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Phases, Components, Species & Solutions Lecture 5.

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1 Phases, Components, Species & Solutions Lecture 5

2 Chapter 3 Thermodynamics of multi-component systems

3 The real world is complicated Our attempt to estimate the plagioclase-spinel phase boundary failed because we assumed the phases involved had fixed composition. In reality they do not, they are solutions of several components or species. We need to add a few tools to our thermodynamic tool box to deal with these complexities.

4 Some Definitions Phase o Phases are real substances that are homogeneous, physically distinct, and (in principle) mechanically separable. For example, the phases in a rock are the minerals present. Amorphous substances are also phases. o NaCl dissolved in seawater is not a phase, but seawater with all its dissolved components (but not the particulates) is. Species o A species is a chemical entity, generally an element or compound (which may or may not be ionized). The term is most useful in the context of gases and liquids. A single liquid phase, such as an aqueous solution, may contain a number of species. Na + in seawater is a species. Components o Components are more carefully defined. But: We are free to define the components of our system Components need not be real chemical entities.

5 Minimum Number of Components The minimum number of components of a system is rigidly defined as the minimum number of independently variable entities necessary to describe the composition of each and every phase of a system. The rule is: c = n – r o where n is the number of species, and r is the number of independent chemical reactions possible between these species. How many components do we need to describe a system composed of CO 2 dissolved in H 2 O?

6 The CO 2 –H 2 O System Carbonate Solution Recipe: o Distill water o Place in a beaker and let stand exposed to the atmosphere In the distilled water, some of the water molecules will dissociate to form hydrogen and hydroxyl ions: 1.H 2 O ⇋ H + + OH – Some atmospheric CO 2 will dissolve in the water and reacts to form carbonic acid: 2.CO 2 + H 2 O ⇋ H 2 CO 3 Some of that carbonic acid dissociates to form H + ions plus bicarbonate ion: 3.H 2 CO 3 ⇋ H + + HCO 3 – Some of the bicarbonate will dissociate to form carbonate ions: 4.HCO 3 – ⇋ H + + CO 3 2– How many species and how many components? o H +, OH –, H 2 O, CO 2, H 2 CO 3, HCO 3 –, CO 3 2– o What is the minimum number of components? o Our rule was c = n – r o Just 3 components, e.g., CO 2, H 2 O, H +

7 Graphical Approach The system Al 2 O 3 –H 2 O If it can be graphed in 1 dimension, it is a two component system, in 2 dimensions, a 3 component system, etc. Consider the hydration of Al 2 O 3 (corundum) to form boehmite (AlO(OH)) or gibbsite Al(OH) 3. Such a system would contain four phases (corundum, boehmite, gibbsite, water). How many components?

8 Phase diagram for the system Al 2 O 3 –H 2 O–SiO 2 The lines are called joins because they join phases. In addition to the end- members, or components, phases represented are g: gibbsite, by: bayerite, n: norstrandite (all polymorphs of Al(OH) 3 ), d: diaspore, bo: boehmite (polymorphs of AlO(OH)), a: andalusite, k: kyanite, s: sillimanite (all polymorphs of Al 2 SiO 5 ), ka: kaolinite, ha: halloysite, di: dickite, na: nacrite (all polymorphs of Al 2 Si 2 O 5 (OH) 4 ), and p: pyrophyllite (Al 2 Si 4 O 10 (OH) 2 ). There are also six polymorphs of quartz, q (coesite, stishovite, tridymite, cristobalite, α- quartz, and β-quartz).

9 Degrees of Freedom of a System The number of degrees of freedom in a system is equal to the sum of the number of independent intensive variables (generally T and P) and independent concentrations of components in phases that must be fixed to uniquely define the state of the system. A system that has no degrees of freedom is said to be invariant, one that has one degree of freedom is univariant, and so on. Thus in a univariant system, for example, we need specify the value of only one variable, T for example, and the value of pressure and all other concentrations are then fixed and can be calculated at equilibrium.

10 Gibbs Phase Rule The phase rule is ƒ= c - ϕ + 2 o where ƒ is the degrees of freedom, c is the number of components, and f is the number of phases. o The mathematical analogy is that the degrees of freedom are equal to the number of variables minus the number of equations relating those variables. For example, in a system consisting of just H 2 O, if two phases coexist, for example, water and steam, then the system is univariant. Three phases coexist at the triple point of water, so the system is said to be invariant, and T and P are uniquely fixed.

11 Back to Al 2 O 3 –H 2 O-SiO 2 What does our phase rule (ƒ=c - ϕ + 2) tell us about how many phases can coexist in this system over a range of T and P? How many to uniquely fix the system?

12 Clapeyron Equation Consider two phases – graphite & diamond– of one component, C. Under what conditions does one change into the other? It occurs when ∆G for the reaction between the two is 0. Therefore: And

13 Solutions

14 Solutions Solutions are defined as homogenous phases produced by dissolving one or more substances in another substance. Mixtures are not solutions o Salad dressing (oil and vinegar) is not a solution, no matter how much you shake it. o The mineral alkali feldspar (K,Na)AlSi 3 O 8 is a solution (at high temperature). o A mixture of orthoclase (KAlSi 3 O 8 ) and albite (NaAlSi 3 O 8 ) will never be a solution no matter how much you grind and shake it. (Of course, if you were to heat that mixture sufficiently, the two minerals would eventually react to form alkali feldspar).

15 Molar Quantities Formally, a molar quantity is simply the quantity per mole. For example, the molar volume is Generally, we will implicitly use molar quantities and not necessarily use the overbar to indicate such. Another important parameter is the mole fraction: X i = N i /ΣN

16 Raoult’s Law Raoult noticed that the vapor pressures of a ethylene bromide and propylene bromide solution were proportional to the mole fractions of those components: Where P i is the partial pressure exerted by gas i: Raoult’s Law states that the partial pressure of an ideal component in a solution is equal to the mole fraction times the partial pressure exerted by the pure substance.

17 Ideal Solutions Turns out this does not hold in the exact and is only approximately true for a limited number of solutions. Such solutions are termed ideal solutions. Raoult’s Law expresses ideal behavior in solutions. In an ideal solution, interactions between different species are the same as the interactions between molecules or atoms of the same species.

18 Henry’s Law As we’ll see, most substances approach ideal behavior as their mole fraction approaches 1. On the other end of the spectrum, most substances exhibit Henry’s Law behavior as their mole fractions approach 0 (X i 0). Henry’s Law is: P i = h i X i o where h i is Henry’s Law ‘constant’. It can be (usually is) a function of T and P and the nature of the solution, but is independent of the concentration of i.

19 Vapor Pressures in a Water-Dioxane Solution

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