9 Status of States

10 Status: United States Source: NEMSIS TAC Capability Survey, 2006

11 States Using the NHTSA Standard

12 National EMS Database


14 Funding Sources The Federal Register published that $34.5 million will be offered each year over the next 4 years to States –Non-competitive –$300,000 - $500,000 per application The “catch” is tying NEMSIS in with traffic crash data

15 Moving to Version 3

16 Current State June 2005, the move to version 2.2 April 2006, move to version 2.2.1 –Why? We listened to developers and others about needed changes We felt that a minor change would benefit the standard, while having a limited impact

17 What’s Next We are targeting having the NHTSA version 3.0 database deployed around 2010 That means: –The planning process will begin next year –There is a possibility of having other minor version changes between now and then Limited to code changes only (example: CMS)

18 Our Initial Plans 2007: –We begin the planning process on how to move to the next level –We build an infrastructure that: Insures that input is heard from all levels (local EMS providers to software developers, etc.) Looks to other areas (workforce, other healthcare industries, etc.) Is as transparent as possible Builds on our experience

19 Our Initial Plans 2007: –This planning process will include input from everyone who wishes to contribute 2008: –The plan will be enacted and work will begin 2009: –We will continue work

20 Our Initial Plans Late 2009 or early 2010: –We will finish work and close out the major revision process –Version 3.0 will be released

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