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Research Prediction Games in Infinitely Rich Worlds Omid Madani Yahoo! Research.

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1 Research Prediction Games in Infinitely Rich Worlds Omid Madani Yahoo! Research

2 Research “Rather, the formation and use of categories is the stuff of experience.” Philosophy in the Flesh, Lakoff and Johnson.

3 Research Motivation Higher intelligence requires myriad inter-related categories How can such be acquired? Programming them unlikely to be successful: Limits of our explicit knowledge Unknown/unfamiliar domains Making the system operational..

4 Research Learn? … How? “Supervised” learning likely inadequate: Required: ~millions of categories and beyond.. Billions of weights, and beyond.. Inaccessible “knowledge” (see last slide!) Other approaches are fall short (incomplete, etc): clustering, RL, active learning, etc..

5 Research This Work: An Exploration An avenue: “prediction games in infinitely rich worlds” Exciting part: World provides unbounded learning opportunity! (world is the teacher!) World enjoys many regularities (e.g. “hierarchical”)

6 Research This Work Describe the setting The games, categories, … Discuss: Desiderata/constraints Some of the many challenges/problems Preliminary system/observations..

7 Research The Game Repeat Hide part(s) of the stream Predict (use context) Update Move on Goal: predict better... (subject to constraints) In the process: categories at different levels of abstraction learned Some details: what parts to hide? How much context? What order?

8 Research In a Nutshell Prediction System …. 0011101110000…. After a While predict observe & update Prediction System observe & update predict low level categories higher level categories (bigger chunks) (bits, characters, edges,…) (e.g. words, digits, phrases, phone numbers, faces, visual objects, home pages, sites,…)

9 Research Example of Games (text).. d?an.. System predictions (ranked or assigned probabilities, or.. ) “r” “e” “o” … I ? my bike to school.

10 Research Categories Building blocks of intelligence? Patterns that frequently occur External Internal.. Useful for predicting other categories! They can have structure/regularities 1.Composition (~conjunctions) of others 2.Grouping (~disjunctions)

11 Research Categories Low level examples: 0 and 1 or characters Provided to the system Higher levels: Sequence of k bits Words Phrases Regular expressions Phone number, contact info, resume,...

12 Research Prediction Objective Desirable: learn higher level categories (bigger/abstract categories are useful externally) Question: how does this relate to improving predictions? 1.Higher level categories improve “context” and can save memory 2.Bigger, save time in playing the game (categories are atomic)

13 Research Goal (evaluation criterion) Number of bits (characters) correctly predicted per unit time (or per prediction action) Subject to constraints (space, time,..) How about entropy/perplexity? Categories are structured..

14 Research Desiderata/Challenges/Issues Lots of data! Efficiency: space and time! Noise: Statistical insignificance Significance, but for short time.. Variety (need for abstraction) Drift (e.g. developments within system) Motivate: (primarily) online algorithms/systems

15 Research Desiderata/Challenges Why need for “system”s? Multiple algorithms/parts needed Persistence Long term learning: how can we make sure noise/errors do not accumulate? Control of the input stream..

16 Research Why Now? Many category learning is possible/efficient! Online Noise tolerant Expectation: other problems are solvable..

17 Research Preliminary Report Work in Progress! Plays the game in text Begins at character level No segmentation, just a stream Makes and predicts larger sequences (composition)

18 Research Preliminary Observations Ran on Reuters RCV1 (text body) ( simply zcat dir/file* ) 800k articles >= 150 million learning/prediction episodes Over 10 million categories built 3-4 hours each pass

19 Research Observations Performance on held out (one of the Reuters files): 8-9 characters long to predict on average Almost two characters correct on average, per prediction action Can overfit/memorize! (long categories) Current: stop category generation in first pass

20 Research

21 Research Current/Future Much work: Learn groupings Recognize/use “syntactic” categories? Prediction objective is ok? Category generation.. What’s a good method? Compare: language modeling, etc

22 Research Much Related Work! Online learning, clustering, deep learning, Bayesian methods, hierarchical learning, importance of predictions (“On Intelligence”, “natural computations”), models of neocortex (“circuits of the mind”), concepts (“big book of concepts”), cumulative learning, neural nets, compression, learning an index of categories!

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