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Trivial Pursuit Review Mr. Haase. The building blocks of all matter atoms.

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Presentation on theme: "Trivial Pursuit Review Mr. Haase. The building blocks of all matter atoms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trivial Pursuit Review Mr. Haase

2 The building blocks of all matter atoms

3 An element is a pure substance containing only one type of ________. atom

4 Matter with a fixed composition substance

5 Made up of one type of atom and cannot be broken down into a simpler form. Element

6 A substance containing two or more kinds of atoms. Compound

7 The atoms in compounds are combined _____________ and can not be separated __________. Chemically/Physically

8 A ________________ is made up of two or more elements or compounds NOT chemically combined. Mixture

9 A mixture that looks the same all the way throughout is known as a _______________ mixture. Homogeneous

10 A ___________ is another name for a homogeneous mixture. Solution

11 A mixture where all the materials can easily be distinguished from each other is known as a _____________. Heterogeneous mixture

12 A metal mixed with another metal making a solid solution would be called an _________. Alloy

13 A charged particle Ion

14 ____________ are compounds that form charged particles and conduct electricity in water. Electrolytes

15 What is the difference between an electrolyte and a nonelectrolyte. Electrolytes produce charged particles in water and nonelectrolytes do not

16 What does it mean if something is polar? Has + and - sides

17 Give an example of a polar molecule Water, Sugar, salt, etc.

18 The universal solvent is_______________. Water

19 Trail mix is an example of what type of mixture? Heterogeneous

20 What is the difference between a solute and a solvent? Solvent dissolves and solute is being dissolved.

21 In what type of mixture will particles settle to the bottom? Suspension

22 The scattering of light by bigger particles in a mixture is known as ______________. The Tyndall Effect

23 Name three physical properties of the desk you are sitting in. Grey, metal frame, heavy, four legs, back rest, seat, desktop, etc.

24 Give an example of a physical change. Melting/Freezing/Evaporating water, painting a wall, breaking a glass, etc.

25 What are the three phases of matter? Solid, liquid, and gas

26 What law states that matter can neither be created nor destroyed? Law of Conservation of Mass

27 When dissolving a solute in a solvent, name 3 things you can do to increase the rate of dissolving. Stirring, heating, or reducing size of crystal (increase surface area)

28 How could you make a supersaturated solution? Put more solute than solvent together

29 If you had an unsaturated solution, a saturated solution, and a supersaturated solution, which one could you add more solute to, and why? Unsaturated (can dissolve more solute)

30 Name 2 elements: Hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, helium, argon, potassium, nitrogen, etc.

31 Name an example of a compound: Water, Carbon Dioxide, Hydrochloric acid, Nitrous oxide, Hydrogen peroxide, etc.

32 Can water alone remove a grease stain from your shirt? Why or why not? No. Grease and oil are non-polar molecules and can not be dissolved in water.

33 Compound, Element, or Mixture Sugar

34 Compound, Element, or Mixture Gold

35 Compound, Element, or Mixture Gasoline

36 Compound, Element, or Mixture Salt

37 Compound, Element, or Mixture Iron

38 Compound, Element, or Mixture Mr. Haase

39 Name 2 examples of chemical changes: Burning, Rusting Metal, Rotting of food

40 You were in a hurry this morning and tossed some powdered slim fast into milk to replace your breakfast. Identify the solute and solvent in this mixture. Milk- solvent Powdered Slim Fast- solute

41 Show on the board how to calculate the surface area of a cube with a length, width, and height of 3cm? If you put two of these cubes together, would you have more surface area? Explain your reasoning.

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