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Civil Systems Planning Benefit/Cost Analysis

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1 Civil Systems Planning Benefit/Cost Analysis
Paulina Jaramillo/Joe Marriott 12-706/ / Lecture 10

2 Structuring Decisions
All about the objectives (what you want to achieve) Decision context: setting for the decision Decision: choice between options (there is always an option, including status quo) Waiting for more information also an option Uncertainty: as we’ve seen, always exists Outcomes: possible results of uncertain events Many uncertain events lead to complexity and

3 Structuring Decisions (2)
Can use: Fundamental objective hierarchy. Influence diagrams. Decision Trees Risk Profiles and

4 Fundamental Objectives Hierarchy
Increase Lifetime Earnings Increase Current Salary Marry Rich Go to School Undergrad Grad School Find New Job Get a Raise Update Resume Network Do a Better Job and

5 Influence Diagram/Decision Trees
Probably cause confusion. If one confuses you, do the other. Important parts: Decisions Calculation/constant Chance Events Consequence/payoff and

6 Influence Diagram Marry Rich Undergrad Go to School Grad School
Lifetime Earnings Grad School High Salary Find a Better Job Work Get a Raise and

7 Other Notes Chance node branches need to be mutually exclusive/exhaustive Only one can happen, all covered “One and only one can occur” Timing of decisions along the way influences how trees are drawn (left to right) As with NPV, sensitivity analysis, etc, should be able to do these by hand before resorting to software tools. and

8 Solving Decision Trees
We read/write them left to right, but “solve” them right to left. Because we need to know expected values of options before choosing. Calculate values for chance nodes Picking best option at decision nodes We typically make trees with “expected value” or NPV or profit as our consequence Thus, as with BCA, we choose highest value. and

9 Texaco vs. Pennzoil 12-706 and 73-359 Settlement Amount ($ Billion)
Accept $2 Billion 2 Texaco Accept $5 Billion 5 (0.17) (0.5) (0.33) (0.2) (0.3) Counteroffer $5 Billion Final Court Decision 10.3 5 Texaco Refuses Counteroffer Texaco Counteroffer $3 Billion Final Court Decision 10.3 5 Refuse Accept $3 Billion 3 and

10 To Solve the Tree Solve from right to left:
At chance node multiply monetary value to probability and add them. At choice node choose highest value. EMV for Simple Texaco vs. Pennzoil Tree: $4.63 Billion and

11 Risk Profiles Risk profile shows a distribution of possible payoffs associated with particular strategies. A strategy is what you plan to do going in to the decision. Holds your plans constant, allows chances to occur Only eliminate things YOU wouldn’t do, not things “they” might not do. Its not just finding the NPV of a branch. and

12 Risk Profiles (cont.) Let’s think about the “subset” of the Texaco decision tree where we are only curious about the uncertainty/risk profile associated with various strategies to consider. These represent the riskiness of each option There are only 3 “decision strategies” in the base Texaco case: Accept the $2 billion offer (topmost branch of 1st dec. node) Counteroffer $5 Billion, but plan to refuse counteroffer (lower branch of 1st node, upper branch of second) Counteroffer $5B, but plan to accept counteroffer (lower branch of both decision nodes) How many decision strategies are there in general for a tree? Count based on the number of decision nodes! In this case, we have 2 nodes. Thus 3 strategy options. and

13 Texaco vs. Penzoil, Again
Risk profile for “Accept $2 Billion” is obvious - get $2B with 100% chance. and

14 Risk Profile Texaco Counteroffer, accept $3 billion
Below is just the part of original tree to consider when calculating the risk profile: Counteroffer $5 Billion Texaco $3 Billion Texaco Accept $5 Billion 5 Texaco Refuses Final Court Decision 10.3 Accept $3 Billion 3 (0.17) (0.5) (0.33) (0.2) (0.3) and

15 Texaco vs. Pennzoil, continued

16 Cumulative Risk Profiles
Graphs of cumulative distributions Percent chance that “payoff is less than x” and

17 Dominance To pick between strategies, it is useful to have rules by which to eliminate options Let’s construct an example - assume minimum “court award” expected is $2.5B (instead of $0). Now there are no “zero endpoints” in the decision tree. and

18 Dominance Example CRP below for 2 strategies shows “Accept $2 Billion” is dominated by the other. If there is a value x such that the chance of the payoff being less than x is 100% in alternative B and the chance of payoff being less than x in alternative A is 0%, then B is dominated by A. Graphically: Continue the the vertical line where alternative A laves 0%. If that vertical lines meets with 100% for Alternative B, then A dominates B. and

19 Next Class Multi-Attribute Decision Making.
Multi-Objective Programming. Value of Information. Homework Due. and

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