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AP English UNIT 1 Destiny Sanders Jeshaun Powell Justin Emory.

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Presentation on theme: "AP English UNIT 1 Destiny Sanders Jeshaun Powell Justin Emory."— Presentation transcript:

1 AP English UNIT 1 Destiny Sanders Jeshaun Powell Justin Emory

2 Vacuous (adjective); Definition: having or showing a lack of thought or intelligence; mindless. Synonyms: silly and insane Patrick's vacuous mind leads most to believe he is dumb; however, at given times, he can be quite profound.

3 Repress (verb); Definition: subdue (someone or something) by force. Synonyms: crush and defeat In the heated argument, the congressman had to repress his friend before he attacked a fellow member of congress.

4 Illegitimate (adjective); Definition: not authorized by the law; not in accordance with accepted standards or rules Synonyms: illegal and criminal The husband questioned his wife about her illegitimate son because he looked nothing like him.

5 Permeate (verb); Definition: spread throughout (something); pervade Synonyms: fill and charge When John screamed “Escape,” I could hear his voice permeate throughout the empty tunnel.

6 Emigrating (verb); Definition: leave one's own country in order to settle permanently in another Synonyms: migrate and relocate The Johnsons were emigrating to America from Africa.

7 Oppression (noun); Definition: prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or control Synonyms: abuse and subjective Oppression plagued the distraught citizens during the holocaust.

8 Conscience (noun); Definition: an inner feeling or voice viewed as acting as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one's behavior Synonyms: more sense and inner voice My conscience told me to divert from my evil ways and become a hero.

9 Incontinent (Adjective); Definition: having no or insufficient voluntary control over urination or defecation Synonyms: unrestrained and unchecked My incontinent grandfather needed new diapers.

10 Communist (noun); Definition: a person who supports or believes in the principles of communism Synonyms: leftist and socialist The communist party was popular in Russia in the past, but since then it is not as prominent.

11 Unscathed (adjective); Definition: without suffering any injury, damage, or harm Synonyms: unharmed and unhurt Because their parents came out of the room injured, the children wondered if they would be able to leave unscathed.

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